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Within the world of Tempress, a medic is a scholarly character who has spent large portions of their life studying to gain their skills. Many have spent years in academic schools, others have experienced first-hand training on battlefields, but all are well read and incredibly smart individuals.

  • Medic Skill
The Medic Skill allows you to save the life of someone dying. You can give an Unconscious patient enough body point to save their life. At higher ranks you can reduce the impact of diseases, poisons, paralysis and perform Surgery.
  • Prequisite Skills
In order to take the Medic Skill there are many perquisites to ensure the character is well equipped for saving people’s lives. Literacy, First Aid & Diagnose Wounds & Disease are all required Skills.
  • Components
Every time the Medic skill is used the medic must expend plant-based Components. These components are used for pain relief and reducing the risk of infection.
  • Role Play
This skill requires at least 30 seconds of role play, binding wounds, performing first aid, reducing fever or straightening limbs. The Medic must have both hands free to give aid. The Death Count is paused whilst the Medic works until the procedure is complete and the patient is successfully granted 1 Body Point per Hit Location at 0 Body Points. If the Medic or target are interrupted in any way the surgery is voided and must begin again. The patient continues the Death Count from the point they last counted. You should use a range of props to bring more realism and excitement to the skill. Options include; surgeon tools, bandages, ointments, fake limbs, and so on.
  • Surgery
At Rank 5, you can perform Surgery on a character. This allows the Medic to attempt to save the life of someone’s whose heart has just stopped. If a character has died, as in reached the maximum of their Death Count, within the past 5 Minutes you can begin Surgery immediately in an attempt to save their life. You must role play for a full, uninterrupted, 30 minutes of Surgery. If this is completed, you may then draw a coloured bead from a referee’s Bead Bag. The resulting Bead will determine whether the Surgery was successful or not. If the Ref deems the Surgery successful, the character will gain one Body Point for each Hit Location. If the Ref deems the Surgery unsuccessful, the character will remain dead.

If the Ref deems the Surgery successful, the character will gain one Body Point for each Hit Location. If the Ref deems the Surgery unsuccessful, the character will remain dead.

Rank 1

After a minimum of 30 seconds of role play and 1 plant-based Component you can grant a patient in their Death Count 1 body point to all Hit Locations at 0 Body Points.

Rank 2

After a minimum of 30 seconds of role play and 1 plant-based Component you can Remove Paralysis.

Rank 3

After a minimum of 30 seconds of role play and 1 plant-based Component you can reduce the Rank of a Poison by 1. You cannot reduce the Rank of the Poison below the level of contraction unless contracted at Rank 1.

Rank 4

After a minimum of 30 seconds you can reduce the Rank of a Disease by 1. You cannot reduce the Rank of the Disease below the level of contraction unless contracted at Rank 1.

Rank 5

After a minimum of 30 Minutes of role play you can perform the Surgery action.

Rank 6

After a minimum of 30 seconds of role play and 2 plant-based Component you can grant a patient in their Death Count 2 body point to all Hit Locations at 0 Body Points.

Rank 7

After a minimum of 10 Minutes of role play and 1 plant-based Component you can reattach or Mend a Crippled limb. It has 1 body point.

Rank 8

After a minimum of 30 seconds of role play and 2 plant-based Component you can reduce the Rank of a Disease or Poison by 2 (including Magical Poison & Diseases). You cannot reduce the Rank of the Disease or Poison below the level of contraction unless contracted at Rank 2.

Rank 9

After a minimum of 30 seconds of role play and 3 plant-based Component you can grant a patient in their Death Count 3 body point to all Hit Locations at 0 Body Points.