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==[[The Myste-Hass Calender]]==
==[[The Myste-Hass Calender]]==
A group of [[Myste-Hass]] adventures are met at the docks by a sailor who rows the party out to a large ship. The group are informed that they are being employed by [[Gasrapoar]] to retrieve goods from a ship called the [[Titan]]. The huge boat has run-a-ground but appears to be an expensive off-shore prison for the extremely wealthy. Before the group arrives at the island, they check out a cove with a magical light glowing which releases many undead figures. On the island, the group is introduced to [[Gasrapoar]]. Suddenly, the group are informed that [[Gasrapoar]]’s cartographer is trapped in a dangerous situation on the beach, and the party head to intervene, facing several brutish creatures. They also discover a very large dwarven styled door before sailing back to [[Myste-Hass]].
A group of [[Myste-Hass]] adventures are met at the docks by a sailor who rows the party out to a large ship. The group are informed that they are being employed by [[Lord Gassoport]] to retrieve goods from a ship called the [[Titan]]. The huge boat has run-a-ground but appears to be an expensive off-shore prison for the extremely wealthy. Before the group arrives at the island, they check out a cove with a magical light glowing which releases many undead figures. On the island, the group is introduced to [[Lord Gassoport]]. Suddenly, the group are informed that [[Lord Gassoport]]’s cartographer is trapped in a dangerous situation on the beach, and the party head to intervene, facing several brutish creatures. They also discover a very large dwarven styled door before sailing back to [[Myste-Hass]].

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:[[Vallo Maren]] wakes up on [[A Good Ship]] to the sound of raised voices. Up on deck [[Steve]] and [[Francesca Gassoport|Franchesca]] are exchanging heated words. [[Lord Gassoport]] had sent [[Steve]] to retrieve his wife from the island, although she has no intention of returning, particularly following the recent death of her daughter [[Tilly Gassoport|Tilly]]. [[Steve]] Also has a package from [[Lord Gassoport]] for [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]]. The package contains two sending stones, both separately connected back to him. [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] keeps one for him self and gives the other to [[Francesca Gassoport|Franchesca]] so she can contact her husband should she choose to. After sending a brief report to [[Lord Gassoport]], [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] heads out on to the island to find his companions.
:[[Larc]] and [[Ulfgar]] are heading back to wards the camp. Striding in his military fashion [[Larc]] strides away in to the brush. As [[Ulfgar]] reaches the clearing where the camp is situated he sees the Dryad laying the slaughtered t-rex to rest. [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] emerges and the three converse over the regrettable loss of life. Introducing themselves to each other, the Dryad presents herself as [[Poppy]]. [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] discusses with [[Ulfgar]] the urgent need to help [[Boreus]] and move against [[Gouros]] and where the others are as the camp is now empty. The latter name gets [[Poppy]]'s attention, she insists that [[Ulfgar]] and [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] should join up with the party heading to the [[Red Ork Tribe]] to negotiate with its chieftain for help against the [[Yellow Ork Tribe]]. Communing with the island, [[Poppy]] manifests a number of the island's spirits that help speedily transport [[Ulfgar]] and [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] towards the diplomatic party.
:[[Humphrey]], [[Kythor]], [[Regis]] and [[Zanhorn]] slash their way through the jungle on their journey towards the [[Red Ork Tribe]]. As they hack their way through, they are ambushed by trapper vines. [[Zanhorn]] is instantly paralysed and poisoned, but [[Regis]] blasts away the offending vine. [[Ulfgar]] and [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] arrive moments later, the spirits transporting them disappearing back in to the forest. As the group head on through the forest, [[Ulfgar]] carrying [[Zanhorn]], a giant snake appears and seems to be shadowing them. The group presses onwards despite this, until a vine spits spines at the group. [[Kythor]] attempts to frighten away the assaulting vines with his [[Mace of Terror]], although he himself sees a vision of four gaping faces, those on the mace himself. [[Humphrey]] slices through the ambushers with ease with his [[Sunblade]]. The noise generated disturbs a vine spider that comes to investigate. The group move to finish their foes to be able to engage with the larger threat. After a brief scuffle, [[Regis]] finishes the vine spider with Toll the Dead.
:[[Zanhorn]] recovers from paralysis during the fight and sees the words "Captain B...." carved in to a tree in thieves cant. He asks [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] if the name is familiar, who suggests that this may pertain to [[Captain Bellamy]]. As the rest search the area, they find a metal cage that the vine spider appeared to be protecting. [[Ulfgar]] wrenches the door from the cage with his bear hands and [[Kythor]] attempts to open the chest lying within. [[Zanhorn]] discovers more thieves cant near the cage suggesting that this treasure is in fact the property of [[Captain Bellamy]]. [[Kythor]] has difficulty breaking the chest open, so [[Humphrey]] takes over and opens the chest through magical means.
:[[Humphrey]] hears the approach not too far off of something that sounds akin to horses, the group move to investigate in time to see a cart drawn by two large flobs entering the [[Red Ork Tribe]] camp. The cart contains two walruses with collars and a slumped figure. The group move out on to the roadway and head out towards the camp gates. A group of orks come forth to intercept them. A much taller orkish figure stands in the gate, smoke billowing from his form. [[Humphrey]] and [[Kythor]] attempt to communicate wit the orks, but as no common language is shared, the orks call for one amongst them known as [[Snagh]] who has the ability to interpret. While the group await [[Snagh]], [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] taunts the ork guards in orkish. [[Snagh]] arrives and the group discuss their wish to entreat with the red tribe chieftain and to seek out the Protector [[Nadak]]. [[Snagh]] invites them in to meet the chieftain, [[Jaruk]].
:As they head in, the guard [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] taunted tries to disarm him. This results in a fist fight between the two, [[Snagh]] intervenes after a time, resulting in [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] as the victor.
:[[Garland]], [[Kythor]], [[Regis]], [[Ulfgar]], [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] and [[Zanhorn]] enter the [[Red Ork Tribe]] settlement. As they enter [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] receives a reply from [[Lord Gassoport]] through the sending stone. As the group follow [[Snagh]] in to the settlement, [[Snagh]] asks [[Regis]] about his healing magic, confiding in him that illness and disease is spreading through the [[Red Ork Tribe]]. A runner from within the settlement comes to [[Snagh]], they have a brief exchange in orkish before [[Snagh]] heads off to deal with the arising issue, telling the group to remain here with their [[Scorched]] guards until he returns to get them and escort them to see the chieftain, [[Jaruk]]. Noticing a market area towards the centre of the settlement, [[Garland]], [[Kythor]], [[Regis]], [[Ulfgar]] and [[Zanhorn]] wonder over to investigate while waiting. Having overheard and understood the previous conversation in orkish, [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] slips away to follow [[Snagh]] and investigate the trouble he has gone to deal with.
:At the market, three of the seven shops are open; [[Angel's Treasure]], [[Something Different]] and [[Is It Shagged]]. Seeing the first human face on the island other than themselves, [[Garland]], [[Kythor]], [[Regis]], [[Ulfgar]] and [[Zanhorn]] head over to [[Angel's treasure]]. The proprietor [[Aukn]] is trading with the ogre that was previously seen entering the settlement. The group spend some time perusing [[Aukn]]'s wares and converse with the ogre, [[BO]], who tries to recruit them in to helping him hunt a kraken. The group take a brief look at the [[Is It Shagged]] and see a goliath blacksmith at work there. As they browse, [[Zanhorn]] notices a message written on the roof of [[Something Different]] in thieves' cant.
:[[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] heads off after [[Snagh]], unchallenged by the two [[Scorched]] left to chaperone the group of newcomers. Following [[Snagh]] in to the centre of the settlement, [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] weaves through the crowd gathered around the central fire. A large ork with a black rag over its head stands on a platform, addressing the gathered crowd. Another two of the [[Scorched]] hold a prisoner from the [[Yellow Ork Tribe]] and on command, walk in to the central fire, holding their captive. The fire seems to be full of corpses, and burns with an unnatural intensity. The [[Scorched]] seem unaffected, but the prisoner is burned to death. Following on along [[Snagh]]'s path, [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] comes to the chieftain's hut, catching sight of the issue that demanded [[Snagh]]'s attentions.
:The rest of the group, attention drawn by the prisoners' screams, head over to investigate, Back together again, they see the scene out side of the hut. Two golden, gem encrusted, mechanical gryphons move around freely to the right of the doorway, one of which seems to have injured one of the orkish bystanders. As the crowd of orks grows more irate at the mechanical beasts, they are dismissed by [[Snagh]] so as not to escalate the situation. At this point [[Kythor] receives another message that appears directly in to his pocket. he appears to have a moment of faintness, but pulls it together. He receives a second message in close succession, but this time passing out completely. While [[Kythor]] is helped to his feet again, [[Zanhorn]] scoops up the message and reads it out loud to the group.
:[[Snagh]] Leads the group in to the hut. As they enter, a conversation in raised voices between [[Jaruk]] and "Sky Man". "Sky Man" at first appears to be an elderly man in simple clothing, but as their conversation escalates, he drops an illusion that previously obscured his artificer armour and a large set of mechanical arms. This man transpires to be [[Ulysses]], the individual that [[Lord Gassoport]] has employed them to find and bring back to him. [[Ulysses]] tries to bribe the party over to his side and to forsake their contract with [[Lord Gassoport]]. He reveals that he is not working with [[Gouros]], but instead finds that the entity is his main problem on the island, and that the [[Titan]] is only stranded because something unsanctioned was placed onboard without his knowledge. Seeing he is making no headway, [[Ulysess]] takes flight and leaves the settlement.
:The group is lead on to meet [[Jaruk]] and are warned about the traditions and protocols for communicating with him. [[Garland]], [[Kythor]], [[Regis]], [[Ulfgar]], [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] and [[Zanhorn]] all step forwards, individually stating their intentions to the chieftain. [[Jaruk]] names himself as [[Nadak]]'s speaker, and invites them to stand in a circle around him to exchange questions and answers in the traditional way. For each question asked and answered, the asker is struck, thus the question must be deemed important enough for the asking in the speaker's mind. Questions, answers and blows are traded. As this process unfolds, [[Ulfgar]] feels a strange heat wash over him, and as this heat intensifies, he hears the voice of [[Nadak]] speak directly to him. Once the questions and answers session is finished, [[Jaruk]] retreats to the statue to [[Nadak]] at the rear of the room, he speaks to the statue briefly before stepping forwards to be enveloped by the magma spilling forth from the statue. As he is enveloped, he seems to be unaffected, and the magma slowly forms in to a case around him.
