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==[[The Myste-Hass Calender]]==
==[[The Myste-Hass Calender]]==
===Youtube Recordings===
===Youtube Recordings===

Latest revision as of 12:47, 7 February 2023

The Lighthouse.jpg

The Myste-Hass Calender

Youtube Recordings



Crassus heads to The Dregs to seek out Pellis and Gleson in order to discuss the crewing of the Dead Man's Raft. Pellis had already assembled a handful of prospective crew members: Tebin, Jasar, Robin, Susan and Gurtin. Pellis and Gleson bicker, Crassus seeking to maintain balance between the two. With their affairs in order, Crassus heads off with Gleson to the temple of Alaie in order to have his limbs restored. They are greeted there by the priest, Bedenor. After securing the restoration, Crassus offers a prayer to Alaie and hears her voice, urging him to pray at the temple more often.
Alfred, Lucius, Opal and Quinn meet with Law Master Boro in The Halls to discuss the undertaking of liberating the Lighthouse. Quinn detours briefly on the way in in order to drop off a potted plant in Eliza Fallstaff's office. Crassus arrives late to the meeting. As they introduce themselves and discuss the issue, Goraz arrives. It transpires that Lucien the lighthouse keeper has been murdered, the timing of which is rather suspicious. Alfred proposes the destruction of the bowl, Lucius adds that they should worry about the retrieval before they worry about what to do with it. Suspicious of all the council members they have interacted with on this issue so far, Alfred opts to visit Geoffrey to discuss the murder of Lucien before heading out.
The group eventually set out towards the Lighthouse, as they get closer a body can be seen floating in the sea. Mindful of the followers of Verru's ability to summon water elementals with the bowl, they decide not to risk themselves too close to the waters edge. Arriving at the Lighthouse, they conduct a thorough search of the premises, it looks like someone has roughly searched the place, and the bodies of the previously slain aldanni have been recovered. They carefully head down the ladder that leads to the caverns below, Crassus taking the lead and clearing the ladder for the others. Once at the bottom, Crassus and Alfred press straight in to the first room of the caverns, Lucius, Opal and Quinn cautiously remain in the landing area. As Alfred and Crassus press further in, a large wave rises in the landing area and slams down on Lucius, Opal and Quinn, bearing a water elemental down upon them. The initial impact drops Lucius, but he is quickly brought back round by Crassus. Meanwhile an aldanni cannons through the far door in to the room, bearing down upon Alfred and Crassus. Alfred deftly fells the aldanni, allowing him and Crassus to head on in to the next chamber where it came from while Lucius, Opal and Quinn hold the water elemental at bay.
At the far end of the next chamber, four prisoners remain. An aldanni and a chull wait in ambush for Alfred and Crassus. As they grapple with their opponents, another aldani comes out of a further door, grapping one of the captives and dragging them away to be sacrificed. In the other room, the water elemental wears down Opal, knocking her to the ground. Crassus entangles the aldanni with the captive, preventing it from reaching the room it came from. Using his ring of the mists, Crassus misty steps across the room and leaps through the door that the aldanni was attempting to reach with its captive. Concurrently, the water elemental takes down Quinn, leaving only Lucius standing in the first room.
The magical bowl lies before Crassus in the final room. As he grabs it from its blood soaked pedestal, the water elemental in the first room dissipates. As he remerges, Alfred dispatches another aldanni, and heads back to stabilise Opal. With the final use of his ring of the mists, Crassus once more misty steps across the room and frees the remaining prisoners. In frustration the aldanni decapitates the captive in its grasp, and the chull kills two more as they attempt to flee. Only a sole captive makes it out alive. Entangling the chull, Crassus heads out to the others as Alfred is stabilising Quinn. After healing their fallen party members, the group retreat back to the ladder, felling the final aldanni in the cavern. As they escape back up the ladder, the chull can be heard snapping at the ladder behind them.
The rescued sailor is escorted back to town as they leave the Lighthouse. The group return to Law Master Boro in The Halls to inform him of their success in retrieving the bowl.