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==[[The Myste-Hass Calender]]==
==[[The Myste-Hass Calender]]==
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:A hunched priest, [[Nodram]], faces an alter to [[:Category:Garr|Garr]] and deals with adventurers. He kneels before the alter and preys [[:Category:Garr|Garr]]. [[Uzdreg]] shapes [[kay-Tee]]'s body into a fighting stance. [[Castiel]] offers [[:Category:Garr|Garr]] a replacement soul, if he returns [[Kay-Tee]]. [[Netari]] performs a speech based on the [[Kahzara]]n [[Book of the Dead]]. Every winter has a spring, all darkness has a light. [[K'Resh]] places a strip of paper in [[Kay-Tee]]'s hand.  
:A hunched priest, [[Nodram]], faces an alter to [[:Category:Garr|Garr]] and deals with adventurers. He kneels before the alter and preys [[:Category:Garr|Garr]]. [[Uzdreg]] shapes [[kay-Tee]]'s body into a fighting stance. [[Castiel]] offers [[:Category:Garr|Garr]] a replacement soul, if he returns [[Kay-Tee]]. [[Netari]] performs a speech based on the [[Kahzara]]n [[Book of the Dead]]. Every winter has a spring, all darkness has a light. [[K'Resh]] places a strip of paper in [[Kay-Tee]]'s hand.  
:[[Kay-Tee]] is surrounded by darkness, a shadowed figure ahead in the inky black. The ground is ashen. There is a dark figure on the horizon who asks "Is it your time? Everyone has their time." [[:Category:Garr|Garr]] asks [[Kay-Tee]] what he wants and [[Kay-Tee]] says he wants renown, but would not kill for it. [[:Category:Garr|Garr]] tells [[Kay-Tee]] he's on borrowed time.[[Kay-Tee]] wakes.
:[[Kay-Tee]] is surrounded by darkness, a shadowed figure ahead in the inky black. The ground is ashen. There is a dark figure on the horizon who asks "Is it your time? Everyone has their time." [[:Category:Garr|Garr]] asks [[Kay-Tee]] what he wants and [[Kay-Tee]] says he wants renown, but would not kill for it. [[:Category:Garr|Garr]] tells [[Kay-Tee]] he's on borrowed time.[[Kay-Tee]] wakes.
:They head to the [[Sun's Inn]]. [[Castiel]] puts 20gp on the tab and the group get drunk.
:They head to the [[Star's Inn]]. [[Castiel]] puts 20gp on the tab and the group get drunk.
:Waking up from a terrible hangover, the group get a big breakfast and then head into town to pick up essentials.  
:Waking up from a terrible hangover, the group get a big breakfast and then head into town to pick up essentials.  
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:[[Castiel]] made a bargain with a god, trading his soul.
:[[Castiel]] made a bargain with a god, trading his soul.
:The vaults are secured by magical means, and then prevented from being opened magically. They also have physical guards on hand.  
:The vaults are secured by magical means, and then prevented from being opened magically. They also have physical guards on hand.  
:The vault shown to us looks like a tiny door into a small cell from the outside, but inside is a pocket dimension. From within the pocket dimension, there is only a tiny hole in which you can exit, but only the man can reach through and pull you through.
:The vault shown to us looks like a tiny door into a small cell from the outside, but inside is a pocket dimension. From within the pocket dimension, there is only a tiny hole in which you can exit, but only the man can reach through and pull you through. What's inside the vaults is different for everyone.
:We have a day, and they'll reserve the vault for us, waiting for [[Castiel]]'s deposit. [[Netari]] overhears talking about stealing from the vaults.
:[[Doste]] informs [[Netari]] that he has spoken to his father, he is not coming home, but there is fighting in [[Myste-Hass]]. He mentioned rings in the sky. [[Netari]] says she is going away.
===12/04/22 & 10/05/22===
:[[Castiel]], [[Uzdreg]] and [[Kay-Tee]] awake in the [[Star's Inn]] and order breakfast.
:A halfling, [[Murph]], overhears everything about the groups heist planning and confronts the group.
