Call to Arms

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The Myste-Hass Calender


Youtube Recording

Berticus meets with 'Til and Reinhold at the Tower of Dariss. Berticus has worries about the state of affairs in his absence.
Fred, Dagur and Gunthar Wagglebrand are enjoying bacon sandwiches and goat's milk at the cafe.
Ulborin is chatting with some Helvettian soldiers, discussing how a women, Olive, turned into a bear and entered the column within the basement of the Tower of Dariss.
Reinhold and Fred clean out Jack's tent which is filthy.
Dagur spots some lizardfolk against the Notice Post. One of the lizards has a potato on his head and the other throwing knives at the potato. Reinhold is angry at the reckless behaviour.
The group coalesces and heads outside to find Lori. Here they see a Helvettian soldier leaning against his spear. Dagur attempts to discipline the man, but it turns out he is undead and attacks the group. They discover a number of dead Helvettians hidden behind a tent, one of which was undead.
Following blood trails, the group discover the Helvettian guards who had been watching the column in the cave dead. They meet an old man whittling wood, who informs them that he saw an armoured warrior heading back towards the exit. However, on seeing the man's eyes, it appears they are white and he quickly informs his master that "they're onto you." Renhold kills the old man.
Helvettian guards at the base of the Tower of Dariss try to dissuade Berticus from ascending the steps. Their eyes are also white. Berticus rides J'esus up the stairs towards the tower proper, but two undead Helvettian guards level their spears at him. Berticus is unhorses and nearly falls down the ravine.
Reinhold uses sending to message Corym, informing him that "The tower is falling. The Helvettians are undead."
In the tower, they go into the bunk room and find it empty. There is blood on three of the beds. Reinhold is keen to go downstairs, think that the enemy may be here to access the hidden Genai Stones. However, Reinhold's familiar, Gremlin, discovers that the intruder has gone upstairs. Reinhold races up, followed by the others, including Lori.
In his head, Reinhold hears the voice of Bern. "There is someone up here", she warns, and Reinhold warns her to stay in her room.
From the main temple room, the group hear voices. Susnos stands next to the alter. Ardanath Cross stands not far from her.

"I have looked for you for so long. Why do you hide?" says Ardanath.
"This is not how it meant to be."
"I've seen you so many times. In dreams and sometimes..." mutters Susnos.
"It does not matter that you've been hidden from me. I have found you now."

Reinhold attempts to lock Ardanath in with a magic circle. On seeing the group Ardanath goes to the alter and rips of the cover, taking the Genai Stone from within. Berticus uses the necklace of disarming to blast the stone from the death knight's hand. Dagur picks up the stone and tries to run away. Ardanath picks up Susnos and, breaking the stain glass window, goes to throw her out. Reinhold casts banishment on Susnos.
Ardanath holds person on Berticus and demands to know who the spell casters are. He then attacks the spell casters one by one.
Meanwhile, undead Helvettians are rushing from the upper levels. Lori goes to hold them off and Gunthar greases the corridoor and sets fire to it, holding off the horde of undead.
Ardanath takes down Ulborin, Berticus and [Dagur]]. But, Susnos has not returned. He turns on Reinhold. Some are healed, and the group run into the corridoor. Ardanath breaks the banishment.
Bern says, I can get us out of here, but it has to be to Anglan.
Reinhold runs to Susnos and gives her a potion of climbing, telling her to climb out of the window and down the tower.
Berticus decapitates Ardanath with a divine smite.