Reptiles Wanted - Suksession

From Into the Wilds Wiki

The Myste-Hass Calender


Guk has been setting lizardfolk to stack up more wood for a great celebration.
Xiuh, Ato and Jux slaughter seven horses in front of Smol, then recruit twin hatchlings Gonk and Bonk, along with Ska-Burak, to carry the meat. Gikzosk tries to take the horse, back handing Bonk. Gonk is a carrier.
Resk intercedes, intimidating Gikzosk about his small tail.
Ato tries to sneak around the chief's tent, but Gikzosk sees them and hits Ato. Bonk blows a dart that misses him, but he notices.
Xiuh overhears Gikzosk talking to Guk about needing to punish us, but he wants the group to see how he will defend the clutch from Nep-Tor first. He is planning on making a small sacrifice to save the greater number of clutch. He tells Gikzosk to stalk the camp and kill the lizards who step out of line, then throw them on the meat pile.
In the morning, Resk hears a cry and then the onset of panic off to one side of the camp. There is mist from rising water.
Nep-Tor, a steel-winged bird, is clawing the clutch. Its eyes are glowing with a bluish light. Gong is particularly concerned, because his first egg is in the clutch, along with his current mate - Eroo.
A gas drifts out, paralysing most of the group.
Nep-Tor flies off directly east towards the hills.
Guk arrives after the fire has been put out. There are many dead female reptiles. Eroo is missing. She ran into the bushes.
Everyone heads east, except Xiuh who sets off to inform Shresh about the incident. Shresh says that he told Guk's mother to kill him at first hatch. Shresh tried to kill him three times, but his father was always watching. Shresh says to go and become strong. Nep-tor is creature of the gods.
Zux leads the group to find Eroo. Her footprints fade after a short stint and Bonk can smell blood in the air.
The group is then assaulted by a vine creature. They are forced to take a short rest afterwards.
A snake speaks with us, it has two panels of brightly-coloured feathered on its back. She saw Eroo running ahead. Her name is Tisca. She knows about the metal bird in the hills.
Eroo is in the north. Nep-Tor is east. Tisca says that Eroo has been captured by bullywugs. Tisca likes decisions. They were made and set to purpose. They are alone with no eggs.
Nep-Tor does not eat eggs. Nep-Tor is the hammer or fishing rod, it is the tool in your hand, not the brain in your head.
Tisca says that she wants to bless the strongest ones, she wants them to succeed because its important to those who watch. She blesses them which is breaking the rules.
Ato heads east. Just ahead, Jux finds bullywug tracks that capture Eroo and head north.
The group keeps moving all day, then finds an area to rest and eat. There are plenty animals.
Xiuh speaks with Sterrik, translating between Jux and Smol. He doesn't understand Smol very well.
On Ato's watch, they see three scal-ess passing by with their faces painted with fearsome animal designs. Their clothes are rough. They move back down the path towards the way the lizardfolk had come from.
The group pushes on, seeing hills ahead. High up on the hillside is a multi-levelled structure. One whole side is collapsed, falling into the mountain side. There are wooden walls around it with huts, flags and patrols.
The individuals are not tall. They have wooden masks.
The group moves north, heading to a parallel valley. They set off towards the pyramid.
There is a group of nine, carrying a deer on a stick, guiding someone with a cloak. The prisoner is making a bit of a fuss. They are the same sort of size as the others. Sterrik says that the prison is Tolrun who wants to make a deal.
The group hides in the bushes, waiting to launch an attack on the passing group.


The lizard folk descend upon the hunting party. After most of the group are killed, their prisoner tries to run off but is pursued by Bonk. The creature stabs Bonk, knocking him unconscious and then bargains for his freedom in draconic by letting his hostage go.
The creature, Yard, says he wanted to get into the town, so he allowed himself to get captured.
Yard swap a magic bean for Gonk's fresh meat. He tells him to plant in the ground. He claims it will require immediate harvesting.
He offers Bonk a porcelain plate with flower details for a metal dagger.
Yard says that operation Gunkard can be put on hold whilst he checks out the eggs with the other lizardfolk.
Ato scouts ahead with Jux. They see a series of depressions and fissures in the rock face. IN one far in the distance, one-hundred and fifty foot up, Ato sees Nep-tor.
Yard uses a small shell to understand what the lizards are saying. He can also hear the drums in the city.
Yard produces a small, very good carved frog. He claims it affects the weather. He swaps it for a tinder box.
Yard makes his way up the rock face, disappearing behind a bush.
The fissure in the rockface looks as though the stone has fully split. There is trickling of water with wet walls. A dead scal-ess is found. He has an arrow in his shoulder and has been dead for awhile.
Jux drags the body into a chamber filled with massive mushrooms.
The group creates a campfire and nest. They take a long rest.
XP - for Keiran - 116xp.
The group try to cheer Smol up, but it is ineffectual.
The lizards scout ahead towards where Nep-tor is. A camp has appeared in the valley below where the fight the day before occurred.
The group scale the one-hundred and fifty foot cliff face, clearing a twenty-foot ledge. A cave entrance, about twenty-five foot across and twenty-foot high is here.
Ato can smell the eggs nearby.
Bonk sneaks into the cave, followed by Resk, Ato and Jux.
Bonk puts his hand in an ooze whilst sneaking through the tunnel. Ato senses a aberration and an elemental within a mile of the group.
Meanwhile, Gong plants his bean outside the cave. Sixteen bright pink mushrooms with white lines sprout around him.
Xuih - x1 2nd Level Spell.
Jux and Ato sneak into the chamber. There are about eighteen eggs against one wall and Nep-tor in the corner. Nep-tor is motionless. A dim blue light comes from the orbs where its eyes should be.