:As [[Ulfgar]] continues to commune with [[Nadak]], a unknown power brands the group with [[Nadak]]'s mark. A voice is heard from the statue to say "[[Gouros]] must not leave the prison". Growing concerned, [[Kythor]] draws [[Ulfgar]] away from the statue. Suddenly, [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] hears a rumbling noise growing louder, and hears something bursting out of the ground outside in the settlement. As he dashes out to see the source of the noise, a large mechanical worm, made in a very familiar style pops out of the ground, and a number of strange humanoid figures with bladed arms spill out of it.
:[[Humphrey]], [[Kythor]], [[Regis]], [[Ulfgar]], [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] and [[Zanhorn]] dash out of the [[Red Ork Tribe]] chieftain's hut to the sight of the large mechanical worm bursting out of the ground, releasing a number of humanoid figures with bladed arms from within it. Glimpses of other mechanical worms can be seen as they burrow up in various locations around the settlement. As they head outside [[Kythor]] receives another message, this time, as he reads it, his inner monologue can be heard reading aloud by the others. Once more, after reading the message, he passes out and receives a terrible vision of an other version of himself.
:[[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] and [[Zanhorn]] release a barrage of arrows at the strange humanoids, while [[Regis]] and [[Ulfgar]] atempt to bring [[Kythor]] round. The worm sinks back down in to the ground, bursting out once more within the chieftain's hut, engaging [[Humphrey]] and releasing more of the strange humanoids. [[Ulysses]], the orchestrator of this attack, glides down from the sky above, flanked by two mechanical gryphons. [[Snagh]] unleashes a fireball against them, but [[Ulysses]] seems to shrug it off, emerging unscathed.
:[[Ulysses]] calls down that there need not be any blood-shed, if they do not resist and allow him to retrieve what he is seeking, no one will come to harm. As the group continue to fight, [[Ulysses]] orders his minions to "kill one of them". On his command, the mechanical worm swallows [[Humphrey]] whole and slams [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] to the ground with its tail. [[Humphrey]] is spat out shortly after as the now conscious [[Kythor]] swiftly rebukes the construct. As the battle continues and they attempt to revive their companions, [[Regis]], seeing that they are hopelessly outmatched and outnumbered, heeds [[Ulysses]]' words and throws down his arms. While some of the others follow his lead, some continue to fight in desperation. [[Ulysses]] lands amongst them, throwing both [[Ulfgar]] and [[Snagh]] out of his way and to the ground with his mechanical arms. [[Kythor]] asks what [[Ulysses]] is here for, but is given a dismissive answer and patronisingly flicked an enchanted platinum piece. [[Zanhorn]] attempts to engage [[Ulysses]] in further discourse, invoking the previous offer of a pay off, but is ignored with a smile. [[Ulysses] lets out an electrical shockwave with his magical mace, stunning the group, then striding onwards in to the chieftain's hut.
:The mechanical worm can be seen within the chieftain's hut, ripping up the ground and drilling in to the back wall. This one is soon joined by others as the battles elsewhere within the camp draw to a close. [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] tries to rouse [[Snagh]] to action, but is unsuccessful. Despite a lack of leadership from [[Sangh]], some orks run in in a futile attempt to stop the mechanical worms, but are utterly destroyed in a matter of moments. In defeated frustration, [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] shouts at [[Ulysses]], questioning his actions. The exchange reveals that [[Ulysses]] is here for Iridium that he requires to forge a magical fuel source for the [[Titan]], taking him one step closer to achieving his goals.
:While [[Ulysses]] holds the majority of attention in the settlement, [[Kythor]] heads to [[Angel's Treasure]]. Shortly after he heads off, the rest of the group follow [[Snagh]] in to the mountain cave. [[Kythor]] talks to the shop keeper, [[Aukn]], about his ability to identify or remove curses and identify magical items. It seems the magical platinum piece he previously received holds a glyph of warding, and is effectively a bomb that [[Ulysses]] can trigger at his leisure. [[Kythor]] attempts to intimidate [[Aukn]] in to relinquishing a magical sword that he has amongst his stock, but is unsuccessful as [[Aukn]] is made of sterner stuff than he first appears. [[Kythor]] moves to take the sword by force, but is charmed by [[Aukn]]. [[Aukn]] attempts to relieve the charmed [[Kythor]] of some of his possessions before shouting to the [[Scorched]] guard nearby to fetch [[Rorog]] to deal with the would-be-thief. The ork, [[Rorog]], strips [[Kythor]] of his possessions and apparel, with the exception of his mace (which seams to be magically attached and cannot be removed), and escorts him away to a palisaded building in the western side of the settlement. [[Kythor]] attempts to talk his way out, but is unsuccessful with the language barrier between them. [[Rorog]] locks him in an iron cage in a pit below ground level in this prison building.
:[[Humphrey]], [[Regis]], [[Ulfgar]], [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] and [[Zanhorn]] head in to the mountain cave with [[Snagh]]. [[Ulfgar]] notices that the stonework at the entrance of the cave is of dwarvish origin. As they enter the mountain cave, a number of stone towers in various states of disrepair can be seen, some supporting ballistae atop them, overlooking the settlement within. A number of tents and huts can be seen, and even a small orkish market. [[Snagh]] leads them on to his own hut at the far side of the cave. A gateway can be seen opening up to the sunlight outside on the far side of the mountain, a number of masts visible in the distance. The group discuss their next moves, and settle down for an evening's rest.
:[[Garland]], having been drinking in the tavern, oblivious to the previous conflict, sees the others head in to the volcano with [[Snagh]]. He seeks to follow them in, but is turned away by the [[Scorched]]. He returns to the tavern to drink and have a roof over his head for the night.
:As [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] dozes on the beach, gazing at the ominous clouds at sea to the north, he sees footsteps approaching in the sand. [[Francesca Gassoport|Francesca]] appears. She tells him that she has sent word to a cousin, who will be coming to pick her up from the island in a week's time. She reveals in conversation that it was she who raised [[Ulysses]], and would be grateful if they did him no harm. As the conversation concludes, she settles down on the beach next to [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] to sleep.
:[[Humphrey]], [[Regis]], [[Ulfgar]] and [[Zanhorn]] remain in [[Snagh]]'s hut, who regales them with he difficulties faced by the [[Red Ork Tribe]]. [[Regis]] offers him comfort and questions him about the location of [[Kythor]]. [[Ulfgar]] heads out of the hut in order to inspect the throne that stood outside. It is dwarvish in nature and is surrounded by glowing iridium crystals. As [[Ulfgar]] tries to pull one of the crystals from the ground, he hears a dwarvish voice speak to him, but cannot find the source. He heads back to the hut and asks the others for help inspecting the throne. [[Zanhorn]] notices that [[Ulfgar]] now has a second shadow that does not move with the light, this shadow appears to be dwarvish in nature like [[Ulfgar]] but is carrying a book. As they retire to the hut, [[Ulfgar]] receives a message from [[Alana Stonebeard|Alana]] about their current situation.
:The next morning, [[Garland]], [[Humphrey]], [[Regis]], [[Ulfgar]], [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] and [[Zanhorn]] gather at [[Snagh]]'s hut to discuss their next steps. Conversation with [[Snagh]] reveals [[Kythor]]'s misdeed and punishment, and that [[Bo]] will help them reach [[Boreus]]. They head out in order to recover [[Kythor]], fist swinging by [[Angel's Treasure]] in order to talk to [[Aukn]]. As they head over, it is clear a number of ork warbands are assembling, discontent with the attack on their encampment by [[Ulysses]], the gears of war begin to turn. [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] recovers [[Kythor]]'s belongings from [[Aukn]]. [[Zanhorn]] takes the opportunity to visit [[Something Different]], and [[Humphrey]] [[Is It Shagged]]. [[Regis]] heads off to where [[Kythor]] is being held, expecting the others to catch up with him.
:Initially ensnared in a vision, [[Kythor]] comes round in his cell beneath the [[Red Ork Tribe]] fighting pit. As he investigates his cell for a way to escape, he can hear the bear in the end cell thrashing around, and the displacer beast in the second call cannot be seen. The bear's thrashing suddenly comes to an end and a hissing sound can be heard emanating from the cell as a grotesque creature rises up and moves against the bars, the bear's corpse stands up. [[Kythor]] attempts to quietly slide between the bars in to the cell to his right but becomes stuck. Seeking to guide the creature away, [[Kythor]] magically creates a noise at the top of the stairs leading to the surface. As [[Regis]] arrives at the fighting pit, he can hear hissing and strange moans from below. Opening the door to the cells below, he sees the monstrosity heading up towards him. With an apology to [[Kythor]], [[Regis]] runs back in to the settlement to get the others.
:As the group arrive at the fight pit, a trail of blood can be seen leading up the steps that lead below, [[Ulfgar]] sees a figure making away through a gap in the settlement's palisade. [[Zanhorn]], [[Regis]] and [[Garland]] head down to the cells to free [[Kythor]]. [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] takes off after the creature's trails, but returns as he realises there is no chance of catching it in the surrounding jungle. [[Ulfgar]] speaks with the displacer beast, and sets it free. Now reunited, the group head over to [[Bo]] to begin their journey back towards [[Boreus]] and the far side of the island.
:Leaving the settlement in [[Bo]]'s cart, the group head to the south-east, [[Ulfgar]] taking the reigns. As they travel along, for streaks of red burst out of the adjacent woods, a small goblin on the back of a flob is running uncontrolledly, while another three flobs chase him. [[Ulfgar]] stops the cart and [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] shouts a warning at the goblin. the goblin streaks by, clearly out of control. The group open fire on the flobs and the goblin, and as they are dispatched the sound of hooves can be heard approaching. Three mounted yellow tribe orks emerge from the surrounding woodland, charging towards the rear of the cart. With a crack of the reins, [[Ulfgar]] gets the cart moving once more, and [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] and [[Zanhorn]] unleash a hail of arrows on their pursuers. Another mounted ork appears, charging directly at the cart, causing [[Humphrey]] and [[Regis]] to tumble over the edge, barely managing to hold on. [[Garland]] hauls [[Regis]] back in and [[Humphrey]] launches him self at the closest mounted ork, attempting to throw it from its saddle, but while he manages to make contact, he is left wrestling with the ork for control. A further mounted ork appears ahead of the cart, this one larger than all the others. It cuts straight in for [[Ulfgar]], its mount ripping him straight off the cart with its mount. The large ork leaps from his mount on to the cart, [[Ulfgar]], [[Garland]], [[Zanhorn]] and [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] successfully fend him off, but [[Zanhorn]] is knocked out. Once their foes are vanquished, [[Regis]] brings [[Zanhorn]] back round and [[Kythor]] leaps out in search of the spoils of the encounter.
