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==[[The Myste-Hass Calender]]==
==[[The Myste-Hass Calender]]==
Meanwhile, an elf bumps into a few of the more established adventurers in town, leaving an invite with them. A few newcomers arrive and find invites blowing through the streets. Following up on these invites, they find a warehouse which hosts a secret. A deal was made with an official from the Church of [[:Category:Fate|Fate]]. A young lady asking for help to find her husband, is ignored by most.
Meanwhile, an elf bumps into a few of the more established adventurers in town, leaving an invite with them. A few newcomers arrive and find invites blowing through the streets. Following up on these invites, they find a warehouse which hosts a secret. A deal was made with an official from the Church of [[:Category:Fate|Fate]]. A young lady asking for help to find her husband, is ignored by most.

An invitation is received by [[Reinhold]] to the Warehouse to discuss his offer, options are presented and choices made. The group collects some debts for services or loans made. The party collects one debt in full but decimates the patrons of the newly opened [[Sun and Stars]] in the [[Western Docks]], as [[Otogi]] accuses people around him of stealing his gold. Another new face comes to town, [[Elvgor]].
[[Tenpenny]] was pick pocketing and caused a brawl outside [[The Weary Sailor]]. The person was knocked out but left alive. Two more newcomers made their presence known, members of the underground societies ([[Uzdreg]] and [[Garrett]]). A plan is made to get into the warehouse and get invitations, but something goes awry and a grievous crime is committed. More fights and gambling occur inside the warehouse. [[Elvgor]] disappears from [[Myste-Hass]].
[[Reinhold]] and [[Roxy]] return to [[Warehouse 49]], with [[Itztli]] and another newcomer to [[Myste-Hass]] who has been thrown off a boat, [[Ehecatal|Til]]. Some fights are had, some gambling is done and a few secrets found are out. [[Reinhold]] makes an offer to the owner of the establishment.
In town, [[Nala]] is taken for a meal and discusses the disappearance of her lost husband with [[Golden Standard]] and [[Mystic]]. They make their way to [[Warehouse 49]], and a deal is made with the owner. The adventurers are then taken on a long journey. Finally, they arrive on [[Urruhan]], an island some distance off the coast. Harpies die this day alongside a newcomer, [[Sal T'Nuts]].
===11/02/20 – 18/02/20===
[[Uzdreg]] gathers a group of individuals to help fulfil a contract he’s recently formed with [[Lahoto]]. [[Uzdreg]] lures the adventurers in with a promise of gold, without knowing the full details. A meeting at the warehouse provides more information - retrieve items on the list, and bring them back on the list for coin, in order to fulfil orders.
[[Kellen]] is recognised by the [[Golden Standard]]. They venture into the sewers, where packs of rats from for fresh food. [[Gaius]], a newcomer to town nearly falls. Eventually the party makes it to [[Urruhan]], but most of the group turn back to [[Myste-Hass]].
[[Larc]] returns after a long quest. [[Uzdreg]] has been asked to come to [[Warehouse 49]] as a job is waiting. Some personal belongings of the owners have been stolen; [[Uzdreg]] is asked to retrieve them. They find the establishment of the Warehouse’s business rivals and try to infiltrate. [[Ranthor]] tries to leave by an exit he didn't come in through, and a fight ensues. The adventurers flee, none the wiser to the whereabouts of the goods and nothing is reported back to the owner of 49.
:After receiving their contracts, [[Kay-Tee]], [[Uzdreg]], [[Castiel]] and [[Lazrus]] overhear some drums in the street. They meet with a small gnome, [[Dr Baum]], who is playing the drum. [[Castiel]] asks the gnome to stop and breaks his drum when he refuses. A bronze dragonborn, [[Apollo]], provides him with another drum and they perform for the crowd. Meanwhile, [[Lazrus]] attempts to pick pocket someone in the crowd and then is chased by [[Uzdreg]] disguised as a guard and a paladin of Garr, [[Serina]].
:After receiving their contracts, [[Kay-Tee]], [[Uzdreg]], [[Castiel]] and [[Lazrus]] overhear some drums in the street. They meet with a small gnome, [[Dr Baum]], who is playing the drum. [[Castiel]] asks the gnome to stop and breaks his drum when he refuses. A bronze dragonborn, [[Apollo]], provides him with another drum and they perform for the crowd. Meanwhile, [[Lazrus]] attempts to pick pocket someone in the crowd and then is chased by [[Uzdreg]] disguised as a guard and a paladin of Garr, [[Serina]].
:Uzdreg convinced Lazarus to bring the dragonborn into the group via a drinking competition. Meanwhile, the others convince the gnome and the paladin of Garr to join us. The group set off from the [[Moon and Stars Tavern]]. The dragonborn drinks a lot of water from the magical fountain.
:Uzdreg convinced Lazarus to bring the dragonborn into the group via a drinking competition. Meanwhile, the others convince the gnome and the paladin of Garr to join us. The group set off from the [[Moon and Stars Tavern]]. The dragonborn drinks a lot of water from the magical fountain.
