Piety Path - Sardonyx

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Piety Paths

Earning and Losing Piety

You honour Sardonyx by promoting balance between: the powerful and the weak; rich and poor, good and bad. You favour everyone and no one, carrying out acts such as:
  • Aiding the weak or impeding the strong.
  • Engaging in a daring act, particularly if the odds of success are low.
  • Mediating a major dispute or conflict.

Your piety level decreases if you commit acts such as:

  • Forthrightly assist law givers in their duties.
  • Using magic to influence the odds in your favour.
  • Showing favouritism towards any other god, or group.

Piety 3+ : Votary of Sardonyx

You can cast 'Fortune’s Favour' once per long rest.

Piety 10+: Devotee of Chance

You can cast ‘Blink’ once per long rest.

Piety 25+: Luck’s Disciple

You advantage on saving throws against being Charmed or Restrained.

Piety 50+: Champion of Sardonyx

You can increase your Dexterity or Charisma score by 2.