:[[Prop]] heard of a call for an orkish translator on a trade venture with a distant island. Figuring this would be easy work he headed out from [[Myste-Hass]] on the voyage. After aiding in the delivery of equipment and supplies to the orkish settlement on the island, he decides to curl up under a wagon to have a rest in the shade. Startled by the carts sudden jolt of movement, [[Prop]] decides to grab on to its undercarriage as it takes off. As the cart lurches to a halt, he drops out from underneath and crawls out to see where he has ended up.
:In the wake of their previous encounter [[Kythor]], [[Regis]], [[Ulfgar]], [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] and [[Zanhorn]] notice the half-ork, [[Prop]], emerge from beneath the cart. After a small amount of questioning, the group get underway and continue onwards towards the eastern side of the island. At a crossroads, an old carved stone plinth stands to one side, covered in moss, with a blue feather placed at its base. Further investigation from [[Ulfgar]] reveals dwarvish text that says "Champions of Oberon" and points deeper in to the forest. [[Ulfgar]] heads a little further up the path to investigate the structure he can see in the distance pointed to by the plinth, but swiftly returns as [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] urges the group to make haste and continue onwards. [[Gouros]]'s miasma has at this point reached the edge of the crossroad.
:After a short distance of travell, [[Bo]] stops the cart, and heads off to the treeline to answer natures call. [[Bo]] seems to change posture in to a slum, and [[Big Willy]] and [[Smash]] seem to have their hackles raised, something is not right. A cloud of flies can be seen swarming off to the south-east, this part of the forest thick with the miasma and odour of decay. [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] calls to [[Bo]], receiving no response, he leaps down off the cart and heads over to investigate the cause in this change of demeanour. [[Prop]] follows towards [[Bo]] and [[Regis]] attempts to encourage [[Big Willy]] and [[Smash]] to head towards [[Bo]]. [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] nudges [[Bo]] tying to illicit a response, [[Bo]] seems to be struggling against himself, and utters only the word "leave". [[Francesca Gassoport|Franchesca]] atempts to command [[Bo]] back to the cart, but to no effect.
:A large, feminine, tree-like figure rises from the ground beneath the swarm of of flies, a beaked skull worn like a mask over its face. The creature merges with a tree, re-emerging adjacent to the cart from one of the roadside trees. She shouts at the group to leave, hands contorting as she invokes some kind of magic. [[Bo]], compelled by her magic, turns on the group, ordering [[Big Willy]] and [[Smash]] to attack the group. [[Regis]] calls out to the tree-creature, asking who she is, and [[Prop]] attempts to drag the resisting [[Bo]] back to the cart. [[Kythor]], [[Regis]], [[Ulfgar]] and [[Zanhorn]] fend off the walruses, and [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] asks the tree-creature if she is [[Oreanna]], [[Juniper]] or [[Ethil]], beginning to loose arrows as no response is forthcoming. [[Bo]] turns to slash at [[Prop]], and the tree-creature casts a spell, animating a near by tree, which begins to close in on [[Regis]]. As [[Ulfgar]] faces off against the walruses, and [[Zanhorn]] unleashes arrows from within the cart, [[Kythor]] takes down [[Smash]] from behind, but is swallowed by [[Big Willy]] in retaliation. [[Bo]] shoots his harpoon at [[Francesca Gassoport|Franchesca]] and pulls her from the cart, [[Prop]] quickly slicing through the attached rope before she is pulled too far.
:Continuing to attempt to communicate with the tree-creature, [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] manages to get a response. She confirms that she is in fact [[Juniper]], [[Boreus]]' daughter, but that her farther is now "dead to her". [[Zanhorn]] attempts to leap from the cart on to [[Big Willy]]'s back, but shatters his dagger on the collar. [[Regis]] tries to back out of the fray, but is grabbed and swallowed by the animated tree. Seeing [[Prop]]'s current predicament, [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] shoots at [[Bo]], dealing enough damage to snap him out of whatever spell he was under. Simultaneously, [[Ulfgar]] slices open [[Big Willy]] from jaw to stomach, freeing [[Kythor]]. [[Bo]], [[Prop]], [[Ulfgar]] and [[Zanhorn]] now converge on the animated tree, freeing [[Regis]] from its clutches. [[Francesca Gassoport|Francesca]] brings [[Kythor]] back round. [[Juniper]] smashes the cart to pieces as the group cut down the animated tree and begin to converge on her. [[Regis]] addresses her in celestial, attempting to get her to submit, which [[Kythor]] reinforces with a command.
:Commanded so, [[Juniper]] halts and takes a knee before them in submission. As the compulsion fades, she stands and removes her mask. A somewhat elven face is revealed, similar to that of [[Poppy]] the dryad. Tears can be seen running down her features. She slowly moves back towards the treeline, disappearing in to a near by tree.
:[[Riiver]] is sent to the island by [[Lord Gassoport|Harold Gassoport]] to join those out there working for him and to aid in returning his wife [[Francesca Gassoport|Francesca]] to him when he sends a more substantial expedition to the island in two days time. He is met there by [[Steve]], near the old camp, and is guided out to join those out on the island working to reclaim the [[Titan]].
:[[Ulfgar]] helps [[Bo]] create a ramshackle chariot from the ruins of the old cart in order to transport the wounded [[Big Willy]] following their previous encounter with [[Juniper]].  [[Regis]] looks around them, searching for any trace of undead lurking in the surrounding trees, but once more is drawn towards the second shadow clinging to [[Ulfgar]]. [[Kythor]] examines the route by which [[Juniper]] left, but is unable to glean anything about where she may have gone too. Knowing they are in a dangerous spot, [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] takes up watch on the road while a pyre is prepared in the remains of the cart. He hears footsteps approaching them from the south, [[Riiver]] and [[Steve]] can be seen approaching along the road in the distance. [[Riiver]] approaches and introduces himself to the somewhat worse for wear group before him.
:[[Regis]] takes a moment to pray to [[Garr]] and then assists [[Ulfgar]] in building the pyre for [[Smash]]. [[Kythor]] overhears [[Francesca Gassoport|Francesca]] sending a message via the sending stone that she is in possession of. He takes the opportunity to engage her in conversation and ask about why [[Lord Gassoport|Harold Gassoport]] wants her and the [[Titan]] back so much. [[Zanhorn]] takes advantage of the opportunity presented by the rest of the group being busy and takes [[Riiver]] to one side for a brief catch up. With the pyre lit and [[Big Willy]] ready to move, [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] guides them slightly further along the road and off in to a sheltered glade to spend the night. They organise themselves in to four watches to cover the night: [[Regis]] and [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]]; [[Bo]] and [[Steve]]; [[Riiver]] an [[Zanhorn]]; and [[Ulfgar]] & [[Kythor]].
:The first watch passes uneventfully. During the second, [[Poppy]] appears, telling [[Steve]] and [[Bo]] that she will return with a goblin that may be able to help them. The third watch also passes uneventfully, however [[Riiver]] and [[Zanhorn]] plot together. While inspecting [[Francesca Gassoport|Francesca]] for valuables during the night, [[Riiver]] realises that she too is a half-elf and only needs to meditate, and not sleep like most of the others, so will likely be disturbed by such actions. During the fourth and final watch, [[Ulfgar]] realises that the half-ork [[Prop]] who was previously traveling with them seems to have died in his sleep. Once all are awake, [[Regis]] and [[Bo]] dig a shallow grave for him. As they de-camp and prepare to move out, [[Poppy]] arrives, hand in hand with a goblin, [[Tark]]. She has compelled [[Tark]] magically to aid them, and makes him tell the group what he had previously told to her.
:[[Tark]] describes having been in to the dead-lands on the island with the [[Herald of Gouros]]. He describes how they travelled to a cave containing a building and a set of pillars that contained some form of portal. He and a number of other goblins carried a "log" through this portal, which [[Poppy]] strongly suspects may have been [[Boreus]]. [[Poppy]] is unable to enter the dead-lands with the group, and the goblin cannot leave her side or its compulsion will be broken, so she agrees to wait for them at the edge of the dead-lands until they re-emerge. The group swiftly set out, following the directions provided by [[Tark]]. The further in they travel, the thicker the miasma gets, until their vision is severely reduced by a thick fog, the stench of decay thick in the air around them. The group hear a  stag cry out near them, and as it approaches see that it has been corrupted and is overcome with decay. [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] puts the creature down. Heading deeper in to the miasma, [[Regis]] and [[Kythor]] hone their senses towards any other undead that may be in the area around them beyond their sight.
:[[Kythor]] receives another note. After some deliberation he decides to read it, the contents suggest to him that they may be approaching some form of banshee-like creature, so he urges the others to fill their ears with wax as they continue onwards. They come upon the creature that was forewarned of. A tall thin creature can just be seen through the miasma before them, with far too many arms and a mouth that seems to span from its head to the ground. It can be seen ripping the limbs of a wandering undead and burying them in the ground. As they approach, it asks if they have come "to praise him", using thaumaturgy so that it is heard through the wax in their ears. The group try to press on slowly without disturbing it, but when it perceives that they are threatening it, the creature sinks down in to the soft earth beneath them and disappears.
:The group turn south as per their directions, some at this point removing the wax. Those that do her heavy breathing, the odd metallic clank and barking noises not too far away. [[Regis]] alerts [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] to this, who then removes his wax and identifies the creatures as orks. he casts pass without a trace on the group and they attempt to sneak onwards through the miasma towards their destination. As they press on, one of the near by orks hears a noise and heads towards them to investigate. Hearing it approach, [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] prepares an arrow, letting fly just as the ork comes in to his vision. He attempts to move forwards and quietly guide the falling body to the ground, but is unable and the loud clank of the falling ork corpse alerts others nearby. [[Regis]] and [[Kythor]] work together with thaumaturgy and minor image to attempt to divert those seeking them in the miasma, however their distraction is unsuccessful. A huge 20ft tall ork steps towards them through the fog, shouting in common demanding to know who they are.
