Bern's Body

From Into the Wilds Wiki

The Myste-Hass Calender

Youtube Recordings

06/04/21 - 13/04/21 - 20/04/21 - 29/04/21 - 04/05/21 - 11/05/21

The group assembles in the Temple of the People and discusses the mission with Enzo and Talos. Then the group heads off to Gatok’s Hut, where Bern informs the group that there is an artifact which may help regrow her body. The group agrees to search for this item, and, holding the mace, Bern teleports them to Anglan. They immediately encounter a group of bearded devils killing “chicken” like devil creatures. Dramos talks with these individuals, deceiving them and then the group move on into a canyon where they’re assaulted by giant magma wasps. Continuing on, the party sees a chain devil torturing some giant creature. Chains burst from the ground seizing Dramos and the group must fight the devil and his hounds. The giant also attacks the group, before Rasvyn separates the beast with a wall of force and it takes to the skies as a thick mist. A hideous tentacle creature approaches the party and Talos reads his thoughts, determining he had memories of Skaeon and an older woman. Eventually, Rasvyn dispels the magic, disabling the creature. Moving into the clearing, the group assess their options - taking note of a cathedral city under attack from armoured tieflings. Noticing a party of Anglan riders fleeing the city, the group decide to intercept. Moving toward Anglan proper the group is chased down by three giant, eight-legged creatures. Entering the city, the party is halted by robed individuals who question the identities of the group. They take the adventurers to the White Woman, Lady Serena, who shares much knowledge and expresses her hate for Fate worshippers. They rest and, in the morning, head out towards the worm’s lair. Falmore joins them at the entrance, forcing the group to disclose Dramos’ true identity and the magical abilities of the spellcasters. Inside, a lightning creature ambushes the group, almost killing Talos. A huge abomination appears deeper into the complex, whilst some of the adventurers fighting this monstrosity, the worm strikes, swallowing Gartok and killing him. When Harbinger finally fells the beast, Gartok is revivified. Moving into the chamber full of treasure, a voice appears on the air, threatening anyone who attempts to take the treasure or urn. Gartok takes the mace towards The Urn and Bern moves towards the vase. The group rests in the entrance to the cave and then a fight occurs with Falmore, causing the knight to leave. Corym approaches the deployment of Anglan troops, and the groups head into the settlement. Inside the cathedral stands a young female Harbinger, the Bishop of Tempress and the demon Skaeon. Skaeon has the ability to turn some of the attacking Anglan soldiers into albino demon-like creatures. The young Harbinger is tough, but eventually Dramos casts a spell that causes her to wither. Inside, Skaeon attempts to take Gartok down and then fly away, before Harbinger leaps up and decapitates him. Brief words are shared with the leader of the Anglan knights, the Harbinger’s body is stripped and then Bern transports the party back to The Stone Circle near her hut.