Great Green

From Into the Wilds Wiki

Revision as of 19:38, 21 December 2021 by Harriett Blakeman (talk | contribs)

Far to the north of the mountain pass, past Bruidor and Nantgarth, the Great Green stretches an immense distance. The trees inside are far bigger than any natural growth and the air seems to glow with a green hue. The woods has a healthy, mossy smell.
The Lord of the Hunt patrols this area. He works for The King. He has a beard and green eyes, and a spear and bow infused with green magic. His head is covered with a cowl with antler horns affixed above. Leather vambracers with leather ties are upon their arms. He rides a black horse and is tailed by shadow hounds.
Mordon lives within the forest alongside Mother.