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:Proceeding through the miasma, the group reach the cave entrance by following [[Tark]]'s directions. They decide to take a brief rest. [[Riiver]] watches down the tunnel, hearing the faint noise of metal squeaking against metal. Heading down in to the tunnel, [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] takes the lead, casting a torch down ahead to light the way. As they progress deeper in to the earth, they come across a skilfully overladen cart which seems to have a number of large bronze legs. Small iridescent spiders crawl over its surface.
:[[Regis]] uses thaumaturgy to call the cart to a halt. As the cart slowly turns, it reveals its self as being a large spider-creature wearing a head covering, resting its thorax in the cart it pulls, laden with its impossibly well stacked goods. The creature offers forth some fruit and a crystal decanter containing a dark liquid, enticing the group towards it. [[Regis]], [[Humphrey]] and [[Ulfgar]] approach. The creature briefly appears to consume the essence of an iridescent crystal before them and motions to suggest that it is willing to engage in trade for more of these crystals. As the three initiate trade with the creature, [[Kythor]] impresses on [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] that they should not tarry, acting on this, [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] reminds them of where they are and what they are doing before pushing on past. As [[Kythor]] and [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] move past, [[Riiver]] uses the distraction of their movement to attempt to explore the wares in the back of the spider's cart.
:Casting speak with animals, [[Ulfgar]] is able to converse with the spider. It appears that the spider comes down regularly to make deliveries to a "client", although it warns him that a greater creature makes the cave below its home and that they should attempt to avoid this creature, as the spider its self does.
:As they press down in to the cavern beyond the tunnel, the bones of long dead creatures litter the floor and there is a permeating smell of rot, excrement and decay. An enormous nest of some sort has been formed on the right side of the cave out of leaves and sand. The rest of the cavern is broken up by stone columns. A mine shaft leads off to the left, an opening high up on the far right side of the cavern can be seen with ropes leading down the rock face to provide access. On the far side, the cavern narrows in to a paved corridor, clad in brickwork. A door is visible at the end of the corridor and torchlight is visible beyond. Moving in, the party examine the various features of the cavern. As they explore the cavern, the spider races in behind them, moving with the haste motivated by fear. While some are already heading down the corridor towards the door, [[Humphrey]] remains to see what is pursuing the spider. A hydra looms out of the darkness of the tunnel.
:Rushing down the narrower corridor to evade the hydra, the spider, [[Ulfgar]], [[Kythor]] and [[Humphrey]] bring up the rear as the others begin heading in through the door. Heading in first, [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] steps in to the large room flanked by torches, a thick black substance covers the floor, making it hard to move. As [[Zanhorn]], [[Riiver]], [[Regis]] and [[Francesca Gassoport|Francesca]] also proceed in to the room, [[Ulfgar]] attempts to pull a magical hammer out of the back of the spider's cart without it noticing. Feeling the pull of its wares, the spider turns to confront him, but before either of them have time to respond [[Kythor]] casts fear on the spider, escalating the situation and sending all the smaller iridescent spiders fleeing in to the black substance in the room ahead.
:As they begin to deal with the now hostile spider, [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] backs up further in to the room, stepping on a trap below the black substance's surface. A bear trap springs closed around his ankle and the nearest torches along the wall fall down, igniting the substance that turns out to be pitch. [[Zanhorn]] races across the room towards the far door, and begins to try and open it to provide an avenue of escape. He deftly unlocks the far door, but struggles to pull it open due to its weight. Seeing the flames drop, [[Riiver]] leaps up on to the door through which they entered, holding himself against the ceiling to evade the flames and the spider. Having cast off its cart, the spider enlarges its self and engages with [[Kythor]], [[Ulfgar]] and [[Humphrey]], before it slowly backs in to the room away from them.
:As the flames begin to spread, [[Regis]], [[Riiver]] and [[Francesca Gassoport|Francesca]] dash towards [[Zanhorn]] at the far door. [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] also attempts to run across, however is caught in two more traps and is caught by the spider as he tries to flee. [[Francesca Gassoport|Francesca]] casts bull's strength on [[Riiver]] so that he can get the door open, and the four of them help [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] to escape the rapidly spreading fire before he is incinerated. As they haul him through the door, they close this behind them to escape the fire and fumes.
:Still in the first corridor, [[Kythor]], [[Ulfgar]] and [[Humphrey]] each take a moment to recover useful pieces of equipment from the cast off cart before attempting to taunt the spider back towards them to take the pressure off the others. As the spider approaches and the fire intensifies they too close their door. After a moment's though, [[Kythor]] convinces [[Ulfgar]] and [[Humphrey]] to open their door, allowing the spider to flee past them from the fire and directly in to the clutches of the hydra that is now waiting at the entrance of the corridor. The spider manages to escape past the hydra and disappears off in to the cave.
:Once the fire subsides, the group reunite past the pitch trap room. Through the far door is a large room with a huge anvil at its centre, flanked by four stone columns. A large dwarven statue stands at each side of the room and a number of motionless figures can be seen standing there.
====Youtube Recording====
:Sat meditating on [[A Good Ship]], [[Ranthor]] recalls his promise to [[Boreus]]. Determined to meet this commitment, he heads out to the east. Getting lost in the foggy miasma, he wonders on until he encounters the corpse of a large ork outside the mouth of a cave. Seeing marks of recent passage, he heads down in to the cave to investigate. Part way through the long descent in to the bowels of the earth, he hears a great clamour heading towards him. As he presses himself to one side, a large spider like creature rushes past, followed closely by a hydra. As he presses further in, he hears the sound of familiar voices. As [[Ranthor]] enters the chamber beyond the cavern, he is spotted by [[Francesca Gassoport|Francesca]], who heads over to greet him. [[Humphrey]] also heads over to catch up with [[Ranthor]], and [[Riiver]] goes over to introduce himself.
:In the room ahead, an enormous, intricately carved, iron anvil stands on a dais of three concentric rings, flanked by four large pillars. On either side, two giant dwarven statues stand, looking down on the dais. In the clear cone of light bathing the anvil, [[Regis]] sees [[Ulfgar]]'s second shadow seeming to be drawn towards one of the large soul-stones in the room. Single-mindedly, [[Humphrey]] heads straight for the anvil, the carvings on which tell him of great deeds of transmutation. [[Zanhorn]] sets to scouring the room for anything of value. [[Riiver]] makes note of a number of murals around the chamber's walls, heading over to examine the closest in the south east corner, he asks [[Ulfgar]] to translate the dwarvish script upon them. [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] spots a stone tree on the far side of the chamber and circles round to investigate. Examining the tree, he finds it to possess feminine features, and suspects that this may be a member of [[Boreus]]' family. Also spotting another mural in this corner of the chamber, with [[Ulfgar]]'s aid, [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] examines the other murals. A number of other petrified creatures also stand around the room, and some conspicuous piles of stone which seem to resemble parts of bodies.
:Innately drawn towards one of the soul-stones, [[Ulfgar]] reaches out towards the closest. As his hand makes contact, a rasping dwarven voice can be heard. The voice introduces its self as [[Margon]]. [[Margon]] tells them of [[Astral Forge]] in which they stand, of the history of the place, and how he would have them use the [[Astral Forge]] to create a shield to use in the fight against [[Gouros]]. Amongst other details divulged by [[Margon]], they learn that the name of the island on which they tread is [[Oberon]]. Weary from their long and arduous day, the group decide to rest in the forge as it presents its self as a relative place of safety for the time being.
:Having rested, [[Francesca Gassoport|Francesca]] uses her clerical abilities to restore the petrified tree. This tree is [[Ethil]], a daughter of [[Boreus]]. She tells them that her mother, [[Oreanna]] was also here but has departed. She tells of how she attempted the trial of the[[Astral Forge]] in order to combat the miasma overtaking the island, but was unsuccessful. [[Ethil]] opts to wait outside the chamber while the group attempt to undergo the trial themselves.
:[[Humphrey]] steps up to the anvil, [[Ulfgar]] by his side, to begin the trial. A force throws them down and away from the anvil and off the dais as the trial begins. Words form above the anvil in the cone of light. [[Ranthor]] misty steps up to the anvil, standing on the central ring of the dais. As his feet land on the dais, the glyph he stepped upon sinks down and glows red. As the glyph sinks down, a gout of flames shoots forth from the torches along the walls, scorching a number of the others around the chamber. Stepping around again, [[Ramthor]] triggers another glyph to sink down in to the dais, again glowing red, this time causing a number of creatures seeming to consist of clusters of eyes to appear on the plinths surrounding the [[Astral Forge]]. [[Riiver]] and [[Zanhorn]] take up positions ready to fire upon these creatures. [[Humphrey]] and [[Regis]] engage with the creatures next to them. Believing they understand the challenge [[Humphrey]] and [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] begin to step on to a series of glyphs corresponding with the words above the altars that refer to the surrounding murals. The group continue to select glyphs based on the cryptic hints given, while fending off the creatures. A further mistake summons a metallic bull-gorgon to replace the eyes. More correct glyphs are selected, but a further mistake causes the gorgon to disappear and the large dwarven statues to animate and attack the group. [[Francesca Gassoport|Francesca]] falls victim to one of these, but is stabilised by [[Regis]]. Drawing towards the final glyphs, another mistake is made and the animated statues are replaced by three shambling creatures. As [[Ranthor]] steps on the final glyph, the hostile creatures disappear and a large magical hammer appears in [[Humphrey]]'s hands.
====Youtube Recording====
:The group take a brief moment to recover following the resolution of the previous trial. Seeing to their wounds, the sound of rocks falling can be heard, and a number of small iridescent spiders burst through the northern door of the chamber and scatter, while they would prefer a brief respite before continuing onward, it is clear that events are moving on around them, and that the other denizens of this place are stirring.
:Paragraph missing here relating to the appearance of [[Thelmin]]...
:They decide their course of action should be to follow [[Ethil]] directly and seek to rescue [[Boreus]] as soon as possible, slaying the Herald of [[Gouros]] and retaking the shards of [[Gouros]]'s soul prison. [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] creeps back out in to the Hydra's chamber to investigate if it is safe for them to re-emerge. [[Kythor]] uses a message spell to contact [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] and see if it is safe for them to emerge. The sound of the creature's snoring eerily disappears as the group attempt to advance silently in to the cavern.