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:Post fight, Uzdreg insists on scouting out the inside of the mountainside where cart tracks run inside and the rock faces are invisible. There are guttural sounds coming from deeper in the mountainside.
:Post fight, Uzdreg insists on scouting out the inside of the mountainside where cart tracks run inside and the rock faces are invisible. There are guttural sounds coming from deeper in the mountainside.
:The group retreats, clearing away the bodies and covering the blood crudely with dust and mud. They head out of the mountainside and move back into the hills some distance away and set up a small camp without a fire to rest.
:The group retreats, clearing away the bodies and covering the blood crudely with dust and mud. They head out of the mountainside and move back into the hills some distance away and set up a small camp without a fire to rest.
:[[Uzdreg]] takes [[Mary]] on a date, whilst [[Castiel]] and [[Kay-Tee]] get drunk at the bar. [[Uzdreg]] shows her how to use his crossbow, which she immediately misfires. At the [[Star Inn]], the order food.
:[[Larc]] and [[Garton]] arrive on the [[Pride and Honour]] ship from [[Myste-Hass]]. The captain of the ship is [[Salazar]]. It is evening, but the docks are extremely busy as the pair head to the [[Moon Inn]].
:[[Larc]] hears muffled voices from a [[pirate hat]] that Larc has stored in his rucksack.
:[[Garton]] hears a atmospheric singing all around him, then the memory fades.
:Whilst looking for food, [[Kay-Tee]] sees blood on the back door of the kitchen. Opening the door, there is blood trailing out into the street. The group gathers, [[Mary]] having to be distracted from seeing the blood, and follow the blood to a main street near the Temple of Garr.
:Inside, [[Uzdreg]] hears a creepy voice whilst touch the alter in the temple. The voice, presumably [[Garr]], asks [[Uzdregg]] to bring him the souls of the sea elves.
:[[Nodram]] appears in the alley, creepily. Some of the adventurers climb onto the rooves to chase him when he walks away, not in the direction of the Temple of Garr. He had said he had temple duties.
:In the morning, the group don't remember about the blood. Those of the group who had been here for a while don't remember the landlord.
:[[Mary]] reveals that the mint liqueur from the night before is their strongest drink and is supposed to be diluted.
:The hungover party have breakfast. [[Castiel]] leaves some money from his tab behind the bar and then they head out to [[Urrhan]]. The gates are closed as the group attempt to leave town. The guard demands for paperwork to be allowed out because there has been a bunch of activity from orcs and goblins in the valley. The captain is a real stickler, refusing the exit of the group even when a bribe and false name, Mr Smith and Retinue, are offered. Eventually, [[Uzdreg]] ups the bribe to 25gp and a bottle of whiskey. The captain lets the group out.
:In the valley, there is dust in the air and plenty of orc and goblin footprints. A goblin, speaking common, runs into [[Uzdreg]] who is scouting ahead and tells him to go back the shaman if he's hurt because of the cubes.
:Rocks tumble down from the mountainside and hurt those trailing behind. Orcs emerge ahead and threaten [[Uzdreg]], demanding his tribe. They say that they're from Red Face. There is a confrontation of insults, then they run past [[Uzdreg]]. They run into the rest of the party. During the combat that ensues, [[Breakfast]] is skewed by a misfired arrow from [[Castiel]].
:In the final throes of the fight, [[Kay-Tee]] is knocked unconscious and the largest of the orcs is able to get away from the fight. [[Kay-Tee]] is saved, and the group loot the bodies. [[Castiel]] still has a hex which allows him to feel the orc who ran for a further six hours. He moves deeper into the right hand side of the valley complex.
:They mangle the corpse of the orc with the Red Face marks, burning him.
:Shadows move in the dust as we press through the valley. Remnants of orcs, goblins and a stone giant arm are seen amongst the rocks. Emerging on the other side of the valley, the adventurers emerge in the undulating hills. Continuing on for most of the day, the group arrive in [[Urruhan]].
:The guards are wearing fancy, ceremonial dress on the walls of [[Urruhan]]. The group secure lodgings at the [[Moon and Star Inn]], to clean up in prepartion for meeting [[Lahoto]]. They send a message to their employer asking whether he wants to meet in the morning or later that day.
:As [[Garton]] and [[Larc]] look into the port they see the [[Pride and Honour]] in the docks.
:The group wakes in the [[Moon and Stars Inn]].
:[[Torvial]], the barkeeper, stands behind the bar. Our lodgings and food/drink are paid for in advance, by the adventurers employer. [[Torvial]] is a spell caster of some description.
:The code name the adventurers give [[Lahoto]] is Mr Lemon.
:The little goblin, [[Grimbold]] comes to collect the adventurers - [[Uzdreg]], [[Lazarus]], [[Kay-Tee]], [[Garton]], [[Castiel]] and [[Dr Baum]]. The goblin says that [[Breakfast]] isn't allowed to come, [[Torvial]] casts calm emotions on the pig, [[Garton]] and the pig.
:Meanwhile, [[Borog]] sits in [[Lahoto]]'s office with his father. [[Lahoto]] questions the lad on his abilities and the kid admits he has magical abilities that he struggles to control.
