Reptiles Wanted - Suksession

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The Myste-Hass Calender


Guk has been setting lizardfolk to stack up more wood for a great celebration.
Xiuh, Ato and Jux slaughter seven horses in front of Smol, then recruit twin hatchlings Gonk and Bonk, along with Ska-Burak, to carry the meat. Gikzosk tries to take the horse, back handing Bonk. Gonk is a carrier.
Resk intercedes, intimidating Gikzosk about his small tail.
Ato tries to sneak around the chief's tent, but Gikzosk sees them and hits Ato. Bonk blows a dart that misses him, but he notices.
Xiuh overhears Gikzosk talking to Guk about needing to punish us, but he wants the group to see how he will defend the clutch from Nep-Tor first. He is planning on mkaing a small sacrifice to save the greater number of clutch. He tells Gikzosk to stalk the camp and kill the lizards who step out of line, then throw them on the meat pile.
In the morning, Resk hears a cry and then the onset of panic off to one side of the camp. There is mist from rising water.