:[[Eugene]]'s voice thunders out of the darkness, calling them forth and to surrender [[Francesca Gassoport|Francesca]] to him, so that he may take her back to her husband, [[Lord Gassoport|Harold]]. [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] steps out from his hiding place and attempts to persuade [[Eugene]] not to take her back, to no avail. Seeing that no leeway is being made and that stealth is no longer an option, [[Humphrey]] steps forward to challenge [[Eugene]], initiating the melee. [[Zanhorn]] spots a scroll at the edge of the Hydra's nest, grasped by a hand protruding out of the nest, he creeps forwards to retrieve it, passing through a shimmering barrier that cordons off the area. As he retrieves the scroll, he has a brief moment to inspect its content before the Hydra awakes. Scurrying away [[Zanhorn]] begins to ascend the ropes on the left side of the cavern, [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] also heading over, beckoning [[Francesca Gassoport|Francesca]] to climb so that they can all escape from [[Eugene]] while he is distracted by the freshly disturbed Hydra.
:[[Ulfgar]] and [[Humphrey]] hold off against [[Eugene]] and the Hydra while the other members of the group head towards the ropes to climb out of harms' way. Being the first and swiftest to climb, [[Zanhorn]] makes it to the top before the others begin to scale the ropes. He is met at the top by one of [[Eugene]]'s smaller defenders, blocking the way ahead. The melee in the caver breaks out in to a mess of heads lashing at anything in reach. The Hydra engages both [[Eugene]] and the adventurers. [[Eugene]] succeeds in binding [[Francesca Gassoport|Francesca]] with a magical collar, forcing her to submit to his will. He attempts to withdraw, taking [[Francesca Gassoport|Francesca]] with him, however the combined efforts of the group and the [[Hydra]] hinder his efforts. [[Ulfgar]] is caught in the centre of the fray, striking savagely at anything in reach. He is eventually brought down, however the spirit of [[Margon]] residing within him possesses his damaged body and continues to fight.
:Leaping down from the rock face in to the fray below, [[Zanhorn]] sneaks over to [[Francesca Gassoport|Francesca]], taking a diamond from her as she tries to resist [[Eugene]]'s commands, and runs it over to [[Regis]] in order for him to revivify [[Ulfgar]] and keep [[Margon]]'s soul at bay for a while longer. The fight comes to a head as the Hydra and [[Eugene]] are brought down, having suffered much at each others' hands and the group once more have a moment to catch their breaths.
====Youtube Recording====
:As the group think they have a seconds respite, a tear in reality opens, a silent stalker emerges forth and begins to move towards [[Ulfgar]]. The stalker throws [[Kythor]] aside as he attempts to obstruct its path. As the stalker becomes more actively aggressive, [[Ulfgar]] and [[Kythor]] fight back against it. Only a few minutes after he left the chamber, [[Thelmin]] teleports back in to the cavern, dragging [[Broderic Stonebeard|Broderic]] with him. Seeing the current predicament, [[Thelmin]] casts a spell on [[Ulfgar]]'s weapon, enabling him to strike down the stalker with one final blow.
:[[Thelmin]] demands to know if [[Broderic Stonebeard|Broderic]] is of the blood of the Kings of [[Oberon]], [[Margon]]'s heir. [[Ulfgar]] attempts to dissemble, but [[Thelmin]] sees through the lies and begins to cast a spell. [[Kythor]] persuades him to stop and not pre-emptively kill [[Broderic Stonebeard|Broderic]]. [[Thelmin]] instead decides to magically imprison him until the time where the crisis is resolved or the sacrifice must be made. Having decided this, he teleports away again, once more dragging [[Broderic Stonebeard|Broderic]] with him. While this discourse occurs, [[Broderic Stonebeard|Broderic]] casts a tankard on the ground, and keeps hinting towards it.
:[[Kythor]] retrieves the tankard containing [[Kade]]'s soul. As silence returns, the noise of cracking can be heard, one of the hydra's four eggs begins to hatch. Of the four eggs, one is smaller and different, which [[Kythor]] decides to take. On [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]]'s urging, they decide to leave the hydra's young alone. [[Ulfgar]] attempts to provide for their needs before they head on. [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] retrieves the remaining iridium crystal inside the wreck of [[Eugene]]'s body and asks [[Humphrey]] to mend the crack in it. The group decide to climb up the rockface out of the reach of the now hatching Hydra. [[Humphrey]], [[Kythor]], [[Regis]] and [[Ulfgar]] take this oportunity to have a breif rest after the previous encounter, while [[Riiver]], [[Zanhorn]] and [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] climb up ahead to scout out the way. [[Zanhorn]] stops on the next ledge up to study the scroll he found below in case it might help us on the path ahead. as [[Riiver]] and [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] continue to climb, the voice of a man can be heard calling out from a crevice in the adjacent rock. He begs the group to help free him from the rocks he is trapped under, they promise to help if it be within their power to do so. As the two scouting up ahead press on upwards, they secure and drop down a trail of ropes behind them to aid the climb of the others behind them. Now a fair distance up, they are beset by a number of large spiders and smaller swarms that emerge from other chasms in the rockface. As those above and below begin to engage the spiders, the large crystalline spider that had previously fled makes its self known by hurling large rocks down upon those ascending. The first boulder strikes the ledge [[Zanhorn]] and [[Ulfgar]] are occupying, casting them down to the ground below. The second boulder traps [[Riiver]] beneath it, [[Kythor]] and [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] attempting to free him. A third boulder cast traps [[Kythor]] beneath it.
:[[Zanhorn]] and [[Humphrey]] pursue the sound of the voice calling out and find the trader [[Vihaan]], freeing him from the rock he is trapped under and tending to his wounds. While [[Humphrey]] tends to the trader, [[Zanhorn]] investigates the crevice they are within, and out of sight of the trader, he finds a chest of potions, which he claims. [[Humphrey]] carries [[Vihaan]] out of the crevice attaching him to himself using a climbing harness and uses a potion of flight given to him by [[Zanhorn]] from the chest in order to exit and ascend with greater ease to where the other members of their group fight on above.
:Concurrent, [[Kythor]] misty steps out from under the boulder trapping him, and moves to assist [[Riiver]] out from under the boulder trapping him. Once free, the group on the ledge move in to the cavern to shelter from any more falling rocks. With no more targets available to it, the crystalline spider enters the network of caves to gain access to its prey once more. [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]], [[Regis]], [[Kythor]], [[Riiver]] and [Francesca Gassoport|Francesca]] press in to the cavern and do battle with the spider. This gives [[Ulfgar]] the opportunity to climb up unmolested and join the fray, lending his vital assistance to vanquishing the creature.
:With the crystalline spider defeated, the group continue their ascent to the top of the cliff face. An argument about morals is had as various members of the group try to intimidate information from [[Vihaan]] about what might lie ahead, however with reasonable discourse, the trader is persuaded to inform them of the method of entry to the portal up ahead and what might await them beyond. As they approach the chamber ahead where the portal lies, a voice booms out demanding that they declare themselves. As they begin to respond, another voice can be heard debating with the other as to whether this group of adventurers could help them. The voices reveal themselves, dropping down from the cavern ceiling, showing themselves to be tentacled stalactites with giant toothy maws. They were once priests of [[:Category:Imogen|Imogen]], sent by the [[Gassoport Estate]] that were cursed by their goddess. Promises were made to attempt to restore them in exchange for the full details on how to use the portal, however they lay down the line that if no help is forthcoming, they will eat the group when they return through the portal after what they seek.
:Having drank from the phials that [[Vihaan]] prepared from the barrel, [[Zanhorn]] dives straight through the portal. [[Ulfgar]] braces a rope thrown in after him as a safety line. As the group prepare to follow [[Zanhorn]], [[Kythor]]'s voice is heard echoing around the chamber. As the voice berates the group, they narrow down its source to the mirror at the end of the room. An armoured image of [[Kythor]] stands in the mirror, demanding he place his mace on the dais in front of the mirror and walk away, if he complies no one will be hurt. [[Kythor]] argues with the figure, who threatens to reveal his secrets to the rest of his companions if he does not take the figure's final offer. [[Kythor]] Places the mace on the dais. The figure reaches out of the mirror, taking the mace in its hand and stepping out of the mirror in to the chamber. The figure grows to a huge size, it wears a tall horned helmet and a cloak dripping in blood, its blackened armour covered in sigils of [[:Category:Garr|Garr]]. As the figure emerges, [[Kythor]] withers and ages, kneeling in deference to it.
:[[Zanhorn]] is thrown through the portal, although slowing on the other side, the motion makes him immediately sick. The place on the other side of the portal is airless, although there is no air to breath, he is not suffocating. It is pitch black here, although he can see that there are writings on the walls adjacent to the portal and there seem to be some corpses on the floor of the chamber. As there is no sign of the others following, [[Zanhorn]] returns through the portal.
:The figure from the mirror demands that everyone should bow before him, hearing this [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] declares that they should leave and head through the portal without delay. He heads to the barrel on the table to drink, however is ensorcelled by the magical cups. The cups compel him to sit and drink of them until he is rendered unconscious. [[Humphrey]] steps forward to confront the figure, who reveals that it's name is [[Axis]]. [[Regis]] also steps forward to confront [[Axis]], enquiring of his purpose. [[Zanhorn]] and [[Kythor]] attempt to assist [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]], who is healed by [[Francesca Gassoport|Francesca]]. Now conscious [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] drinks of the barrel, and stays to offer assistance to others. [[Kythor]], seeing the effect of the cups, moves in to grab the barrel, and misty steps with it away from the cups, removing the hazard for the others.
:[[Axis]]' attention shifts to [[Regis]] as they banter. He reaches towards [[Regis]] and tears the flesh off part of his face. [[Humphrey]] steps forward to aid [[Regis]], using magic to fuse the armour on [[Axis]]' legs. Standing firm, [[Regis]] calls upon [[:Category:Garr|Garr]] to reclaim the soul of his lost herald, channelling power in to the fallen herald. [[Kythor]] moves in to assist the other two in the melee, the other members of the group attempting to assist from a distance. As he sees this is an encounter he cannot win, [[Axis]] conjures an orb of Hellfire, hoping to take [[Regis]], [[Humphrey]] and [[Kythor]] out with him. [[Regis]] is killed by the hellfire. He is brought back by [[Francesca Gassoport|Francesca]]'s magic and much beseeching of [[:Category:Garr|Garr]] by [[Kythor]]. The group take a moment to recover before drinking of the barrel and heading through the portal.