:[[Grimbold]] takes the group to a massive warehouse and up to [[Lahoto]]'s office. Mr Lemon says that the contract is an ongoing job.
:There is an ongoing issues with the [[Pride and Honour]]. The captain is called [[Salazar]]. Someone had their brain sucked out on a previous voyage. Also, there is disobedience amongst the crew.
:[[Borog]] says he was raised by his human father in [[Myth Water]], not knowing his orcish mother. His mother gave him the traditional orcish name.
:The docks in [[Myste-Hass]] are run by others at the moment, so they want to reopen the tunnels to prevent having to travel in by boat. They have golems clearing the rubble in the tunnels.
:One of [[Lahoto]]'s contacts have gone quiet in [[Genasari]].
:[[Dr Baum]] starts dancing involuntarily.
:The highest priority in [[Lahoto]]'s mind is [[Goraz]] and [[Dooraz]], he needs information on these individuals - the more the better. Contacts, businesses they own, where they are from and who they know. [[Lahoto]] suspects that at least one of them is restricting his business.
:[[Lahoto]] says that he will settle the debt to the temple of [[Garr]] in [[Grenhome]].
:[[Lahoto]] is tasked with keeping an eye on [[Borog]].
:Most of the group go to the warehouse shop. Along with other essentials, [[Kay-Tee]] purchases a red, silken bowler hat. [[Uzdreg]] tries on a magical tricorn in blue, with a golden trim and a red peacock feather. [[Castiel]] tries to trade a blue sapphire for the hat. [[Castiel]] goes outside, trying to weave some feathers from his arrows into the hat.
:[[Lazarus]] lurks outside, then picks someone's pocket as the group moves towards the docks. It fails when [[Lazarus]] accidentally cuts the man's leg. Guards run in and [[Lazarus]] is forced to run for 20 minutes until he loses the guards. The victim gives a rough description of a street urchin similar to [[Lazarus]] to the guard who heads to the town hall, another man heads to the warehouse.
:The militia are guarding the walls for the docks, wearing ceremonial dress. The [[Pride and Honour]] is the smallest ship in the dock. Its figurehead is a squid, with tentacles wrapping around the boat, and it boasts black sails.
:[[Castiel]] gives gold, and [[Borog]] name drops [[Lahoto]] to get the captain.
:[[Lazarus]] talks to the sailor, [[Frank]], about [[Myste-Hass]].
:[[Uzdreg]] hears a voice in his head. Its an old man talking about the sea. Its a sentient hat. He seems to be unaware that he is a hat.
:The adventurers follow [[Salazar]] into his cabin. [[Uzdreg]] wants copies of the manifests. There have been three 'brain-sucking incidents'. They were out at sea when these incidents happened. The first time happened on the way from [[Urrhan]] to [[Myste-Hass]], then on a journey back. The third happened somewhere the captain won't disclaim. They all occurred at night, but in different locations. [[Salazar]] says the crew has changed between each incident, changing up all twenty crew members.
:[[Salazar]] is quite bolshie and not frightened of [[Lahoto]].
:[[Castiel]] casts suggestion on [[Salazar]]. He then admits he was in the open seas, travelling to an island near the equator. He explains that they import a lot of magical items which they don't declare, but no livestock or eggs. Yet, he doesn't check the stock he takes.
:[[Borog]] explores beneath the deck and notices a lot of the goods on board are marked 'J.P.' Others are marked with the number '49'. Looking around, he finds no blood in the crew's hammocks. But, he prises up a loose plank on the floor, replacing it better than before.
:The crew acts very strange when the incidents happen. They start disagreeing with orders, doing nothing, staring out to sea, and acting very odd. It usually starts every four - six months. It's already started.
:[[Uzdreg]], disguised as the captain, is aided by [[Borog]] to open a J.P. barrels, but it's only filled with apples.
:Then there is a pitta patta of rats, glowing purple rats.
:Meanwhile, the captain reveals that something popped out of his old first mate, a rat erupted from his neck.
:Combat erupts as the group set upon the rat. As [[Borog]] casts a spell, a beard of feathers grows on his face.
:A tough fight occurs, with the party all struggling not to be taken down. Eventually, they clear the deck of glowing rats, but one had definitely run to the lower deck. The group lock in, chasing the remaining rats to the deck below.
:The adventurers head down the stairs to the bottom level of the [[Pride and Honour]]. There are unlabelled boxes.
:[[Uzdreg]] speaks to the old man in his hat, then ignores his rumbling about being a captain.
:[[Castiel]] opens up one of the crates and finds coins within.
:[[Lazarus]] hears an unusual clacking on the floor at one far end of the boat. He squeezes through narrow gaps in crates to see what's beyond.
:Meanwhile, something kills [[Quasi]] with two claws, as the creature crawls around the ship as a centipede.
:[[Kay-Tee]] leaps up and knocks down some crates, looking beyond. THen he moves down, and [[Garton]] leaps up to look beyond with his smaller frame. He squeezes through the gaps in the crates, seeing nothing.
:On the other end of the ship, [[Castiel]] and [[Lazarus]] hear a murmur in his head says - "Don't come closer." The creature said he is doing research, and needs friendship and eyes everywhere. He has been on board for months.
