The Crab Shack

From Into the Wilds Wiki

The Crab Shack, formerly know as Crook's Bait, is a fishing enterprise in the southern end of the Western Docks. The enterprise consists of one fishing vessel, the Raven's View, and a warehouse. The Crab Shack is a registered entity within the West Myste-Hass Trading Company.
Crassus Hlaalu won the business in a game of dice from the previous owner, Jeremiah Crook. A significant amount of debt had been racked up with Husen Felgate against the company, to the sum of 6,000gp, to cover Jeremiah's gambling debts.
Shortly after the acquisition of the business, a number of individuals were seen to have broken in, doused the premises in blood and fled the scene, leaving behind the corpse of a gnome. (insert more info about the crab shack here) ...