Trial of the Blood Stone

From Into the Wilds Wiki

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The Myste-Hass Calender


With Rasvyn’s research, it becomes clear that the cause of the possessed inflicted resides in the Genai Stone, or Blood Stone, which was precured in the crypts beneath the Temple of Garr. The item must be charged with the souls of ten individuals otherwise a curse takes hold for ten miles. Harbinger attempts to destroy the artefact by hitting it with Blood Fang and has a vision of Myste-Hass built up as a grand city with many towers and cities on the horizon. The party resolves on returning the item to the crypts but faces dark spirits from the undead before they can return the item. The curse seems to be lifted, but the Alchemist, Yanif, asks the adventurers to procure important ingredients in order to ail the fever many are suffering from.