:[[Kay-Tee]] tries to chat up the tavern waitress, [[Mary]], who says she is planning to spend her afternoon sunbathing in the park.
:The group decides to head towards the [[Moon's Inn]], a dodgier pub. We pass a gate park with a fountain at the centre, with a statue of a hydra at the centre. We pass [[Brewed Awakening]]. On arriving, we realise that the [[Moon's Inn]] is actually the nicer establishment. [[Betroot Ale]], [[Turnip Wine]] and [[Patato Vodka]] are all "delights" offered by this bar.
:[[Castiel]] speaks to the barkeep as a distraction as [[Murph]] and [[Uzdreg]] prepare to steal from a man with a healthy-looking coin purse at his hip. However, the bar man indicates that the man is actually a source for drugs.
:The drug salesman in the pub indicates that [[Void Sulphur]] is a substance found in the gaps between planes.
:The [[Garr]] priest, [[Nodram]], encounters the group and says that he wants some components retrieved from the mines. He needs a small pearl orb which he lost down there. It's on a plinth. It helps with some magical spells. He also needs a censor. Its made of gold with a sapphire in. There is also a large leather tome, with gold edging round the front. It is a book which can help him cast his spells. The book has no title. [[Uzdreg]] agrees to trade these items for two free resurrections and a couple of healing potions. [[Uzdreg]] says "If we don't use them I'll bring them back. I'm not a thief."
:Heading back out to the mines, [[Kay-Tee]] and [[Murph]] hear the song from town again.
:Inside, they avoid touching any gems and [[Uzdreg]] marks the direction the group is heading and the way back to the exit. They press straight ahead, until the path begins to descend. [[Breakfast]] refuses to go deep into the mine. So, the group take him back outside and leash him to the cave entrance and give him some of the relaxant drugs that the drug dealer gave [[Castiel]].
:The adventurers go back in and descend 450ft, then the path begins to turn right. The walls begin to turn into veins of gems, but it still looks manmade. The stone is cleaner cut here. It is strikingly silent. The flecks of gemstone become more solid.
:[[Murph]] touches the wall and a ooze bursts from the wall and consumes him. The others wade in, and it consumes [[Kay-Tee]]. [[Uzdreg]] wades in saving [[Kay-Tee]]. [[Castiel]] takes a shot that kills the creature.
:In the aftermath, the lack of ooze reveals a few sections of rock which [[Uzdreg]] harvests a piece of.
:Moving forward, the walls switch from grey to black on a sudden ridge. The walls are smooth, the roof arched with a distinctive groove above. The adventurers turn left and head on where the walls mix between white crystalline and blue. The right-hand side is purple and white. Eventually, they reach a face of the rock where the tunnel ends. There is something sticking out of the ground - a bone. It is a hand, attached to the bones of a crushed body. The bones looks as if its been bitten.
:[[Murph]] finds a [[Bullseye Lantern]] with a sturdier build. It's made from a  brass, discoloured with age and the lantern is still light. The light is incredibly bright.
:Turning back, the group walk down the right-hand passageway. At the end of the corridor, there is a solid objection. It has two frontal legs, a large cylindrical body and a row of spikes along the centre of it. The mechanical machine is rusted and haphazard. It fills the width of the shaft. It's extremely old and covered in dust, with leaking oil. There are cracks in the rock face ahead of the machine. [[Murph]] slithers beneath the cylinder.
:Suddenly, a whirring sound begins as the cylinder charges up.
:Back in [[Grenhome]], [[Dr Baum]] and [[Lazarus]] wake up in the [[Star's Inn]]. When [[Lazarus]] asks if the barkeep has seen his friends, the man claims that they owe 20gp and forces [[Lazarus]] to leave a brooch as a collateral, because [[Dr Baum]] is using mage hand to suggest he was lying about everything he said.
:[[Sigbrand]], a training cleric of [[Garr]], has been sent on by [[Nodram]] to find the group and meets with [[Dr Baum]] and [[Lazarus]].
:They slip out of the tradesman entrance after some difficulty with the long-sealed bolts and closed gates. Travelling along the cliff path, they come across [[Breakfast]] sleeping, wrapped in a blanket. They move into the mine and then [[Lazarus]] sees a shiny red gem, tries to take it and gets burned by the acid goo pretending to be a gem. The ooze kills [[Lazarus]].
