Fever: Troll Hunt & Changeling

From Into the Wilds Wiki

Trial of the Bloodstone.jpg

The Myste-Hass Calender


In order to cure the plague, two parties set out to precure components from a werewolf and a crystal troll within the Crystal Caves. Those in search of a werewolf find several farms where the animals and workers had been butchered. Finally, they come across one family who seem relatively unaffected and deduce that the mother is in fact the wolf. After a cleverly planned ambush, the werewolf and her pack are killed. Rasvyn takes control of the abandoned farms. Meanwhile, those at the crystal cave face a giant centipede that almost drags Ulborin to his death, but Berticus jumps into a chasm to save him. Deeper within the complex, the group face two trolls and sadly leave without their cleric, Jonas, who is killed in the fight.