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:Ravaran is a very powerful spellcaster who has long worked with [[Morthel]]. He is often considered the right hand to [[Morthel]], facilitating [[Morthel]]'s power harvesting technique, capturing spell casters, removing their tongues and hands, then draining the power from them into rings which can be accessed by other spell casters.
:Ravaran is a very powerful spellcaster who has long worked with [[Morthel]]. He is often considered the right hand to [[Morthel]], facilitating [[Morthel]]'s power harvesting technique, capturing spell casters, removing their tongues and hands, then draining the power from them into rings which can be accessed by other spell casters.
:Adventurers first me [[Ravaran]] when exploring [[Bruidor]]. He was accompanied by two armoured figures who appeared to be undead and a goliath, [[Grax]], from the [[Blood Hand Tribe]], who was wearing a control collar.
===[[Harbinger]]'s Notes===
===[[Harbinger]]'s Notes===
:<b>Ravaran said -  
:<b>Ravaran said -  

Revision as of 12:20, 30 March 2022

Ravaran is a very powerful spellcaster who has long worked with Morthel. He is often considered the right hand to Morthel, facilitating Morthel's power harvesting technique, capturing spell casters, removing their tongues and hands, then draining the power from them into rings which can be accessed by other spell casters.
Adventurers first me Ravaran when exploring Bruidor. He was accompanied by two armoured figures who appeared to be undead and a goliath, Grax, from the Blood Hand Tribe, who was wearing a control collar.

Harbinger's Notes

Ravaran said -
"Things are growing uncomfortable in the north I want sanctuary from powerful, righteous individuals. Ultimately he’d like to seek passage to Myste-Hass eventually. Temporary protection. I'm prepared to point out several individuals of interest in Myste-Hass who work for the Deacon (Ravaran seemed to be lying on this). Morthel will not allow power go. He will come after me if he tries to escape. It would be his wish to put us in a position of power so I'm of less concern. I’m not a good person. I'm interested in me. I can’t just walk into Myste-Hass without news getting back to Morthel and the Deacon quickly - if we or he was careless.
"I could provide us with locations of some of Morthel's places of operation and troop sizes. There is a limited amount of time before Morthel takes Myste-Hass. He has a red dragon with a control collar. He has a captive army and fleet. He’s paid off some overseas group. Also there is a culture far to the east (barbarians), uncultured with a mighty fleet of ships.
"The Deacon is producing the control collars.
"You may have to do some things which are distasteful to win.
"He wants to ascend and take his mothers place.
"He wants a comfortable, well-guarded house, With no one in it that has been vetted and he wants to see no one who isn’t in this group. He will identify traitors.
"My opinion is well balanced. I would not inform Sten of anything.
"I need to know how far you’re prepared you’d go to defeat Morthel. Would you let Fate get the upper hand to defeat Morthel. Morthel plans to harness the power of Fate. He will get Fate to manifest in order to allow to take his place and then operate the Divine Gate. Fate wants the Genai Stones to brings back the twelve. Morthel controls the Genai Stones - they are important to him.
"There is a town far to the east of here, across a very large lake. Leanore on the far coast. He has particular interest in a family there where a child was born. The child is a vessel, a vital part in his plans.
"Morthel only has so long in a body. He needs the right sort. Defeat him with the vessel intact and he will just return to it. There is only one born every 50 years. If no vessel is living he can’t continue after death.
"He wants to be secure in Myste-Hass within the week."

The Myste-Hass Calender

25/02/21 - 04/03/21

The party gathers at the Temple of the People to discuss the plan with Ravaran. Ulborin collects supplies and a sketchy horse. Reinholt talks to Geoffrey about his family issues. Moving off, and travelling deep into the northern mountains, a giant purple worm errupts from the ground and immediately kills Ulborin, then swallows Gartok and Harbinger before being slain. Corym revifies Ulborin. Moving in the valley between the eastern mountains, three giants are spotted and Gartok strikes a chord with these individuals who are obviously against the ‘white faced’ man. The giants invite Gartok and the party into their village. Their mystic, Rekoas, speaks to the great god who allows the group to live because the party is ‘known’ to the great god. Meanwhile, a mountain lion attacks the horses and injures Umunum. After scrying, the party rests in the stone giants circle. The party traverses north to cut across the forest edge and is spotted by the disgruntled black dragon the party had once fought. The dragon bites Dramos, killing him and Harbinger revivifies the tiefling; however, the creature flees before the party can kill them. Moving into the forest, a rider with shadow hounds moves on the group and it is revealed that figure is related to The Stag. Pressing on to the edge of the forest, the party discovers an injured satyr who has been trying to escape from the forest. He guides the group into a canyon where three trolls, one hideously mutated, assault the party. Defeating these creatures, the group move on to the Temple of Fate where they meet Ravaran in the arcane remnants of the destroyed temple. The group step aside to discuss the deal proposed by Ravaran and then Rasvyn is assaulted by an invisible foe, who attempts to place something inside his bag of holding. It becomes clear that the party is surrounded by enemies in golden masks and two stone giants wearing control collars. Ravaran turns on the party, turning Gartok to dust with power word kill. When attacked by Harbinger, Ravaran planeshifted out leaving the group devastated. Returning to the Tower of Dariss, the group waits in order to charge the Rod of Resurrection and revive Gartok from death.