The Rider

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The Rider was a ship that floated into the Southern Docks of Myste-Hass, seemingly unmanned. The ship had come from Brindle. Adventurers convinced a militia guard, Neft, to row the group out to the ship and investigate.
Boarding the ship revealed that the crew were dead. Descending to the lower levels, the group were attacked by vampire spawn and viscous rats. C'anis turned the ships balister around and began shooting bolts into the deck in order to dispatch the undead. Deeper in, they uncovered a large crate with a vampire inside. Rigging up the pulley system, the group tried to hoist the box to the surface sunlight. But, the vampire inside apparated into a mist and floated from the ship, charming Neft and convincing him to row back to shore.
The adventurers shot arrows at Neft in an attempt to prevent the vampire from escaping, but the vampire simply pushed the guard's dead body overboard and escaped into Myste-Hass.