The Broketooth Tribe

From Into the Wilds Wiki
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The Myste-Hass Calender


[[Father Howell] goes for a run and sees a two-story building called Dairy Press with a deep blue sign, golden lettering, stating Dairy Press. The clientele are emerging with heaped packages of melted cheese, with dipping sauces and bread.
Quinn goes to see Goraz, speaking with , before talking to Goraz who seems so keen, but actually doesn't remember Quinn. Quinn tells him all about the secret information and Genai Stones he has acquired for Valygar, under contract to not contact the Council of Myste-Hass. Quinn wants to share all those details with the council, but Goraz is keen to inform Quinn that the information is being passed between friends and not the Council of Myste-Hass. Goraz informs Quinn that you shouldn't go around signing documents randomly.
Crassus Hlaalu speaks with Gleeson, making him first mate and cautioning him for playing with a miniature guillotine. The Dead Man's Raft needs a new bosun. They discuss that shifts are not to be allowed for gambling, Mutina hasn't worked for three weeks. Crassus Hlaalu has been attacked a number of times by the old business owner, from which he won a business in a game of dice.
Crassus Hlaalu registers the West Myste-Hass Trading Company, then registers his small warehouse. He renames his fishing enterprise as The Crab Shack, previously known as Crooks' Bait. Jeremiah Crook was in a lot of debt because he had individual debts which he held against the business.