Genasari Has Fallen

From Into the Wilds Wiki

The Myste-Hass Calender


Adventurers follow up on a notice board request, heading out to a farm at the southern edge of the north woods. Harris Farm appears to specialise in dairy cows and cattle.
A short man, skin deeply tanned answers the painted door. He looks as though he may have had a stroke at some point because only half of gappy-toothed face moves.
The man invites the adventurers in and asks about the skills of those applying for his notice. His task involves sending the group north into the mountains to locate a magical device. A friend of his is keen to find the item. He presents a sketch of the device, but he seems unsure what it actually does or the exact proportions and description of the device. He knows that it should be found beneath the ground in a cavern. The artifact is magical, but he has no clear picture of what it does.
The device is lost in an abandoned settlement, Genasari, that was one of the first to fall to Morthel's attacks. The man draws a map that offers a rough guide to find the abandoned settlement.
His friend, Ben, was badly mutilated by Ravaran. He is the one looking for the device. Ben was a magic user, but he no longer has hands or a tongue limited all his arcane abilities. Harris informs the group that Ben has been doing a lot of sketching since his mutilation, but the quality is very poor at best.