Elven Motto

From Into the Wilds Wiki
In many ways, elven society is founded on the ideology of being pure. This means that there are strict conventions over what is defined as civilised behavior, cultural standards and morally correct. These unspoken rules permeate every part of life on the elven homeland of Nadarr. Though the elven colonies, such as Dalcimeer and the Elven Quarter of Myste-Hass, are adapting more rapidly with the wider world, these rigid values are still integral parts of elven living. Elves that do not follow this code are typically raised elsewhere, or viewed as abnormal to fellow elves and even to humans who have come to expect elitism from most elves.

Elven Architecture

The buildings in both Dalcimeer and Nadarr are very decorative in design, but constructed so seamlessly with the natural elements that the beauty is sometimes lost on anyone other than by elves themselves. In many cases, the houses have been grown from the land.

Elven Spirits

Elves live extremely lengthy lives, and, some believe, that they continue on even after death.
When an elf reaches the end of their life, rituals are performed to transfer their essence into the land, effectively allowing them to become part of the elements that feed Tempress.
In very rare occasions, these elven spirits are then harnessed to create magical power. King Myloch had his greatest mages and shipwrights perform this feat to create the Windrunner. Magical weapons forged by the elves contain spirits. The eldest and wisest of the elves typically create the most powerful effects. Though a tradition that has been in place for many centuries and favours the goddess Alaie, the elven treatment of souls is detested by Garr.
Elven souls that are transferred into nature enhance the environment. They help nourish the lands, the plants and the air. In subtle ways, they may even influence their surroundings with the knowledge that they once possessed. For instance, a waterfall may take on a coloured hue, a trees leaves may change colour or a tree may grow into a grand building with no cuttings, all shaped by elves of generations past.

Elven Politics

The eleven nations are ruled by the eight families, which most

:Positions in Nadarr are sought through elections. Commonly the eldest of the family receives the vote.
Elven Society:
  • Quiet to others and not volatile; would rather play the roll of mediators ( Their army however is still active and trains daily with the ritual dance for its warriors)
  • Magic is natural and elemental, and those who practice it are looked upon with great respect as they can use their art more when they move on to mould the surrounding elements.
  • Their history plays a very large part of their culture; they learn very important lessons from their past. They also studied intensely the history of other cultures so they may learn how they will affect the ever evolving Elven race.
  • Combat is taught as an art form, a oneness with the mind and body. Its more like a display than combat. The best fighters honour the “Dance”, known as Nesquidar, performed at sunrise each day.
  • The true houses of Nadarr believe in Pure blood - there is to be no contamination of the race. Royalty is especially particular in its breeding, as it wants and believes in a pure strain.
  • Mixed marriages are completely outlawed.
  • High ranking marriages are always arranged.