The Cult of Garr - The Tower & the Temple

From Into the Wilds Wiki

The Myste-Hass Calender


(Tom's special code - 36918)

The Temple of Garr has been kept in good order, but there are more staff here than ever.
Maolmhuire searches for Finerick and makes sure that the temple is ready for the meeting. He informs the high priest that there have been disturbing sounds coming from Maolmhuire Artor's quarters. They agree that it is just Grief, the clerics raven. Moalmhuire says he is very disappointed in Finerick.
The high priest of Garr returns to his room and finds that his font of blood has no cover on it anymore.
He attunes to the staff of bones, but is disturbed by Mehklan. They verbally spar for a while, about their loyalty to Garr.
Maolmhuire covers the bowl. He then puts robes on his undead acolytes.
A group meets at the Temple of Garr at 12.00 for the traditional buffet of Garr - Father Howell, Nazzak, Datura, Malady, Bassett, William Gibbs and, temple leader, Maolmhuire.
Bassett gets disciplined for playing his instrument in the Temple of Garr.
Datura donates one-hundred platinum pieces to the church and then the priest casts silence on Bassett. He entrusts Datura with the behaviour of the group whilst they are in the temple.
Mehklan seems unsettled by the presence of the robed "acolytes", undead acolytes, in Moalmhuire's office.
Moalmhuire Artor addresses the group, announcing the miracle that is the Tower of Garr. He talks about concerns that in his absence the dead have been disrespected, with graves looted and bodies desecrated. He wishes to present the idea that the dead are to have the same rights as the living. Maolmhuire wants this to be made illegal. Also, everyone will have their funeral rights performed for free at the Temple of Garr.
When William is speaking, he acts as though someone else is speaking at the same time. William asks about cremations, but they do not agree with cremations.
Bassett discusses the idea of rebranding, making a big thing out of opening the new tower - a blessing for the next full moon.
A bulky looking human has joined the group. He introduces himself as Steel to Nazzak. He claims he is there for work - he's a digger. He does not have his own shovel.
We are all offered fifty-gold pieces for our work, with separate budgets for purchasing food and carts.
Bassett literally drums up interest by playing drums, then Maolmhuire gives a small speech about heading up to the Tower of Garr.
A man in half plate, Gethrin Spall, questions Maolmhuire, then seems questioning when the high priest asks him to kneel for a blessing before they take a pilgrimage to the Tower of Garr. Eventually he kneels, the cleric of Garr attempting to cast a spell, but failing. He says - "For the duration of my service, my devotion to you will be impeachable."
Sly, Tom, Soone, Gring also devote themselves.
Maolmhuire provides three-hundred gold for the purcahse of rations and carts.
Father Howell speaks with the head priest of Garr abour getting Reinholt to attend the training session for the militia Howell is planning holding. Moalmhuire tells Howell that Reinholt struck the final blow against Ankhelos. The celric offers to speak on the topic with those that had fought Ankhelos, particularly more intelligent members too.
The groups split, agreeing to meet at the gallows at four o'clock.
Father Howell, Nazzak and Bassett look for a cart shop. There is a place just before the Southern Docks, but its called Devil's Deals.
Devil's Deals was once a warehouse, but is now a full on cart sale yard. There is a variety of nine carts - between fifteen and eighty gold. One was a circus wagon.
There is a camel tied up inside - Bessie.
The proprietor comes out in sailor trousers. He's wearing leather slippers, with pointed toes. His long, ragged hair circles is wide, white-teethed grin. He says that every wagon here has been checked.
He says the six-wheeler is perfect for rough terrain, with thirty-forty bodies.
Bassett casts charm person on the man, purchasing a six-wheeler (which holds 40 bodies and needs four horses), a ciricus cart (needs two-three horses), x3 two-wheelers (one horses), x3 four wheelers (two horses), a war chariot (one-two horses) and the camal Bessie for two-hundred and twenty-five gold.
Nazzak and Father Howell go to collect the horses.
The acolytes, Maolmhuire, Datura, Malady and Mr Gibbs head out to the graveyard. The head cleric forces the acolytes to exhume fresh bodies.
Mr Gibb convinces one of the individuals to help dig up a particular gravestone marked with a 'H', that Maolmhuire.
Milvere has the largest mausoleum of of all of them, which Moalmhuire shows interest in. It was very easy to open for Datura. They head inside. It is clean and well-taken care off. There is a flower palced on top of the sarcophagus.
Datura feels a cold feeling on entering in this mausoleum.
They lock the tomb back up. Datura has a memory of running towards the coffin Gamesh forced her into.