:Back in the cavern, the others begin to run from the mechanical device. [[Murph]] sprints off. [[Uzdreg]] and [[Castiel]] attempt to disable the creatures leg, but begin to run as the creature picks up in pace.
:[[Lazarus]] hears a voice which claims to be [[Uzdreg]], it says that his family is calling for him. [[Lazarus]] offers the contents of his pockets. The voice says he sees everyone who comes through, and asks if [[Lazarus]] is willing to give anything in return for his life. The individual who appears as [[Garr]], asks for two soul that burn as bright as him.
:Running out of the mines, the groups collide, but [[Sigbrand]] is killed by the ooze.
:The group carry [[Lazarus]] and drag sleepy [[Breakfast]] out of the caves. Suddenly, [[Nodram]] appears in the wilderness. The party describes the mining machine and [[Nodram]] doesn't appear to know what it is.
:The group try to resurrect [[Lazarus]].
:[[Sigbrand]] appears and offers five souls to the voice that claims to be [[Garr]]. [[Sigbrand]] offers to convert people to [[Garr]]'s cause.
:[[Lazarus]]'s chest begins to rise again. He has been raised from the dead. He hears [[Garr]]'s voice whisper - "As bright as yours."
:The group carry [[Sigbrand]] back to the Temple of Garr in [[Grenhome]]. [[Nodram]] begins a resurrection, and [[Castiel]] taunts his patron, claiming his own patron is more worthy of following, leaving the feather from an arrows fletching on his lapel. [[Sigbrand]] offers a favour to [[Garr]] and then he is awoken.
:[[Nodram]] mentions that he needs to speak with [[Sigbrand]] about debts owed. Guards are walking to the temple with intent as they pass. They've heard about some trouble. The group heads to the [[Star's Inn]] and talks to the barkeep about settling their debts and returning [[Lazarus]]'s collateral.
:[[Castiel]] learns from a guard that there are very occasionally trolls in the hills with orcs. He suggests that they should go look where the old orcs and goblins live.
:The guards have relocked the travellers entrance, then resealed it. They mention something about a curse on the gate - you use it and you sell your soul.
:After some light drinking, the group head to bed.

Latest revision as of 12:16, 8 February 2023

Warehouse49 1.jpg

The Myste-Hass Calender


Exhausted and hurt, the group hunkers in the hills to rest. During watches, Uzdreg encounters a pig which he ties
On Kay-Tee and Lazrus's watch, there is a golden glow on the horizon beyond the southern mountain pass.
Netari and Roland are inhabitants of the town of Grenhome. They've been asked to get some spell components and head to the Moon's Inn to find a band of adventurers.
K'Resh arrived at the docks and is staying at the Star's Inn. Netari encounters K'Resh and offers to help guide him around the island. K'Resh is allergic to cats and strapped for cash and is writing a herbology guide. His axe is called Lola. Netari hasn't seen her father in a while. She has lost Feanor, her hawk.
K'Resh and Netari head to the Moon's Inn. Roland is there petting the taverns rat-catching, ginger-tom cat, Whiskers. Whiskers has a scar above his eye. Roland offers them a Carrot Ale made from fermented carrot.
K'Resh, Roland and Netari all set out into the wilds.
In the morning, Kay-Tee, Uzdreg, Castiel, Dr Baum, Lazarus, Apollo and Serena wake and head into the valley again, herding along "Breakfast" or the wandering pig.
Mistaking each other for goblins and orcs, the two parties begin firing on one another. Uzdreg uses mask of many faces to become a hench-looking orc. Edging forward, the group then work out they're just traveling parties. They decide to meet in the middle and make introduction.
There is a low, guttural murmur from the mountainside which ends abruptly while the adventurers are in the valley.
The others head back to Urruhan to pick up resources and those remaining set of towards the mine, which Roland believes he knows where it is.
The group move towards Grenhome, then turn and head north. They skirt the walls and then move west.
