Chasing the Dragon

From Into the Wilds Wiki

The Myste-Hass Calender


Transported by The Rising Sun Tea Shop, other adventurers arrive in the underdark. After hearing about the mine behind The Spires Docks, they try to get access, but the elves on guard will not let them pass. They spot Maugrun in a small boat who agrees to lend them the boat, but some pathetic seaman sees the group arrive on a small island where a water vortex transports them to a cold, wet lair. The group find Lavern and a ritual being performed by the sea creatures. They defeat the creatures and save Lavern.


The heroes become suspicious of the new cathedral. Lavern is missing. So, they sneak into the cathedral cellar and find a sleeping area which shows signs of the sea creatures. They also steal some odd books. They threaten to hurt gnome children to find out why everyone is nervous and afraid, but they do not talk. The adventurers investigate the lower spider caves again and find a secret entrance to the stairs down. They stumble upon a large group of orcs and goblins who the heroes slay, but some escape.


In the underdark, the heroes are attacked in the Mushroom Forest by large feral creatures. After killing them, they find a severed hand in one's stomach. Marching on, the group defeats the orcs and goblins that have setup camp and rescue a kobold named Meepo. They explore the lower castle area which signposts a mining area and a harbour. After solving the dragon's riddle, they disturb the resting place of a ghostly queen who is dispatched.