Requiem (Price, Maxis & Belinski)

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Revision as of 15:38, 25 October 2021 by XanderFielder (talk | contribs)

Requiem; also known as Requiem Armory and Tavern, is a group comprised of 3 people; Price Cliffwoods, Hope Maxis and Dagur Belinski.

Members of Requiem

Name Race Level/Class Hometown Status
Price Cliffwoods (He/Him) Dwarf; Mountain 3 Artificer (Artillerist) Kahzara (Fled to Equil) Alive in Underdark
Hope Maxis (She/Her) Half-Elf 2 Sorcerer (Shadow Magic); 1 Rogue (Total: 3) Equil Alive; Location Unknown
Dagur Belinski (He/They) Dragonborn; Black 2 Barbarian Equil Alive at the Tower of Dariss

History of Price Cliffwoods

Price Cliffwoods is a Dwarven Artificer from Kahzara and if the main artisan behind Requiem. While young, he fled to Equil with his father for unknown reasons. The Cliffwoods would later open up 'Cliffwoods Armory'. with Price as his father's apprentice. As his father aged, he gave ownership of the shop over to Price, who along side new partners, Hope Maxis and Dagur Belinski, would open 'Requiem Armory & Tavern'.

After the dissolution of Requiem, Price headed alone to Myste-Hass in search of a safe place for Requiem to reform. While looking for new properties, he came across a Tea Shop that led to the Underdark. He found work in an offer by Mr. Silvertips to acquire an item. After learning this item was a Drake Egg, he made a deal to fund Requiem in exchange for the egg.

After a near-death experience, the egg was retrieved, but led to the death of a party member. Mr. Silvertips would go back on this deal, but Price left the Underdark with Mr. Silvertips' Crossbow, and a large crystal from the Underdark. These became the key components in 2 of Price's inventions; The Price-Tag Mk. 1 Arcane Cannon, and the Maxis Protection Drone.

After the siege of Myste-Hass, Price would return to the Underdark to confront Mr. Silvertips, and eventually rob his house. He is now in hiding from the relevant forces in the Underdark.

History of Hope Maxis

Hope Maxis is a Half-Elf from Equil, and is the Spy/Security of Requiem. As the offspring of an infamous researcher, Hope often accompanied her single father on his journeys across the land, and investigations into the Shadowfell.

After being caught up in a betrayal, Hope was split from her father and fell into the Shadowfell. While she only stayed in the Shadowfell for no more that 30 minutes, it felt like days to her, and it left an impression on the young half-elf.

After spending the rest of her childhood in an orphanage with no sign of change, Hope Maxis left to become "self-sufficient". After she tried and failed to pickpocket a drunken Dagur Belinski, The 2 developed a friendship off the incident and decided to accompany each other for the time being. After meeting with Price Cliffwoods, the 3 opened up 'Requiem Armory & Tavern'; a shop dedicated to arming the citizens of Equil who needed it most.

After the dissolution of Requiem, Maxis stayed with Belinski as they laid low, and began to discover changes to her abilities, brought about by anger. The two found their way to an under-siege Myste-Hass in search of their 3rd member. Maxis broke off on her own to find Price, leaving Belinski at the Tower of Dariss.

She help discover a group of mages left without hands and tongues, and wanted to help them regain their abilities. However, while the rest of her travelling party at the time continued, an illness prevented her from assisting further, and she would wait for them to be finished at The Titan before returning to Myste-Hass.

History of Dagur Belinski

Dagur Belinski is a Dragonborn from Equil, and is the Brewer & "Muscle" of Requiem. Born to a family of brewers, they picked up their mother's skills and love of alcohol & combat. Their 3rd love became the company of good people, which led him to meeting up with Hope Maxis after she tried to pickpocket a drunken Belinski.

The 2 developed a friendship off the incident (Belinski considers themselves her 'caretaker'); deciding to watch each others back. After meeting with Price Cliffwoods, the 3 opened up 'Requiem Armory & Tavern'; a shop dedicated to arming the citizens of Equil who needed it most.

After the dissolution of Requiem, Belinski stayed with Maxis as they laid low. The two found their way to an under-siege Myste-Hass in search of their 3rd member. When he woke on their first night at the Tower of Dariss, Belinksi found a note from Maxis saying she would find Price, leaving Belinski to assist the Tower how he could.

Their first outing led them to a farmhouse invaded by Vampiric Copycats which was burned down with the occupants inside, as well as an encounter with a goblinoid wolf-creature.

History of Requiem

Starting life as the "Cliffwoods Armory" in Equil, Price's takeover led to the formation of 'Requiem Armory & Tavern'. The armory and tavern was based around the ideals of arming the citizens of Equil to protect them from the heavy-criminal population of Equil. For a few months, this worked, until a group of known thieves who had been refused service came back to burn down their safe haven.

The 3 members scattered; Price went to Myste-Hass in search of help, while Maxis and Belinski left to lay low wherever they could. With no way to communicate, the 3 are left separated until Myste-Hass is cleaned up.