Temple in the Eastern Dunes

From Into the Wilds Wiki

A temple located to the east, within the sand dunes that run parallel to the estuary.

Father Howl's Notes

There are dunes spreading far and wide before the entrance of the temple. This area was patrolled by a chimera, the temple guardian.
Front of the Temple The front of the temple is made of stone, with four huge jackal-headed statues. Each statue has a stone-belt buckle marked with two rising, fork-like antlers.
Entrance Foyer The entrance has hinges that indicate that there was once double doors sealing the temple, but they are completely absent.
The entrance foyer has columns that hold up the ceiling. There are stairs going down on the left and right.
Pool Room Going down the left-hand staircase causes the torches in the chamber to light, revealing a circular pool. A voice fills the chamber offering three questions. There is a long corridor leaving this room.
Statue Room Going ahead, there is a cross roads. The left hand stairs lead to a square room with a sarcophagus. There is also a jackal-headed statue which moves which collapses into a cloud of dust. The stairs in the southern side of the room go into the pool room. Inside the sarcophagus is a corpse with withered skin, yellow teeth and absent of clothes. He comes to life and tries to extract its victims heart.
Preliminary Sarcophagus Room Two sarcophagus adorn either side of the room with writing on them. Northern coffin says 'Careem the fool' in celestial. The southern coffin says 'Atet the seer'. The small corridor leads into the Sarcophagus Room.
Sarcophagus Room Another room with five sarcophagi. None have writing on and the lids have been removed and stacked neatly on one side of the room. This room has another set of stairs going upward on the north wall.
Sphynx Room The torches light immediately on entering the room. There is a large sarcophagus in here, and indented-arrows carved into the ground from the sphynx up toward the coffin. A distant voice rings out in the room, a helpless women claiming to be Kira.
Golden Pyramid Room A little room that comes of the sphynx room that has a tiny golden pyramid that is glowing.