:[[Lazarus]] peeks and sees two glowing orbs around 10ft from the ground. The creature says, "leave this ship or your friend will die." He is a tall being, hovering above the ground, with tentacles on his face and two purple eyes.
:The creature is aware of who the adventurers work for.
:Another brain runs up behind [[Castiel]]. Then the other creature speaks privately to [[Castiel]]. [[Gurts]] and [[Frankus]] were the last individuals sent to deal with the creature.
:[[Borog]] looks into another cabin behind, venturing in, and then feels a tiny brain with legs stabbing towards his leg. He then falls unconscious, his intelligence reduced to 0.
:[[Kay-Tee]] runs up the stairs and tries to move [[Borog]], but a voice warns the monk not to move him. So, he gives the man a healing potion instead. He then moves to stand over [[Borog]]'s body. The brain slowly extends his tongue.
:[[Dr Baum]] is searching for the brain which killed [[Quasi]]; so, the creature flies, fitting through very small spaces, towards [[Dr Baum]].
:[[Uzdreg]] moves into the room with [[Kay-Tee]] and opens a chest, throwing out clothing.
:The name [[Ishildeer]] comes to [[Borog]]'s empty mind.
:[[Garton]] heads up to the top deck and knocks on the captain's cabin. Opening the door, he sees the captain lay on the floor behind his desk. He moves in and takes the key for the captain's desk, opening a draw and taking a map with a number of notable locations on. He also finds a potion of healing, a bunch of letters from or too [[Salazar]] and a bag of gems. Looking in a nearby cabinet he see unusal items, but cannot open the door with keys he has. [[Garton]] then heads to a chest.
:[[Garton]] heals the captain, takes his sword and then hides behind the door.
:The creature asks [[Castiel]] about the deal he wants to make. He says that the town is his domain and he is researching these lands. [[Castiel]] claims that [[Lahoto]] would have many resources he'd be willing to trade for the creature to move on.
:[[Dr Baum]] sees the creatures and screams out until [[Castiel]] casts suggestion on him, forcing him to relax.
:A voice comes into everyone's head, introducing himself as [[Sebress]].
:[[Uzdreg]] continues searching the room, finding a map and several contracts. Inside a locked draw is a leather bound book, with the ships name on. It is a ledger.
:The creature, [[Sebress]], is aware of [[Lahoto]]'s business and his opponents. He seems unthreatened by [[Lahoto]].
:The one brain is called [[Francus]], who was one of the investigators before.
:Tensions rise, the creature floating to the top deck and detecting our thoughts about potentially instigating a fight. [[Uzdreg]] thrusts his wrist knife into the creatures neck. He floats back, stunning half of the adventurers with physic damage. The creature uses an onslaught of attacks.
:Then, [[Borog]] hears the name [[Castiel]].
:Another brain rises up, reducing [[Castiel]]'s intelligence to 0. A mass of glowing purple rats swam towards them.
:[[Uzdreg]] is knocked unconscious by the wandering brain. But, the creature moves on him and pours a healing potion into his mouth, asking whether he surrenders. He refuses, and [[Sebress]] deals him more physic damage back to unconsciousness. At that point, his eyes lose their glow for a moment.
:[[Kay-Tee]] finally breaks the stun effect, but pretends to still be stunned.
:[[Sebress]] floats to the upper deck.
:[[Kay-Tee]] disengages from the rats and bursts for the window, leaping into the sea and falling unconscious on contact.
:Two [[Silent Stalker]]s arrive to collect the souls of [[Kay-Tee]] and [[Uzdreg]].
:[[Dr Baum]] and [[Garton]] run for the gang plank, returning briefly to get the captain and carry him off. [[Dr Baum]] sets a siren calling for help.
:[[Kay-Tee]] finds himself in an unfamiliar landscape, drawn to the light from the tower in the distance. His soul was captured by the [[Silent Stalker]] as his discarded body floats on the ocean.
:[[Dr Baum]] and [[Garton]] see a large group of illithids arrive around the boat, levitating it up and taking it away.
:When [[Kay-Tee]]'s body is recovered, his skin is grey. [[Dr Baum]] tries to do CPR, but a larger man comes in and stops him. [[Formaldo]], a worshipper of the [[Bin|creator god]] takes them to [[Lahoto]] saying that he will see to [[Kay-Tee]]'s body at the temple. [[Lahoto]] is informed of what happened.
:Later, [[Lazarus]] wakes. He is chained up. He can see [[Uzdreg]], [[Castiel]] and [[Borog]] chained up as well. They have none of their belongings, arcane focuses or components. There is a pressure in the air, like they are deep underground or in the ocean. There is a purple glow in the room and the chains appear to go into the wall.
:[[Uzdreg]] dislocates one of his thumbs to free a hand. [[Lazarus]] attempts to do the same, pulling his hand free.
:[[Borog]] pulls [[Castiel]] aside and informs him that he was supposed to deliver him and three others somewhere, but he shares no more information before [[Lazarus]] and [[Uzdreg]] opens the doors. There are two ogres guarding their room. They go to leave and hear a voice in their heads, advising them not to leave. The voice they hear belongs to the great one, [[Ishildeer]]. He informs them that [[Kay-Tee]] is dead. He also admits that he wants them for research.