The group get caught up looking for Old Man's Cock, picking a few flowers which may or may not be be this unusual herb. K'Resh eats some of the flowers, they're sickly sweet and clags in his mouth.
The pig refuses to go down the narrow path towards the entrance of the mine. The path curves around the cliff, with a sheer drop to the ocean on the other side.
The group encounters a cutting in the stone. The width of the cave is wider than the path and there is another exit that drops directly into the sea.
Moving into the mine, the group can see gem stones within the rock. Uzdreg finds a vein of rubies. Uzdreg hits out at the gem and the blade sinks into something soft, then attacks. The ooze drops from the ceiling attacking the group with its acidic tendrils.
Kay-Tee is outright killed by the ooze. K'Resh is taken down by the creature, and Uzdreg picks up his unconscious body and runs. Uzdreg feeds K'Resh his only healing potion.
Netari casts spells and rushes into the cave to collet Kay-Tee's body. Black smoke is fired from Castiel's bow and his eyes dim to an inky darkness. He destroys the ooze and gains healing from the kill.
During the fight, Breakfast runs off.
Netari indicates there is a temple in her town. They gather Kay-Tee and his belongings and carry him back to Grenhome. They see "Breakfast" at the top of the cliff path. They head to the south gate slowly. They enter the town and head towards to the Temple of Garr. There are no doors on the temple.
A hunched priest, Nodram, faces an alter to Garr and deals with adventurers. He kneels before the alter and preys Garr. Uzdreg shapes kay-Tee's body into a fighting stance. Castiel offers Garr a replacement soul, if he returns Kay-Tee. Netari performs a speech based on the Kahzaran Book of the Dead. Every winter has a spring, all darkness has a light. K'Resh places a strip of paper in Kay-Tee's hand.
Kay-Tee is surrounded by darkness, a shadowed figure ahead in the inky black. The ground is ashen. There is a dark figure on the horizon who asks "Is it your time? Everyone has their time." Garr asks Kay-Tee what he wants and Kay-Tee says he wants renown, but would not kill for it. Garr tells Kay-Tee he's on borrowed time.Kay-Tee wakes.
They head to the Star's Inn. Castiel puts 20gp on the tab and the group get drunk.


Waking up from a terrible hangover, the group get a big breakfast and then head into town to pick up essentials.
In the blacksmith's, they learn that the militia have put a big order in to prepare for the orcs who are on the move. The group to do a little work in exchange for cheaper goods.
Netari's daddy is Mr Pashar, a wealthy merchant who hasn't been seen recently.
The Star's and the Moon had the only stables in the town.
Fletcher's Fletcher is a market stall where bows and arrows are sold. The group go to the Temple of Garr and purchase potions of healing, ten at 50gp each.
The militia seems to be a more upmarket force of employed soldiers.
Netari and Kay-Tee hear a high-pitched melody in the distance, it is sourceless and then disappears.
Meanwhile, K'Resh has been working at the blacksmiths. Whilst working the bellows, K'Resh hears a conversations between the blacksmith and a newcomer, a tall figure wearing white clothing. He is telling the shop keeper that the militia's order doesn't come first today. They talk about 'he', some figure of authority. This individual has a shipment, potentially weapons, that are needed to be stored until the militia is ready to purchase them. They offer to pay the blacksmith his normal rate. The blacksmith indicates the man is related to Nestari's dad's business partner.
K'Resh says he will step out for a pee, then heads to The Moon. The others head to the smithy to find him, but he's gone. Meeting again at The Moon, K'Resh expresses his concerns about what he heard, then runs back to the blacksmith, giving a deposit for his armour.
Netari is aware of that her dad sometimes travelled to Myste-Hass. Uzdreg uses mask of many faces to appears as Lahoto, and Netari recognises him. Her dad works at a warehouse in the docks. We set out to his offices. There are two buildings, names J. P. Holdings.
They enter the building on the left. A young boy sits behind the counter. Mr Pashar has not returned from a business trip to Myste-Hass. He's been gone a few weeks, but Doste is in charge in his stead. Doste is currently on the Black Pearl. There are plenty of militia in this area.
