Prince Thayne

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Thayne is fiercely loyal to the nation of Anglan and his close friends, believing in Anglan's people and the kingdom's very soul. He feels responsible for each and every Anglan's well being and this pushes him to try even harder. Though he may not show emotion, within he feels every death of a fellow Anglan with the fury of fallen family.
Thayne always wants to see the best in people which can leave him somewhat blind to more unscrupulous individuals. Yet, he remains friendly, or at the very least courteous to most people he meets.
However, on the battlefield little mercy is shown. Being trained in Anglan, he was raised everyday to face and kill demons - in this environment mercy is a foreign concept and he very rarely pauses from delivering a killing blow. He prefers to use tactics to win fights rather than just brute force.
From birth, Thayne was raised to take the crown of Anglan. His childhood consisted of study - that of fighting, politics, linguistics and diplomacy. Intensive studies, and training in the art of melee from an early age, meant that Thayne didn't really have a true childhood. He would rise at dawn to learn from the king's bodyguards in combat. Then study of languages, literature and commerce. Followed by sessions with the King dealing with Lords and Ladies of the court. The ever present sense of responsibility constantly weighs him down.
At the age of 16, as is customary in Anglan, the Prince joined the garrisons that protect the borders from Demon attacks. He would travel from garrison to garrison spending time with the soldiers; learning, leading and socialising with them. Normally he would stay for a few months, but occasionally would stay up to a year. Thayne felt this was his most important duty; it was vital to the survival of Anglan that the royal family were seen to be standing and fighting along with its people.
At 28, while on patrol with a small garrison on the outer reaches of the kingdom, Thayne and his men were ambushed by a demonic attack. In the melee, himself and three other Anglan's were pulled through a Void Gate to a strange land, unfamiliar to each of them. They hand arrived in Tempress.
Since then, Thayne has been determined to find a way to not only get back to Anglan, but to his people.