Latest revision as of 12:11, 18 January 2023


The Myste-Hass Calender

Warehouse49 12.jpg


Meanwhile, an elf bumps into a few of the more established adventurers in town, leaving an invite with them. A few newcomers arrive and find invites blowing through the streets. Following up on these invites, they find a warehouse which hosts a secret. A deal was made with an official from the Church of Fate. A young lady asking for help to find her husband, is ignored by most.


An invitation is received by Reinhold to the Warehouse to discuss his offer, options are presented and choices made. The group collects some debts for services or loans made. The party collects one debt in full but decimates the patrons of the newly opened Sun and Stars in the Western Docks, as Otogi accuses people around him of stealing his gold. Another new face comes to town, Elvgor.


Tenpenny was pick pocketing and caused a brawl outside The Weary Sailor. The person was knocked out but left alive. Two more newcomers made their presence known, members of the underground societies (Uzdreg and Garrett). A plan is made to get into the warehouse and get invitations, but something goes awry and a grievous crime is committed. More fights and gambling occur inside the warehouse. Elvgor disappears from Myste-Hass.


Reinhold and Roxy return to Warehouse 49, with Itztli and another newcomer to Myste-Hass who has been thrown off a boat, Til. Some fights are had, some gambling is done and a few secrets found are out. Reinhold makes an offer to the owner of the establishment.


In town, Nala is taken for a meal and discusses the disappearance of her lost husband with Golden Standard and Mystic. They make their way to Warehouse 49, and a deal is made with the owner. The adventurers are then taken on a long journey. Finally, they arrive on Urruhan, an island some distance off the coast. Harpies die this day alongside a newcomer, Sal T'Nuts.

11/02/20 – 18/02/20

Uzdreg gathers a group of individuals to help fulfil a contract he’s recently formed with Lahoto. Uzdreg lures the adventurers in with a promise of gold, without knowing the full details. A meeting at the warehouse provides more information - retrieve items on the list, and bring them back on the list for coin, in order to fulfil orders. Kellen is recognised by the Golden Standard. They venture into the sewers, where packs of rats from for fresh food. Gaius, a newcomer to town nearly falls. Eventually the party makes it to Urruhan, but most of the group turn back to Myste-Hass.


Larc returns after a long quest. Uzdreg has been asked to come to Warehouse 49 as a job is waiting. Some personal belongings of the owners have been stolen; Uzdreg is asked to retrieve them. They find the establishment of the Warehouse’s business rivals and try to infiltrate. Ranthor tries to leave by an exit he didn't come in through, and a fight ensues. The adventurers flee, none the wiser to the whereabouts of the goods and nothing is reported back to the owner of 49.