Doste's face changes when you look at him. Mr Pashar is a magic user of some sort, he has books which Netari has been told to stay away.
Uzdreg identifies that the warehouses have been marked safe in thieves cant.
Doste says that he can't control his face changing. His last contact with Mr Pashar was a couple of days ago.
Netari commands Doste to send the biggest, fastest ship to collect her father. The Pride has been stuck in Urruhan for a while, it'll set off from there.
Doste says that J. P. Holdings is an acquisition and trading business, acquiring previous commodities and then moving those goods all over. The man claims that the orcs are growing in threat. The businesses biggest competitor is Lahoto.
Doste suggests that if you get on the wrong side of Lahoto that your brain is attacked and probed.
Doste recognises Castiel and Kay-Tee as being involved in the robbery on their warehouse in Myste-Hass, and then Netari makes a passing comment about us being book thieves.
Uzdreg lays it clear about working for Lahoto and the conflict of interest.
Netari wants the books that were taken from her father's business.
The group decide to rest and prepare before setting out in the morning to the mine. Uzdreg and K'Resh return to the forge to help finish K'Resh's armour and axe.
There are four ships in the docks, all fairly big. All the ships are owned by different free traders.
All the buildings are ordered and have been built methodically. There is one much bigger home, a grand E-shaped building. There are guards outside. It's the mayor house, Jamaal. The house comes with the office.
There is a much taller building which says J. P. Vaults in elvish. Castiel knocks and asks if he can make use of the vaults services, in elvish. The man asks whether Castiel has the minimum deposit amount. They expect an additional 1000gp of gems tomorrow. The door magically locks behind us. They store goods items, gems and precious items and charge a small fee for their safe keeping. The building does not feel magical.
Castiel made a bargain with a god, trading his soul.
The vaults are secured by magical means, and then prevented from being opened magically. They also have physical guards on hand.
The vault shown to us looks like a tiny door into a small cell from the outside, but inside is a pocket dimension. From within the pocket dimension, there is only a tiny hole in which you can exit, but only the man can reach through and pull you through. What's inside the vaults is different for everyone.
We have a day, and they'll reserve the vault for us, waiting for Castiel's deposit. Netari overhears talking about stealing from the vaults.
Doste informs Netari that he has spoken to his father, he is not coming home, but there is fighting in Myste-Hass. He mentioned rings in the sky. Netari says she is going away.

12/04/22 & 10/05/22

Castiel, Uzdreg and Kay-Tee awake in the Star's Inn and order breakfast.
A halfling, Murph, overhears everything about the groups heist planning and confronts the group.
Kay-Tee tries to chat up the tavern waitress, Mary, who says she is planning to spend her afternoon sunbathing in the park.
The group decides to head towards the Moon's Inn, a dodgier pub. We pass a gate park with a fountain at the centre, with a statue of a hydra at the centre. We pass Brewed Awakening. On arriving, we realise that the Moon's Inn is actually the nicer establishment. Betroot Ale, Turnip Wine and Patato Vodka are all "delights" offered by this bar.
Castiel speaks to the barkeep as a distraction as Murph and Uzdreg prepare to steal from a man with a healthy-looking coin purse at his hip. However, the bar man indicates that the man is actually a source for drugs.
The drug salesman in the pub indicates that Void Sulphur is a substance found in the gaps between planes.
The Garr priest, Nodram, encounters the group and says that he wants some components retrieved from the mines. He needs a small pearl orb which he lost down there. It's on a plinth. It helps with some magical spells. He also needs a censor. Its made of gold with a sapphire in. There is also a large leather tome, with gold edging round the front. It is a book which can help him cast his spells. The book has no title. Uzdreg agrees to trade these items for two free resurrections and a couple of healing potions. Uzdreg says "If we don't use them I'll bring them back. I'm not a thief."
Heading back out to the mines, Kay-Tee and Murph hear the song from town again.
Inside, they avoid touching any gems and Uzdreg marks the direction the group is heading and the way back to the exit. They press straight ahead, until the path begins to descend. Breakfast refuses to go deep into the mine. So, the group take him back outside and leash him to the cave entrance and give him some of the relaxant drugs that the drug dealer gave Castiel.
