Here & There Again - Krookhold

From Into the Wilds Wiki

The Myste-Hass Calender


Tom's Code - 00001
The group heads down to Krookhold, but pause because the caravan has stopped for lunch. Hubey and Huey have made a very thin soup, not using the jar of pickles supplied by Bert.
On approach to the city, the town is surrounded by a palisade wall where archers are firing down on two large hunched creatures. They're assaulting the walls. Bert stops the caravan. Then, Bertilac shouts at the trolls and runs towards the fight. The group are fighting the green troll, whilst the blue one rips down some of the wall and eats an archer.
The green troll is brought down, then he comes back up. The blue trolls runs of towards to the heavily forested eastern area.
After killing the green troll three times, and decapitated him, Offir calls out to the gate guard, but they tell the group to fuck off. Offir offers to pay for everyone's drink at the tavern tonight. They call the headman who comes to the gates to negotiate.
They decide to do a trade of people, Offir as hostage for them as someone comes out and checks the cart. Offir takes most of his gold with him in his small writing chest.
The man who meets the group looks human, but there is a slight bluish tone to his skin. Risses is the individual Offir is heading to meet. He has arranged for a lovely meal at Risses' house with some of the boys. They talk about Myste-Hass.
Risses is the voice of the town. One of the guys is called Brun, and he's a true brute.
Offir gives them a rude limerick and Brun likes it.
Apparently, Krookhold is a place for weary sailors to stop, or boats to harbour when there are storms.
They talk about Cyrac De'Lysinyon and his hunt for demons, then Godson who supposedly comes from Krookhold.
Back at the carts, the man said that he'd not heard of Angel's Reach. He says there are goblins and dead things walking.
The man says that people in town would pay a lot for Sek, because he's a small lizard. They would tie him to a post and make him dance around.
He wants to know who the smartest and dumbest person in the group is.
The man says that Bert may have been stolen and put in the home of another person. Or, cursed by a hag. Or, an animal slept with Bert's mother. He mentions that the women in the tavern, The Lucky Crayfish, often talk stories about hags and witches.
There are also a small eatery - Dogs on the Go.
Risses is very threatening. He refuses to give the group anything unless the caravan is brought into the walls.
Offir returns to the caravan to discuss Risses pressuring the group to stay. They decide, reluctantly, to go into the town and park the caravans near the gate.
Master Yiban is assigned as the custodian of Offir's money.
Everyone but Bert goes down to the city to renegotiate the deal. The adventurers want to be ready to move off. Risses keeps pushing for more and more gold, not believing the group. Finally, Offir loses it and swipes at the man - "I will not be extorted by the likes of you."
Combat breaks out.