After receiving their contracts, Kay-Tee, Uzdreg, Castiel and Lazrus overhear some drums in the street. They meet with a small gnome, Dr Baum, who is playing the drum. Castiel asks the gnome to stop and breaks his drum when he refuses. A bronze dragonborn, Apollo, provides him with another drum and they perform for the crowd. Meanwhile, Lazrus attempts to pick pocket someone in the crowd and then is chased by Uzdreg disguised as a guard and a paladin of Garr, Serina.
Uzdreg convinced Lazarus to bring the dragonborn into the group via a drinking competition. Meanwhile, the others convince the gnome and the paladin of Garr to join us. The group set off from the Moon and Stars Tavern. The dragonborn drinks a lot of water from the magical fountain.
Avoiding the abandoned town, the party head toward the signs of an industrial quarry. A man is coming out with a cart of stone which the group convinces the man should be delivered to Lehoto. The group then turn away from the quarry and move toward the mountains.
Dr Baum sees a glint of metal and then Uzdreg climbs and discovers a group of orcs and goblins amongst the rocks. Some of the goblins seemingly run into the mountain and appear around the back of the ranged members of the party, taking many of the group down into unconsciousness.
Post fight, Uzdreg insists on scouting out the inside of the mountainside where cart tracks run inside and the rock faces are invisible. There are guttural sounds coming from deeper in the mountainside.
The group retreats, clearing away the bodies and covering the blood crudely with dust and mud. They head out of the mountainside and move back into the hills some distance away and set up a small camp without a fire to rest.


Uzdreg takes Mary on a date, whilst Castiel and Kay-Tee get drunk at the bar. Uzdreg shows her how to use his crossbow, which she immediately misfires. At the Star Inn, the order food.
Larc and Garton arrive on the Pride and Honour ship from Myste-Hass. The captain of the ship is Salazar. It is evening, but the docks are extremely busy as the pair head to the Moon Inn.
Larc hears muffled voices from a pirate hat that Larc has stored in his rucksack.
Garton hears a atmospheric singing all around him, then the memory fades.
Whilst looking for food, Kay-Tee sees blood on the back door of the kitchen. Opening the door, there is blood trailing out into the street. The group gathers, Mary having to be distracted from seeing the blood, and follow the blood to a main street near the Temple of Garr.
Inside, Uzdreg hears a creepy voice whilst touch the alter in the temple. The voice, presumably Garr, asks Uzdregg to bring him the souls of the sea elves.
Nodram appears in the alley, creepily. Some of the adventurers climb onto the rooves to chase him when he walks away, not in the direction of the Temple of Garr. He had said he had temple duties.
In the morning, the group don't remember about the blood. Those of the group who had been here for a while don't remember the landlord.
Mary reveals that the mint liqueur from the night before is their strongest drink and is supposed to be diluted.
The hungover party have breakfast. Castiel leaves some money from his tab behind the bar and then they head out to Urrhan. The gates are closed as the group attempt to leave town. The guard demands for paperwork to be allowed out because there has been a bunch of activity from orcs and goblins in the valley. The captain is a real stickler, refusing the exit of the group even when a bribe and false name, Mr Smith and Retinue, are offered. Eventually, Uzdreg ups the bribe to 25gp and a bottle of whiskey. The captain lets the group out.
In the valley, there is dust in the air and plenty of orc and goblin footprints. A goblin, speaking common, runs into Uzdreg who is scouting ahead and tells him to go back the shaman if he's hurt because of the cubes.
Rocks tumble down from the mountainside and hurt those trailing behind. Orcs emerge ahead and threaten Uzdreg, demanding his tribe. They say that they're from Red Face. There is a confrontation of insults, then they run past Uzdreg. They run into the rest of the party. During the combat that ensues, Breakfast is skewed by a misfired arrow from Castiel.
In the final throes of the fight, Kay-Tee is knocked unconscious and the largest of the orcs is able to get away from the fight. Kay-Tee is saved, and the group loot the bodies. Castiel still has a hex which allows him to feel the orc who ran for a further six hours. He moves deeper into the right hand side of the valley complex.
They mangle the corpse of the orc with the Red Face marks, burning him.
Shadows move in the dust as we press through the valley. Remnants of orcs, goblins and a stone giant arm are seen amongst the rocks. Emerging on the other side of the valley, the adventurers emerge in the undulating hills. Continuing on for most of the day, the group arrive in Urruhan.
The guards are wearing fancy, ceremonial dress on the walls of Urruhan. The group secure lodgings at the Moon and Star Inn, to clean up in prepartion for meeting Lahoto. They send a message to their employer asking whether he wants to meet in the morning or later that day.
As Garton and Larc look into the port they see the Pride and Honour in the docks.

