Chasing the Dragon: Village by the Water Pt.3

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The Myste-Hass Calender

01/10/20 -06/10/20

The group leave Madam Jao’s in haste and make their way to Stopover where they spend a peaceful night at The River Bird Inn. In the morning, the party seeks out the wise women, Veriditch, who is frozen in a catatonic state within her home. Heading further north, the group are ambushed by a group of wolves and a roper, but neither are too difficult for the heroes to defeat. At the ruins, the group discovers Mr Ungor chanting and performing a dark ritual which appears to be doing some dark celestial magic, Shi hu n zhe. A portal opens and Dramos leaps through - the party follows. The group find themselves in some unknown ruins filled with a green mist. Inside a giant spider creature forces the group into a difficult fight; the adventurers hurt the spider badly, but it escapes into the misty ruins below. The group continue to explore the grounds of the ruins in the search for Sarah, but are unsuccessful. The heroes experiment with Mr Ungor’s portal ring and cannot get back inside the mist filled location. With no other options, they’re forced to head back to Stopover on foot. Here they find where Mr Ungor has been messing with undead and discover Sarah, mummified, in these crypts. Returning to town, the group return to Veriditch’s home and discover that one of the soul gems contains her spirit, which the party swiftly returns to her body.