Gartok Beartooth

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  • Name : Gartok Beartooth
  • Tribe : Beartooth
  • Race : Goliath
  • Homeland : Foothills of the mountains in the region of Onartok

Physical Appearance
Gartok tends to tower over most other beings commonly found in the world, his muscle bound form is roughly between 7 and 8 feet, ever so slightly reduced after an unfortunate total destruction of his physical form to dust and reconstitution by the power of Dariss.

His grey skin is a patchwork culmination of tribal symbols and markings, crisscrossed often by a number of scars, wounds, burns and other signs of intense physical combat. His piercing blue eyes do little to hide a deep raging fire inside him that is fuelled by a lifetime of anger, pain, suffering and loss. Being mountain born Gartok needs little in the way of clothing for warmth, often found wearing simply thick fur boots and a loin cloth. The somewhat recent addition of a handmade cowl hood in the form of cured bear hide can be found draped across his shoulders, the head of which can be pulled up across Gartok's hairless head casting him in shadow.

If his physical form was not enough to strike fear in most folk, he often has a large two handed weapon crudely strapped to his back, often favouring a razer sharp axe but occasionally found with a sword or mace.

Before travelling across the sea to new shores, Gartok spent the majority of his time with his tribe in the cold mountainous foothills of the immense peaks of the Onartok region. He led a simple tribal life among the dozen or so other members of his people.

Head of the tribe was a tough, old male known simply by the title of ‘The Bear’, it was believed he held the deepest connection to the animal spirits which formed the basis for the tribe’s belief system. Heir to the tribe was Tokveer, Gartok’s father. A immensely physical man, known for a fiery temper as a younger man but grew to be a stable and respected member of the tribe. Aside from being heir to the tribe, Tokveer held two positions of great renown within the tribe, he held the titles of Master of the Hunt as well as Master of Battle. It was his role to organise and provide food for the tribe via the method of great hunts and also to train all the males of the tribe in the ways of combat.

Tokveer was part of a ‘Life Bond’ or marriage to Gartok’s mother, ‘Mara’. A remarkably and unusually intelligent goliath by all accounts, she served as the Master of Ceremonies for the tribe, she held the knowledge and teachings of the tribe and was commonly referred to as the tribe’s sage or lore keeper. Often helping to interpret the animal spirits wishes and offering guidance on the overall direction the tribe should take. Though it should be noted that the head of the tribe always had final decision on all maters regardless of whichever section master had given instruction or guidance. The only other person of note in the tribe was an older woman by the name of ‘Kenia’, and though she did not hold any title within the tribe she was commonly known as the tribes shaman or healer, possessing detailed knowledge of herbs and remedies that would surprisingly keep the tribe in a rather healthy condition.

Tribal life was simple for Gartok, he was an accomplished hunter and warrior and it was assumed that he would eventually succeed his father when he became too frail to fulfil his duties.

Life was quiet, peaceful, unremarkable and Gartok was out hunting as he would usually be doing, but one day when he returned to the tribe all was not well. Fires raged across the settlement, bodies were strewn across the ground, brutally killed by an unknown enemy. It is not clear if it was result of a animal attack or something greater. Gartok was devastated by sheer amount of destruction before him, crying out in pain and anger for he was now not only an orphan but also the last known living member of his tribe. He spent a great deal of time issuing ceremonial funeral rights to each member of his direct family and to each member of the tribe. Each funeral stoked a fire that was burning within Gartok, filled with grief, anger, pain and despair which grew and grew until the final funeral was complete.

It was after this, the fire that was roaring inside Gartok grew to such a point where he cried out in pure unadulterated rage, his heart pumping, muscles bursting at the very sinew with incredible strength, he was now a barbarian, who yearned for battle, to deal with his emotional pain, a fire that would not begin to subside until he had the answers he sought.

Though he is not sure what lead him to this decision, a number of days after the attack on his tribe and once all the funerals had been completed, Gartok travelled across the mainland continent and sought passage across the sea to the west to the newly settled land there to begin the next stage of his journey, to find answers for why his tribe was so brutally massacred, why was he spared? Would he find peace in these answers or more questions.

In regard to the belief system that the Beartooth tribe holds, it is one of ancestral animals and spirits, it is unknown if this is a different interpretation of the widely accepted known gods of the Tempress pantheon.

The foremost belief is held to the ‘Great Bear’, a spirit which serves as the namesake for the Beartooth tribe, who use a stylised image of a bear as their banner symbol. Those of the tribe would ask the great bear for strength, to endure great hardship or to be victorious in battle. Other notable animal spirits are that of the stag, called upon for guidance in tending to the land, living and hunting from its riches. The eagle, whose guidance is sought when travelling great distances, believing that the eyes of an eagle would keep them on the path which is true. Lastly the spirit of the wolf was also often valued by hunters of the tribe as it was believed its spirit would assist them in the tracking of prey.

Gartok personally favours the spirits of the bear and stag, the latter of which has become more of an adversary of late seeming to hunt and hinder him at every turn, and in seeking a deeper connection to the nature of the land via the process of a ritualistic communion, aims to be become the physical embodiment of the animal spirits.