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The group wakes in the Moon and Stars Inn.
Torvial, the barkeeper, stands behind the bar. Our lodgings and food/drink are paid for in advance, by the adventurers employer. Torvial is a spell caster of some description.
The code name the adventurers give Lahoto is Mr Lemon.
The little goblin, Grimbold comes to collect the adventurers - Uzdreg, Lazarus, Kay-Tee, Garton, Castiel and Dr Baum. The goblin says that Breakfast isn't allowed to come, Torvial casts calm emotions on the pig, Garton and the pig.
Meanwhile, Borog sits in Lahoto's office with his father. Lahoto questions the lad on his abilities and the kid admits he has magical abilities that he struggles to control.
Grimbold takes the group to a massive warehouse and up to Lahoto's office. Mr Lemon says that the contract is an ongoing job.
There is an ongoing issues with the Pride and Honour. The captain is called Salazar. Someone had their brain sucked out on a previous voyage. Also, there is disobedience amongst the crew.
Borog says he was raised by his human father in Myth Water, not knowing his orcish mother. His mother gave him the traditional orcish name.
The docks in Myste-Hass are run by others at the moment, so they want to reopen the tunnels to prevent having to travel in by boat. They have golems clearing the rubble in the tunnels.
One of Lahoto's contacts have gone quiet in Genasari.
Dr Baum starts dancing involuntarily.
The highest priority in Lahoto's mind is Goraz and Dooraz, he needs information on these individuals - the more the better. Contacts, businesses they own, where they are from and who they know. Lahoto suspects that at least one of them is restricting his business.
Lahoto says that he will settle the debt to the temple of Garr in Grenhome.
Lahoto is tasked with keeping an eye on Borog.
Most of the group go to the warehouse shop. Along with other essentials, Kay-Tee purchases a red, silken bowler hat. Uzdreg tries on a magical tricorn in blue, with a golden trim and a red peacock feather. Castiel tries to trade a blue sapphire for the hat. Castiel goes outside, trying to weave some feathers from his arrows into the hat.
Lazarus lurks outside, then picks someone's pocket as the group moves towards the docks. It fails when Lazarus accidentally cuts the man's leg. Guards run in and Lazarus is forced to run for 20 minutes until he loses the guards. The victim gives a rough description of a street urchin similar to Lazarus to the guard who heads to the town hall, another man heads to the warehouse.
The militia are guarding the walls for the docks, wearing ceremonial dress. The Pride and Honour is the smallest ship in the dock. Its figurehead is a squid, with tentacles wrapping around the boat, and it boasts black sails.
Castiel gives gold, and Borog name drops Lahoto to get the captain.
Lazarus talks to the sailor, Frank, about Myste-Hass.
Uzdreg hears a voice in his head. Its an old man talking about the sea. Its a sentient hat. He seems to be unaware that he is a hat.
The adventurers follow Salazar into his cabin. Uzdreg wants copies of the manifests. There have been three 'brain-sucking incidents'. They were out at sea when these incidents happened. The first time happened on the way from Urrhan to Myste-Hass, then on a journey back. The third happened somewhere the captain won't disclaim. They all occurred at night, but in different locations. Salazar says the crew has changed between each incident, changing up all twenty crew members.
Salazar is quite bolshie and not frightened of Lahoto.
Castiel casts suggestion on Salazar. He then admits he was in the open seas, travelling to an island near the equator. He explains that they import a lot of magical items which they don't declare, but no livestock or eggs. Yet, he doesn't check the stock he takes.
Borog explores beneath the deck and notices a lot of the goods on board are marked 'J.P.' Others are marked with the number '49'. Looking around, he finds no blood in the crew's hammocks. But, he prises up a loose plank on the floor, replacing it better than before.
The crew acts very strange when the incidents happen. They start disagreeing with orders, doing nothing, staring out to sea, and acting very odd. It usually starts every four - six months. It's already started.
Uzdreg, disguised as the captain, is aided by Borog to open a J.P. barrels, but it's only filled with apples.
Then there is a pitta patta of rats, glowing purple rats.
Meanwhile, the captain reveals that something popped out of his old first mate, a rat erupted from his neck.
Combat erupts as the group set upon the rat. As Borog casts a spell, a beard of feathers grows on his face.
A tough fight occurs, with the party all struggling not to be taken down. Eventually, they clear the deck of glowing rats, but one had definitely run to the lower deck. The group lock in, chasing the remaining rats to the deck below.


