Lotion and Libation

From Into the Wilds Wiki

Lotion and Libation A.K.A Yanif's

Lotion and Libation is a potion shop located in the Western Docks of Myste-Hass. The small shop is owned by the alchemist Yanif.

Alchemist's Supplies Required

Yanif will pay for the following components if harvested and brought to him in good conditions:
  • Grave Moss - 1gp per fist
  • Harpy Feathers - 10gp
  • Troll Skin - 10gp
  • Zombie Brain - 5gp
  • Harpy Head - 20gp
  • Lizard Head - 10gp
  • Gnoll Head - 10gp

===Other Items Yanif is looking to acquire]]

  • Healing Potions Ingredients - Myrtle Petals (found on mountains lowlands) & Drear Mushrooms (found midway up trees in swamps)
  • The hollow fangs from venomous creatures
  • Scales from lizard-like creatures. Each needs to be at least an inch in size.

Potion Costs

Yanif generally charges the following for potions:
  • Healing Potion - 70gp (60gp for trusted adventurers or barter for goods)
  • Giant Strength - 125gp
  • Greater Healing - 300gp
  • Supreme Healing - 1600gp
  • Oil of Sharpness - 2350gp
  • Potion of Slippyness - 200gp
Yanif has not been seen since the Sack of Myste-Hass. Those who have been to the Western Docks found Lotion and Libation raided and abandoned.