Gods & Avatars

From Into the Wilds Wiki

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  • God of War
  • Having taken up the mantle of War God it was believed that an Avatar of Dariss began the chain of events that led to the Great War between mages and priests. It is believed by some that the Gods represent both sides equally and Dariss only pursues war to gain peace.
  • Known Avatars: Mars


  • God of Death
  • Garr is the guardian of souls and protects the spirits of men as they travel to the other world. Garr is usually worshipped at night as it is said that the moon, when full, is the gateway to the afterlife. For these reasons funerals on Tempress are often held at night and bodies are preserved until the full moon so that the spirit may best travel onwards.
  • Known Avatars: Ragman and Impui


  • God of Knowledge
  • Peridot is known as the god of knowledge and learning. He alone stood opposed the war against the mages and priests, agreeing that man should pursue knowledge and self fulfilment - even at the determent to the gods.
  • Known Avatars: Xelec


  • God of Elements
  • Alaie, has dominion over the Earth, the Air, the Water, and Fire. She is seen by some as representing one element or many.
  • Known Avatars: Soore


  • God of Love
  • Imogen is the goddess of love and fertility. Often worshiped by farmers hoping for her blessing on their crops, Imogen also is the source of jealousy. Many have passed by Garr by her will.


  • God of Luck
  • Luck, chance or fate. These are the tools of Sarnodyx. Many times has she been called upon before the throw of a dice, but to utter her own name would see her curse you.
  • Known Avatars: The Traveling Man


  • The Forbidden Goddess
  • She who created the world and the lives upon it. Tempress stole the device of creation, the Genai, from the one true god and used it to her own ends. She was hunted down by the other six gods and beaten, she fell to the world with the Genai, never seen again