The adventurers head down the stairs to the bottom level of the Pride and Honour. There are unlabelled boxes.
Uzdreg speaks to the old man in his hat, then ignores his rumbling about being a captain.
Castiel opens up one of the crates and finds coins within.
Lazarus hears an unusual clacking on the floor at one far end of the boat. He squeezes through narrow gaps in crates to see what's beyond.
Meanwhile, something kills Quasi with two claws, as the creature crawls around the ship as a centipede.
Kay-Tee leaps up and knocks down some crates, looking beyond. THen he moves down, and Garton leaps up to look beyond with his smaller frame. He squeezes through the gaps in the crates, seeing nothing.
On the other end of the ship, Castiel and Lazarus hear a murmur in his head says - "Don't come closer." The creature said he is doing research, and needs friendship and eyes everywhere. He has been on board for months.
Lazarus peeks and sees two glowing orbs around 10ft from the ground. The creature says, "leave this ship or your friend will die." He is a tall being, hovering above the ground, with tentacles on his face and two purple eyes.
The creature is aware of who the adventurers work for.
Another brain runs up behind Castiel. Then the other creature speaks privately to Castiel. Gurts and Frankus were the last individuals sent to deal with the creature.
Borog looks into another cabin behind, venturing in, and then feels a tiny brain with legs stabbing towards his leg. He then falls unconscious, his intelligence reduced to 0.
Kay-Tee runs up the stairs and tries to move Borog, but a voice warns the monk not to move him. So, he gives the man a healing potion instead. He then moves to stand over Borog's body. The brain slowly extends his tongue.
Dr Baum is searching for the brain which killed Quasi; so, the creature flies, fitting through very small spaces, towards Dr Baum.
Uzdreg moves into the room with Kay-Tee and opens a chest, throwing out clothing.
The name Ishildeer comes to Borog's empty mind.
Garton heads up to the top deck and knocks on the captain's cabin. Opening the door, he sees the captain lay on the floor behind his desk. He moves in and takes the key for the captain's desk, opening a draw and taking a map with a number of notable locations on. He also finds a potion of healing, a bunch of letters from or too Salazar and a bag of gems. Looking in a nearby cabinet he see unusal items, but cannot open the door with keys he has. Garton then heads to a chest.
Garton heals the captain, takes his sword and then hides behind the door.
The creature asks Castiel about the deal he wants to make. He says that the town is his domain and he is researching these lands. Castiel claims that Lahoto would have many resources he'd be willing to trade for the creature to move on.
Dr Baum sees the creatures and screams out until Castiel casts suggestion on him, forcing him to relax.
A voice comes into everyone's head, introducing himself as Sebress.
Uzdreg continues searching the room, finding a map and several contracts. Inside a locked draw is a leather bound book, with the ships name on. It is a ledger.
The creature, Sebress, is aware of Lahoto's business and his opponents. He seems unthreatened by Lahoto.
The one brain is called Francus, who was one of the investigators before.
Tensions rise, the creature floating to the top deck and detecting our thoughts about potentially instigating a fight. Uzdreg thrusts his wrist knife into the creatures neck. He floats back, stunning half of the adventurers with physic damage. The creature uses an onslaught of attacks.
Then, Borog hears the name Castiel.
Another brain rises up, reducing Castiel's intelligence to 0. A mass of glowing purple rats swam towards them.
Uzdreg is knocked unconscious by the wandering brain. But, the creature moves on him and pours a healing potion into his mouth, asking whether he surrenders. He refuses, and Sebress deals him more physic damage back to unconsciousness. At that point, his eyes lose their glow for a moment.
Kay-Tee finally breaks the stun effect, but pretends to still be stunned.
Sebress floats to the upper deck.
Kay-Tee disengages from the rats and bursts for the window, leaping into the sea and falling unconscious on contact.
Two Silent Stalkers arrive to collect the souls of Kay-Tee and Uzdreg.
Dr Baum and Garton run for the gang plank, returning briefly to get the captain and carry him off. Dr Baum sets a siren calling for help.
Kay-Tee finds himself in an unfamiliar landscape, drawn to the light from the tower in the distance. His soul was captured by the Silent Stalker as his discarded body floats on the ocean.
Dr Baum and Garton see a large group of illithids arrive around the boat, levitating it up and taking it away.
When Kay-Tee's body is recovered, his skin is grey. Dr Baum tries to do CPR, but a larger man comes in and stops him. Formaldo, a worshipper of the creator god takes them to Lahoto saying that he will see to Kay-Tee's body at the temple. Lahoto is informed of what happened.
Later, Lazarus wakes. He is chained up. He can see Uzdreg, Castiel and Borog chained up as well. They have none of their belongings, arcane focuses or components. There is a pressure in the air, like they are deep underground or in the ocean. There is a purple glow in the room and the chains appear to go into the wall.
Uzdreg dislocates one of his thumbs to free a hand. Lazarus attempts to do the same, pulling his hand free.
Borog pulls Castiel aside and informs him that he was supposed to deliver him and three others somewhere, but he shares no more information before Lazarus and Uzdreg opens the doors. There are two ogres guarding their room. They go to leave and hear a voice in their heads, advising them not to leave. The voice they hear belongs to the great one, Ishildeer. He informs them that Kay-Tee is dead. He also admits that he wants them for research.