Duos Sten

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Revision as of 22:36, 24 October 2021 by Jamie (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category:Myste-Hass Category:Into the Wilds Category:NPC Category:World of Tempress Duos Sten is the Hallmaster of the town of Myste-Hass. Seemingly an admini...")
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Duos Sten is the Hallmaster of the town of Myste-Hass. Seemingly an administrative role, the Hallmaster deals with the day to day running of the Town. Early in his administration Sten was kidnapped and replaced with a Doppleganger. While rescued soon after the event, the incident changed Sten's outlook and he started coming down harder on crime. He ran a political rival, Var Kurtark out of town and the towns lawmaster was removed from office the same night.

Sten seems to have political ties with the Helvettians, trusting them with security and positioned Borro, a Helvettian politician in the role of lawmaster.

Sten seems to have survived the Sack of Myste-Hass and is complying with the new rulership.