:In the dark, airless cave on the other side of the portal, the group feel the presence of the undead on all sides. [[Humphrey]] uses his sunblade to light their way and [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] heads a little further ahead to scout the way having been made invisible by [[Regis]]. He proceeds onward until he encounters an orange glowing light, a magically lit torch, illuminating a dead dwarf slumped against a doorway. The dead dwarf converses with [[Kythor]] before being put to rest by [[Regis]]. Going through the doorway, the group emerge from the cave to starlight. Following direction from the dead dwarf, [[Kythor]] urges the group that they should run.
:Heading towards the silhouette of hills in the distance, they approach a line where the terrain goes from dark to well lit. As they crest the hills and cross in to the light, they see a dark orb in the sky above, which they recognise to be Tempress.
====Youtube Recording====
:The group head towards the chasm in the moonscape. [[Kythor]] begins to suffer from the effects of his aging following his confrontation with [[Axis]]. Keeping a keen eye on their unfamiliar surroundings, [[Zanhorn]] catches a glimpse of movement off to one side as they proceed through the cratered landscape as [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] leads the group onwards. As they press on a number of undead dwarves become visible in the distance. The movement in the adjacent crater also catches [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]]'s eye, revealing some concealed orkish features. Erring on the side of caution he motions the group to a halt. [[Regis]] takes the opportunity to investigate one of the nearby undead now they have stopped moving; it lies on the floor, its legs missing, gazing vacantly in to the distance and reaching out as if grasping at something. Meanwhile [[Ulfgar]], [[Humphrey]], [[Kythor]], [[Zanhorn]] and [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] move in to investigate the hiding ork. As they approach, the ork reveals its self, and its three companions emerge from nearby, they are some of the [[Scorched]]. [[Humphrey]] salutes them, lightning arching from his hammer, and [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] attempts to communicate with them in the absence of sound. The lightning from [[Humphrey]]'s hammer attracts the attention of the undead dwarves, who begging to flock around him, grasping for the hammer.
:A female human, thin and pale, appears from amongst the nearby craters, making herself known to the others nearby. The [[Scorched]] indicate to [[Vallo Maren|Vallo]] that they are hunting the woman and are at war with her people. Simultaneously [[Regis]] moves towards her to make contact. [[Zanhorn]] begins to feel unwell, feeling that his eyes begin to freeze and that the air is being sucked from his body in the vacuum. [[Ulfgar]] and [[Francesca Gassoport|Francesca]] move over to try and aid him. The mysterious woman approaches [[Regis]], conjuring a bubble of air, enabling them to talk more freely. She calls herself "[[6]]" and informs him that [[Zanhorn]] is dying, prompting [[Regis]] to also dash over to [[Zanhorn]]. In the confusion, [[Vihaan]] slips away from the party, heading off towards the chasm to the north-east. As the group address [[Zanhorn's]] condition, the orks move in pursuit of the woman, but are struck down by an unseen force. Closer investigation by [[Kythor]] reveals that they were killed by a distant ballista.
:[[6]] beckons the group over in to her bubble of air, inquiring as to their origins and purpose. After much discussion, [[6]] decides to take the group back to her settlement, [[Harmony]]. The group are lead to the chasm in the distance, and as they approach they an see localised clouds hanging over it. As they approach closer, they are able to see a number of wooden towers, and as they head down stairs carved in to the chasm side, they see a thriving ecosystem containing farmland and woodland nestled within the rift on the moon's surface. As they descend, they find they are able to breathe normally. [[6]] escorts them to a tavern, the [[Golden Acre]] to await her senior, [[4]], who comes to meet them and ask further questions about their intentions. They are given bed and board at the [[Golden Acre]] until a decision can be made about them by [[Harmony]]'s leaders, and are permitted access to the area of the chasm known as "[[Sow]]" which contains the farmland.
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Latest revision as of 14:44, 30 March 2024


The Myste-Hass Calender


A group of Myste-Hass adventures are met at the docks by a sailor who rows the party out to a large ship. The group are informed that they are being employed by Lord Gassoport to retrieve goods from a ship called the Titan. The huge boat has run-a-ground but appears to be an expensive off-shore prison for the extremely wealthy. Before the group arrives at the island, they check out a cove with a magical light glowing which releases many undead figures. On the island, the group is introduced to Lord Gassoport. Suddenly, the group are informed that Lord Gassoport’s cartographer is trapped in a dangerous situation on the beach, and the party head to intervene, facing several brutish creatures. They also discover a very large dwarven styled door before sailing back to Myste-Hass.


A group of heroes answer the call and get onboard the dwarf ship. Mystic makes sure to receive the toll fee before the journey is started because she has been short changed. The group set sail for the island. However, a bad bit of seamanship sends the ship off course, where they encounter a woman floating in the water amongst the flotsam and jetsam of a wrecked ship. The inevitable rescue goes wrong when the woman reveals herself as a sea hag. She summons water elementals who harass the group until Gold Standard surplexes her off the rafters. Upon making landfall, the experienced crew lead the way and receive orders to make contact with the orc tribes. C'anis attempts to pilot a dwarven Mech, with mixed results. Unfortunately, they do not make it to the orc tribes as they encounter a strange plant attacking an elephant herd. This sends the beasts into a rage and the heroes find themselves simultaneously fighting the elephants, whilst trying to save their lives against the plants. Two of the baby elephants begin to follow Datura and Mystic around. The day is saved by a strange druid called Fark, who befriends the elephants and heals the dying member of the herd. Mystic finds an unusual device amongst the corpses and, recognising the symbol, keeps the item for later.

05/03/20 – 07/03/20

A group sets sail and encounters sharks. As they arrive on the island, they continue scouting the orc tribes again. Getting closer, the party notices bugbear and goblin heads on spikes. Interaction with the orcs indicates that the orcs are interested in metal. Mystic attempts to make a trade but, on seeing Gold Standard, the orcs are amazed, thinking he is some form of dragon god. The adventurers agree to retrieve the orcs four sacks of crab meat for use as an offering in their ritual. Upon exiting the camp, one of the group idly takes a shot at a nearby monkey. This leads to the summoning of two enormous gorilla titans.


Mystic experiences a nightmare and notices the magical device she took get extremely hot. 'Til accidentally borrows Krug’s mug, leading him into swimming out from the ship to retrieve the item. The party sets out to the cave where Mystic first retrieved the mysterious symbol. Here they face a series of challenges. Firstly, shadow creatures attempt to drain their strength. Next is a challenge of trust, where the adventurers must throw themselves from a cliff. At the bottom, the figure from Mystic’s nightmare offers the group power at the cost of blood. She accepts and they defeat the monstrosities which form from the statues.




Vallo Maren wakes up on A Good Ship to the sound of raised voices. Up on deck Steve and Franchesca are exchanging heated words. Lord Gassoport had sent Steve to retrieve his wife from the island, although she has no intention of returning, particularly following the recent death of her daughter Tilly. Steve Also has a package from Lord Gassoport for Vallo. The package contains two sending stones, both separately connected back to him. Vallo keeps one for him self and gives the other to Franchesca so she can contact her husband should she choose to. After sending a brief report to Lord Gassoport, Vallo heads out on to the island to find his companions.
Larc and Ulfgar are heading back to wards the camp. Striding in his military fashion Larc strides away in to the brush. As Ulfgar reaches the clearing where the camp is situated he sees the Dryad laying the slaughtered t-rex to rest. Vallo emerges and the three converse over the regrettable loss of life. Introducing themselves to each other, the Dryad presents herself as Poppy. Vallo discusses with Ulfgar the urgent need to help Boreus and move against Gouros and where the others are as the camp is now empty. The latter name gets Poppy's attention, she insists that Ulfgar and Vallo should join up with the party heading to the Red Ork Tribe to negotiate with its chieftain for help against the Yellow Ork Tribe. Communing with the island, Poppy manifests a number of the island's spirits that help speedily transport Ulfgar and Vallo towards the diplomatic party.
Humphrey, Kythor, Regis and Zanhorn slash their way through the jungle on their journey towards the Red Ork Tribe. As they hack their way through, they are ambushed by trapper vines. Zanhorn is instantly paralysed and poisoned, but Regis blasts away the offending vine. Ulfgar and Vallo arrive moments later, the spirits transporting them disappearing back in to the forest. As the group head on through the forest, Ulfgar carrying Zanhorn, a giant snake appears and seems to be shadowing them. The group presses onwards despite this, until a vine spits spines at the group. Kythor attempts to frighten away the assaulting vines with his Mace of Terror, although he himself sees a vision of four gaping faces, those on the mace himself. Humphrey slices through the ambushers with ease with his Sunblade. The noise generated disturbs a vine spider that comes to investigate. The group move to finish their foes to be able to engage with the larger threat. After a brief scuffle, Regis finishes the vine spider with Toll the Dead.
Zanhorn recovers from paralysis during the fight and sees the words "Captain B...." carved in to a tree in thieves cant. He asks Vallo if the name is familiar, who suggests that this may pertain to Captain Bellamy. As the rest search the area, they find a metal cage that the vine spider appeared to be protecting. Ulfgar wrenches the door from the cage with his bear hands and Kythor attempts to open the chest lying within. Zanhorn discovers more thieves cant near the cage suggesting that this treasure is in fact the property of Captain Bellamy. Kythor has difficulty breaking the chest open, so Humphrey takes over and opens the chest through magical means.
Humphrey hears the approach not too far off of something that sounds akin to horses, the group move to investigate in time to see a cart drawn by two large flobs entering the Red Ork Tribe camp. The cart contains two walruses with collars and a slumped figure. The group move out on to the roadway and head out towards the camp gates. A group of orks come forth to intercept them. A much taller orkish figure stands in the gate, smoke billowing from his form. Humphrey and Kythor attempt to communicate wit the orks, but as no common language is shared, the orks call for one amongst them known as Snagh who has the ability to interpret. While the group await Snagh, Vallo taunts the ork guards in orkish. Snagh arrives and the group discuss their wish to entreat with the red tribe chieftain and to seek out the Protector Nadak. Snagh invites them in to meet the chieftain, Jaruk.
As they head in, the guard Vallo taunted tries to disarm him. This results in a fist fight between the two, Snagh intervenes after a time, resulting in Vallo as the victor.


