Var Kartark

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Var Kartark was a big man who owned a number of businesses in Myste-Hass. Kartark was tall, muscled and highly charismatic.
Harbinger went to speak to the man and detected the presence of an undead creature in his warehouse, but did not press the man on the issue.
Notably, Var Kartark had Sten seized by the mercenary Fletcher and locked in a box. He was taken to the Ruins on the Western Coast and kept in a cell. Meanwhile, a doppelganger was put in his place within the city. Once the adventurer's recovered him, her Sten returned to town and declared that any lawlessness would be punished:
Just before sundown a parade is organised just outside of the Halls. At least three quarters of the militia are present.
Sten comes out, accompanied by Andro and a grey robed figure. They move along the line of militia, speaking to each one by one. While the crowd can't hear exactly what is said, they are clearly split into two groups.
Sten moves up to a raised platform, "Draw Arms!" His voice firm and louder in front of the crowd than any would have heard him speak. The left hand group draw their swords, wary looks upon their faces.
Sten speaks again, "RELEASE!"
A flurry of arrows fly into the militia group, some men stand, but not through the second, then third volley.
When none, move the remaining militia move up to flank Sten. Bows, pointing at the crowd.
"This has gone on for far too long. I am the leader of this town. A town surrounded by enemies and monsters on every side. Yet we constantly fight among ourselves. Demons, figurative and literal. It ends now."
Smoke rises from several locations to the south end of town.
"Var Kurtark is done here. His businesses now burn. If you have loyalty to Kutark, you have until nightfall to leave town, If you remain, you will die. "
"I will protect the people of Myste-Hass against any enemy, there are individuals here who have proved themselves over and over as loyal and faithful people, regardless of their homeland, regardless of their race. I will back these people. I am your Hallmaster. I am your leader. I will protect you."
"Var Kurark, you are done."
The sun moves towards the horizon as smoke rises from the town. Towards sunset a crowd of at least one hundred leaves via the north gate.