The adventurers go back in and descend 450ft, then the path begins to turn right. The walls begin to turn into veins of gems, but it still looks manmade. The stone is cleaner cut here. It is strikingly silent. The flecks of gemstone become more solid.
Murph touches the wall and a ooze bursts from the wall and consumes him. The others wade in, and it consumes Kay-Tee. Uzdreg wades in saving Kay-Tee. Castiel takes a shot that kills the creature.
In the aftermath, the lack of ooze reveals a few sections of rock which Uzdreg harvests a piece of.
Moving forward, the walls switch from grey to black on a sudden ridge. The walls are smooth, the roof arched with a distinctive groove above. The adventurers turn left and head on where the walls mix between white crystalline and blue. The right-hand side is purple and white. Eventually, they reach a face of the rock where the tunnel ends. There is something sticking out of the ground - a bone. It is a hand, attached to the bones of a crushed body. The bones looks as if its been bitten.
Murph finds a Bullseye Lantern with a sturdier build. It's made from a brass, discoloured with age and the lantern is still light. The light is incredibly bright.
Turning back, the group walk down the right-hand passageway. At the end of the corridor, there is a solid objection. It has two frontal legs, a large cylindrical body and a row of spikes along the centre of it. The mechanical machine is rusted and haphazard. It fills the width of the shaft. It's extremely old and covered in dust, with leaking oil. There are cracks in the rock face ahead of the machine. Murph slithers beneath the cylinder.
Suddenly, a whirring sound begins as the cylinder charges up.
Back in Grenhome, Dr Baum and Lazarus wake up in the Star's Inn. When Lazarus asks if the barkeep has seen his friends, the man claims that they owe 20gp and forces Lazarus to leave a brooch as a collateral, because Dr Baum is using mage hand to suggest he was lying about everything he said.
Sigbrand, a training cleric of Garr, has been sent on by Nodram to find the group and meets with Dr Baum and Lazarus.
They slip out of the tradesman entrance after some difficulty with the long-sealed bolts and closed gates. Travelling along the cliff path, they come across Breakfast sleeping, wrapped in a blanket. They move into the mine and then Lazarus sees a shiny red gem, tries to take it and gets burned by the acid goo pretending to be a gem. The ooze kills Lazarus.
Back in the cavern, the others begin to run from the mechanical device. Murph sprints off. Uzdreg and Castiel attempt to disable the creatures leg, but begin to run as the creature picks up in pace.
Lazarus hears a voice which claims to be Uzdreg, it says that his family is calling for him. Lazarus offers the contents of his pockets. The voice says he sees everyone who comes through, and asks if Lazarus is willing to give anything in return for his life. The individual who appears as Garr, asks for two soul that burn as bright as him.
Running out of the mines, the groups collide, but Sigbrand is killed by the ooze.
The group carry Lazarus and drag sleepy Breakfast out of the caves. Suddenly, Nodram appears in the wilderness. The party describes the mining machine and Nodram doesn't appear to know what it is.
The group try to resurrect Lazarus.
Sigbrand appears and offers five souls to the voice that claims to be Garr. Sigbrand offers to convert people to Garr's cause.
Lazarus's chest begins to rise again. He has been raised from the dead. He hears Garr's voice whisper - "As bright as yours."
The group carry Sigbrand back to the Temple of Garr in Grenhome. Nodram begins a resurrection, and Castiel taunts his patron, claiming his own patron is more worthy of following, leaving the feather from an arrows fletching on his lapel. Sigbrand offers a favour to Garr and then he is awoken.
Nodram mentions that he needs to speak with Sigbrand about debts owed. Guards are walking to the temple with intent as they pass. They've heard about some trouble. The group heads to the Star's Inn and talks to the barkeep about settling their debts and returning Lazarus's collateral.
Castiel learns from a guard that there are very occasionally trolls in the hills with orcs. He suggests that they should go look where the old orcs and goblins live.
The guards have relocked the travellers entrance, then resealed it. They mention something about a curse on the gate - you use it and you sell your soul.
After some light drinking, the group head to bed.