Garland, Kythor, Regis, Ulfgar, Vallo and Zanhorn enter the Red Ork Tribe settlement. As they enter Vallo receives a reply from Lord Gassoport through the sending stone. As the group follow Snagh in to the settlement, Snagh asks Regis about his healing magic, confiding in him that illness and disease is spreading through the Red Ork Tribe. A runner from within the settlement comes to Snagh, they have a brief exchange in orkish before Snagh heads off to deal with the arising issue, telling the group to remain here with their Scorched guards until he returns to get them and escort them to see the chieftain, Jaruk. Noticing a market area towards the centre of the settlement, Garland, Kythor, Regis, Ulfgar and Zanhorn wonder over to investigate while waiting. Having overheard and understood the previous conversation in orkish, Vallo slips away to follow Snagh and investigate the trouble he has gone to deal with.
At the market, three of the seven shops are open; Angel's Treasure, Something Different and Is It Shagged. Seeing the first human face on the island other than themselves, Garland, Kythor, Regis, Ulfgar and Zanhorn head over to Angel's treasure. The proprietor Aukn is trading with the ogre that was previously seen entering the settlement. The group spend some time perusing Aukn's wares and converse with the ogre, BO, who tries to recruit them in to helping him hunt a kraken. The group take a brief look at the Is It Shagged and see a goliath blacksmith at work there. As they browse, Zanhorn notices a message written on the roof of Something Different in thieves' cant.
Vallo heads off after Snagh, unchallenged by the two Scorched left to chaperone the group of newcomers. Following Snagh in to the centre of the settlement, Vallo weaves through the crowd gathered around the central fire. A large ork with a black rag over its head stands on a platform, addressing the gathered crowd. Another two of the Scorched hold a prisoner from the Yellow Ork Tribe and on command, walk in to the central fire, holding their captive. The fire seems to be full of corpses, and burns with an unnatural intensity. The Scorched seem unaffected, but the prisoner is burned to death. Following on along Snagh's path, Vallo comes to the chieftain's hut, catching sight of the issue that demanded Snagh's attentions.
The rest of the group, attention drawn by the prisoners' screams, head over to investigate, Back together again, they see the scene out side of the hut. Two golden, gem encrusted, mechanical gryphons move around freely to the right of the doorway, one of which seems to have injured one of the orkish bystanders. As the crowd of orks grows more irate at the mechanical beasts, they are dismissed by Snagh so as not to escalate the situation. At this point [[Kythor] receives another message that appears directly in to his pocket. he appears to have a moment of faintness, but pulls it together. He receives a second message in close succession, but this time passing out completely. While Kythor is helped to his feet again, Zanhorn scoops up the message and reads it out loud to the group.
Snagh Leads the group in to the hut. As they enter, a conversation in raised voices between Jaruk and "Sky Man". "Sky Man" at first appears to be an elderly man in simple clothing, but as their conversation escalates, he drops an illusion that previously obscured his artificer armour and a large set of mechanical arms. This man transpires to be Ulysses, the individual that Lord Gassoport has employed them to find and bring back to him. Ulysses tries to bribe the party over to his side and to forsake their contract with Lord Gassoport. He reveals that he is not working with Gouros, but instead finds that the entity is his main problem on the island, and that the Titan is only stranded because something unsanctioned was placed onboard without his knowledge. Seeing he is making no headway, Ulysess takes flight and leaves the settlement.
The group is lead on to meet Jaruk and are warned about the traditions and protocols for communicating with him. Garland, Kythor, Regis, Ulfgar, Vallo and Zanhorn all step forwards, individually stating their intentions to the chieftain. Jaruk names himself as Nadak's speaker, and invites them to stand in a circle around him to exchange questions and answers in the traditional way. For each question asked and answered, the asker is struck, thus the question must be deemed important enough for the asking in the speaker's mind. Questions, answers and blows are traded. As this process unfolds, Ulfgar feels a strange heat wash over him, and as this heat intensifies, he hears the voice of Nadak speak directly to him. Once the questions and answers session is finished, Jaruk retreats to the statue to Nadak at the rear of the room, he speaks to the statue briefly before stepping forwards to be enveloped by the magma spilling forth from the statue. As he is enveloped, he seems to be unaffected, and the magma slowly forms in to a case around him.
As Ulfgar continues to commune with Nadak, a unknown power brands the group with Nadak's mark. A voice is heard from the statue to say "Gouros must not leave the prison". Growing concerned, Kythor draws Ulfgar away from the statue. Suddenly, Vallo hears a rumbling noise growing louder, and hears something bursting out of the ground outside in the settlement. As he dashes out to see the source of the noise, a large mechanical worm, made in a very familiar style pops out of the ground, and a number of strange humanoid figures with bladed arms spill out of it.


Humphrey, Kythor, Regis, Ulfgar, Vallo and Zanhorn dash out of the Red Ork Tribe chieftain's hut to the sight of the large mechanical worm bursting out of the ground, releasing a number of humanoid figures with bladed arms from within it. Glimpses of other mechanical worms can be seen as they burrow up in various locations around the settlement. As they head outside Kythor receives another message, this time, as he reads it, his inner monologue can be heard reading aloud by the others. Once more, after reading the message, he passes out and receives a terrible vision of an other version of himself.
Vallo and Zanhorn release a barrage of arrows at the strange humanoids, while Regis and Ulfgar atempt to bring Kythor round. The worm sinks back down in to the ground, bursting out once more within the chieftain's hut, engaging Humphrey and releasing more of the strange humanoids. Ulysses, the orchestrator of this attack, glides down from the sky above, flanked by two mechanical gryphons. Snagh unleashes a fireball against them, but Ulysses seems to shrug it off, emerging unscathed.
Ulysses calls down that there need not be any blood-shed, if they do not resist and allow him to retrieve what he is seeking, no one will come to harm. As the group continue to fight, Ulysses orders his minions to "kill one of them". On his command, the mechanical worm swallows Humphrey whole and slams Vallo to the ground with its tail. Humphrey is spat out shortly after as the now conscious Kythor swiftly rebukes the construct. As the battle continues and they attempt to revive their companions, Regis, seeing that they are hopelessly outmatched and outnumbered, heeds Ulysses' words and throws down his arms. While some of the others follow his lead, some continue to fight in desperation. Ulysses lands amongst them, throwing both Ulfgar and Snagh out of his way and to the ground with his mechanical arms. Kythor asks what Ulysses is here for, but is given a dismissive answer and patronisingly flicked an enchanted platinum piece. Zanhorn attempts to engage Ulysses in further discourse, invoking the previous offer of a pay off, but is ignored with a smile. [[Ulysses] lets out an electrical shockwave with his magical mace, stunning the group, then striding onwards in to the chieftain's hut.
The mechanical worm can be seen within the chieftain's hut, ripping up the ground and drilling in to the back wall. This one is soon joined by others as the battles elsewhere within the camp draw to a close. Vallo tries to rouse Snagh to action, but is unsuccessful. Despite a lack of leadership from Sangh, some orks run in in a futile attempt to stop the mechanical worms, but are utterly destroyed in a matter of moments. In defeated frustration, Vallo shouts at Ulysses, questioning his actions. The exchange reveals that Ulysses is here for Iridium that he requires to forge a magical fuel source for the Titan, taking him one step closer to achieving his goals.
While Ulysses holds the majority of attention in the settlement, Kythor heads to Angel's Treasure. Shortly after he heads off, the rest of the group follow Snagh in to the mountain cave. Kythor talks to the shop keeper, Aukn, about his ability to identify or remove curses and identify magical items. It seems the magical platinum piece he previously received holds a glyph of warding, and is effectively a bomb that Ulysses can trigger at his leisure. Kythor attempts to intimidate Aukn in to relinquishing a magical sword that he has amongst his stock, but is unsuccessful as Aukn is made of sterner stuff than he first appears. Kythor moves to take the sword by force, but is charmed by Aukn. Aukn attempts to relieve the charmed Kythor of some of his possessions before shouting to the Scorched guard nearby to fetch Rorog to deal with the would-be-thief. The ork, Rorog, strips Kythor of his possessions and apparel, with the exception of his mace (which seams to be magically attached and cannot be removed), and escorts him away to a palisaded building in the western side of the settlement. Kythor attempts to talk his way out, but is unsuccessful with the language barrier between them. Rorog locks him in an iron cage in a pit below ground level in this prison building.
Humphrey, Regis, Ulfgar, Vallo and Zanhorn head in to the mountain cave with Snagh. Ulfgar notices that the stonework at the entrance of the cave is of dwarvish origin. As they enter the mountain cave, a number of stone towers in various states of disrepair can be seen, some supporting ballistae atop them, overlooking the settlement within. A number of tents and huts can be seen, and even a small orkish market. Snagh leads them on to his own hut at the far side of the cave. A gateway can be seen opening up to the sunlight outside on the far side of the mountain, a number of masts visible in the distance. The group discuss their next moves, and settle down for an evening's rest.


Garland, having been drinking in the tavern, oblivious to the previous conflict, sees the others head in to the volcano with Snagh. He seeks to follow them in, but is turned away by the Scorched. He returns to the tavern to drink and have a roof over his head for the night.
As Vallo dozes on the beach, gazing at the ominous clouds at sea to the north, he sees footsteps approaching in the sand. Francesca appears. She tells him that she has sent word to a cousin, who will be coming to pick her up from the island in a week's time. She reveals in conversation that it was she who raised Ulysses, and would be grateful if they did him no harm. As the conversation concludes, she settles down on the beach next to Vallo to sleep.
Humphrey, Regis, Ulfgar and Zanhorn remain in Snagh's hut, who regales them with he difficulties faced by the Red Ork Tribe. Regis offers him comfort and questions him about the location of Kythor. Ulfgar heads out of the hut in order to inspect the throne that stood outside. It is dwarvish in nature and is surrounded by glowing iridium crystals. As Ulfgar tries to pull one of the crystals from the ground, he hears a dwarvish voice speak to him, but cannot find the source. He heads back to the hut and asks the others for help inspecting the throne. Zanhorn notices that Ulfgar now has a second shadow that does not move with the light, this shadow appears to be dwarvish in nature like Ulfgar but is carrying a book. As they retire to the hut, Ulfgar receives a message from Alana about their current situation.
