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  • Name: Kaleb (The Knowledgeable)
  • Race: Human
In his youth Kaleb lived by the sword, a brigand and a raider, a sell-sword, he knew no better. He forged his skill with weapons fighting and killing Orcs on the borders of Helvettia and the wild lands. Luck and choosing his battles wisely allowed him to survive those early years. He gained a reputation with his sword, those that knew him treated him with respect. His friends and companions were like minded , they fought only for reward or took what they wanted from those that were weaker or less well armed. His gods were Dariss and Garr but he prayed to them rarely and more out of fear than love. He lived a life destined to be violent and short and yet, still a young man, he came to question this lifestyle. Fate or the Gods played a part and he eventually found himself at the The Great Library of Kahzara which he had heard much talk of.
At first it seemed odd that a man like Kaleb would be interested in a library but this was not the case. The librarians, although somewhat wary of this fearsome young man, did show him a little of what was there for it was the founders policy that all should have access to the library. He was fascinated by the beauty of the writing on the scrolls and the way men were able to preserve their thoughts and knowledge in such a way. He resolved that he too must learn to read and understand for himself the knowledge that was there.
And so a different path was mapped out for Kaleb. He was taught to read in exchange for duties at the library. He applied himself diligently and impressed the librarians with his commitment to learning. It was here that he learned of the great god Peridot, worshipped by all at the library. Peridot was the god of knowledge and learning and it was he alone who opposed the war against the mages and the priests agreeing that man should pursue knowledge and self fulfilment – even if it meant no longer fearing the gods. Kaleb, who had bothered little with the gods, found in himself an increasing devotion to this god and trained to be a priest.
He discovered a great love for alchemy in his studies at the library and traveled widely searching for the rare herbs and components needed to practice this art. He gained a reputation as a healer and a wise man and became known as Kaleb the Knowledgable. It was his knowledge of healing that helped him to survive the bloody uprising by the youth of Kahzara and the slaughter of the elders. His skill with the sword had not been forgotten and during his years of study he practised this art keeping himself in good physical condition. Kaleb was not easy to kill.
The years of chaos that followed this uprising led to the conquest of Kahzara by the Helvettian army who restored order again. Kaleb at first was pleased by this but Helvettian rule soon became authoritarian and strict control was imposed on the population. Kaleb grew to hate this and longed to see a free Kahzara again. He became involved with the resistance movement and as a priest of Peridot had some degree of freedom to travel which allowed him to liaise with other resistance groups. As time passed and his healing skills became more widely known the Helvettian commander granted an official pass allowing him much greater freedom of movement to travel through Kahzara and the Helvettian occupied lands, the purpose of which was to seek out the rare herbs and components needed for his potions. He became very useful to the various resistance groups because of this. It was a dangerous path he took for spies were everywhere but Kaleb was lucky or maybe the gods smiled on him and he survived.
With the death of the old emperor and under the rule of Tiberius it had been hoped that things might change but this was not to be. Tiberius died quite suddenly, they believe poisoned, and control passed to his brother Britanicus who had dreams of greater Helvettian expansion. There was word also that Britanicus had in his possession one of the Genai Shards. This is causing concern for if the location of the secret Ley Line convergence points or “shrines” become known and the ritual performed there with the Genai Shards untold power for good or evil will be in the hands of a power hungry dictator.
Kaleb with the weight of years upon him, for he has seen 80 summers come and go, and with his memory failing, feels a sense of rage that he was not able to do more to change things for the better. To read a scroll now he must peer through a piece of shaped glass to make the symbols seem larger. To hear a voice plainly he must put a hand to his ear and face whoever is speaking. He still has his sword skill but speed, agility and strength is not what it once was, he knows he would not survive long in battle but fight on he will.