The next morning, Garland, Humphrey, Regis, Ulfgar, Vallo and Zanhorn gather at Snagh's hut to discuss their next steps. Conversation with Snagh reveals Kythor's misdeed and punishment, and that Bo will help them reach Boreus. They head out in order to recover Kythor, fist swinging by Angel's Treasure in order to talk to Aukn. As they head over, it is clear a number of ork warbands are assembling, discontent with the attack on their encampment by Ulysses, the gears of war begin to turn. Vallo recovers Kythor's belongings from Aukn. Zanhorn takes the opportunity to visit Something Different, and Humphrey Is It Shagged. Regis heads off to where Kythor is being held, expecting the others to catch up with him.
Initially ensnared in a vision, Kythor comes round in his cell beneath the Red Ork Tribe fighting pit. As he investigates his cell for a way to escape, he can hear the bear in the end cell thrashing around, and the displacer beast in the second call cannot be seen. The bear's thrashing suddenly comes to an end and a hissing sound can be heard emanating from the cell as a grotesque creature rises up and moves against the bars, the bear's corpse stands up. Kythor attempts to quietly slide between the bars in to the cell to his right but becomes stuck. Seeking to guide the creature away, Kythor magically creates a noise at the top of the stairs leading to the surface. As Regis arrives at the fighting pit, he can hear hissing and strange moans from below. Opening the door to the cells below, he sees the monstrosity heading up towards him. With an apology to Kythor, Regis runs back in to the settlement to get the others.
As the group arrive at the fight pit, a trail of blood can be seen leading up the steps that lead below, Ulfgar sees a figure making away through a gap in the settlement's palisade. Zanhorn, Regis and Garland head down to the cells to free Kythor. Vallo takes off after the creature's trails, but returns as he realises there is no chance of catching it in the surrounding jungle. Ulfgar speaks with the displacer beast, and sets it free. Now reunited, the group head over to Bo to begin their journey back towards Boreus and the far side of the island.
Leaving the settlement in Bo's cart, the group head to the south-east, Ulfgar taking the reigns. As they travel along, for streaks of red burst out of the adjacent woods, a small goblin on the back of a flob is running uncontrolledly, while another three flobs chase him. Ulfgar stops the cart and Vallo shouts a warning at the goblin. the goblin streaks by, clearly out of control. The group open fire on the flobs and the goblin, and as they are dispatched the sound of hooves can be heard approaching. Three mounted yellow tribe orks emerge from the surrounding woodland, charging towards the rear of the cart. With a crack of the reins, Ulfgar gets the cart moving once more, and Vallo and Zanhorn unleash a hail of arrows on their pursuers. Another mounted ork appears, charging directly at the cart, causing Humphrey and Regis to tumble over the edge, barely managing to hold on. Garland hauls Regis back in and Humphrey launches him self at the closest mounted ork, attempting to throw it from its saddle, but while he manages to make contact, he is left wrestling with the ork for control. A further mounted ork appears ahead of the cart, this one larger than all the others. It cuts straight in for Ulfgar, its mount ripping him straight off the cart with its mount. The large ork leaps from his mount on to the cart, Ulfgar, Garland, Zanhorn and Vallo successfully fend him off, but Zanhorn is knocked out. Once their foes are vanquished, Regis brings Zanhorn back round and Kythor leaps out in search of the spoils of the encounter.


Prop heard of a call for an orkish translator on a trade venture with a distant island. Figuring this would be easy work he headed out from Myste-Hass on the voyage. After aiding in the delivery of equipment and supplies to the orkish settlement on the island, he decides to curl up under a wagon to have a rest in the shade. Startled by the carts sudden jolt of movement, Prop decides to grab on to its undercarriage as it takes off. As the cart lurches to a halt, he drops out from underneath and crawls out to see where he has ended up.
In the wake of their previous encounter Kythor, Regis, Ulfgar, Vallo and Zanhorn notice the half-ork, Prop, emerge from beneath the cart. After a small amount of questioning, the group get underway and continue onwards towards the eastern side of the island. At a crossroads, an old carved stone plinth stands to one side, covered in moss, with a blue feather placed at its base. Further investigation from Ulfgar reveals dwarvish text that says "Champions of Oberon" and points deeper in to the forest. Ulfgar heads a little further up the path to investigate the structure he can see in the distance pointed to by the plinth, but swiftly returns as Vallo urges the group to make haste and continue onwards. Gouros's miasma has at this point reached the edge of the crossroad.
After a short distance of travell, Bo stops the cart, and heads off to the treeline to answer natures call. Bo seems to change posture in to a slum, and Big Willy and Smash seem to have their hackles raised, something is not right. A cloud of flies can be seen swarming off to the south-east, this part of the forest thick with the miasma and odour of decay. Vallo calls to Bo, receiving no response, he leaps down off the cart and heads over to investigate the cause in this change of demeanour. Prop follows towards Bo and Regis attempts to encourage Big Willy and Smash to head towards Bo. Vallo nudges Bo tying to illicit a response, Bo seems to be struggling against himself, and utters only the word "leave". Franchesca atempts to command Bo back to the cart, but to no effect.
A large, feminine, tree-like figure rises from the ground beneath the swarm of of flies, a beaked skull worn like a mask over its face. The creature merges with a tree, re-emerging adjacent to the cart from one of the roadside trees. She shouts at the group to leave, hands contorting as she invokes some kind of magic. Bo, compelled by her magic, turns on the group, ordering Big Willy and Smash to attack the group. Regis calls out to the tree-creature, asking who she is, and Prop attempts to drag the resisting Bo back to the cart. Kythor, Regis, Ulfgar and Zanhorn fend off the walruses, and Vallo asks the tree-creature if she is Oreanna, Juniper or Ethil, beginning to loose arrows as no response is forthcoming. Bo turns to slash at Prop, and the tree-creature casts a spell, animating a near by tree, which begins to close in on Regis. As Ulfgar faces off against the walruses, and Zanhorn unleashes arrows from within the cart, Kythor takes down Smash from behind, but is swallowed by Big Willy in retaliation. Bo shoots his harpoon at Franchesca and pulls her from the cart, Prop quickly slicing through the attached rope before she is pulled too far.
Continuing to attempt to communicate with the tree-creature, Vallo manages to get a response. She confirms that she is in fact Juniper, Boreus' daughter, but that her farther is now "dead to her". Zanhorn attempts to leap from the cart on to Big Willy's back, but shatters his dagger on the collar. Regis tries to back out of the fray, but is grabbed and swallowed by the animated tree. Seeing Prop's current predicament, Vallo shoots at Bo, dealing enough damage to snap him out of whatever spell he was under. Simultaneously, Ulfgar slices open Big Willy from jaw to stomach, freeing Kythor. Bo, Prop, Ulfgar and Zanhorn now converge on the animated tree, freeing Regis from its clutches. Francesca brings Kythor back round. Juniper smashes the cart to pieces as the group cut down the animated tree and begin to converge on her. Regis addresses her in celestial, attempting to get her to submit, which Kythor reinforces with a command.
Commanded so, Juniper halts and takes a knee before them in submission. As the compulsion fades, she stands and removes her mask. A somewhat elven face is revealed, similar to that of Poppy the dryad. Tears can be seen running down her features. She slowly moves back towards the treeline, disappearing in to a near by tree.


Riiver is sent to the island by Harold Gassoport to join those out there working for him and to aid in returning his wife Francesca to him when he sends a more substantial expedition to the island in two days time. He is met there by Steve, near the old camp, and is guided out to join those out on the island working to reclaim the Titan.
Ulfgar helps Bo create a ramshackle chariot from the ruins of the old cart in order to transport the wounded Big Willy following their previous encounter with Juniper. Regis looks around them, searching for any trace of undead lurking in the surrounding trees, but once more is drawn towards the second shadow clinging to Ulfgar. Kythor examines the route by which Juniper left, but is unable to glean anything about where she may have gone too. Knowing they are in a dangerous spot, Vallo takes up watch on the road while a pyre is prepared in the remains of the cart. He hears footsteps approaching them from the south, Riiver and Steve can be seen approaching along the road in the distance. Riiver approaches and introduces himself to the somewhat worse for wear group before him.
Regis takes a moment to pray to Garr and then assists Ulfgar in building the pyre for Smash. Kythor overhears Francesca sending a message via the sending stone that she is in possession of. He takes the opportunity to engage her in conversation and ask about why Harold Gassoport wants her and the Titan back so much. Zanhorn takes advantage of the opportunity presented by the rest of the group being busy and takes Riiver to one side for a brief catch up. With the pyre lit and Big Willy ready to move, Vallo guides them slightly further along the road and off in to a sheltered glade to spend the night. They organise themselves in to four watches to cover the night: Regis and Vallo; Bo and Steve; Riiver an Zanhorn; and Ulfgar & Kythor.
The first watch passes uneventfully. During the second, Poppy appears, telling Steve and Bo that she will return with a goblin that may be able to help them. The third watch also passes uneventfully, however Riiver and Zanhorn plot together. While inspecting Francesca for valuables during the night, Riiver realises that she too is a half-elf and only needs to meditate, and not sleep like most of the others, so will likely be disturbed by such actions. During the fourth and final watch, Ulfgar realises that the half-ork Prop who was previously traveling with them seems to have died in his sleep. Once all are awake, Regis and Bo dig a shallow grave for him. As they de-camp and prepare to move out, Poppy arrives, hand in hand with a goblin, Tark. She has compelled Tark magically to aid them, and makes him tell the group what he had previously told to her.
Tark describes having been in to the dead-lands on the island with the Herald of Gouros. He describes how they travelled to a cave containing a building and a set of pillars that contained some form of portal. He and a number of other goblins carried a "log" through this portal, which Poppy strongly suspects may have been Boreus. Poppy is unable to enter the dead-lands with the group, and the goblin cannot leave her side or its compulsion will be broken, so she agrees to wait for them at the edge of the dead-lands until they re-emerge. The group swiftly set out, following the directions provided by Tark. The further in they travel, the thicker the miasma gets, until their vision is severely reduced by a thick fog, the stench of decay thick in the air around them. The group hear a stag cry out near them, and as it approaches see that it has been corrupted and is overcome with decay. Vallo puts the creature down. Heading deeper in to the miasma, Regis and Kythor hone their senses towards any other undead that may be in the area around them beyond their sight.
Kythor receives another note. After some deliberation he decides to read it, the contents suggest to him that they may be approaching some form of banshee-like creature, so he urges the others to fill their ears with wax as they continue onwards. They come upon the creature that was forewarned of. A tall thin creature can just be seen through the miasma before them, with far too many arms and a mouth that seems to span from its head to the ground. It can be seen ripping the limbs of a wandering undead and burying them in the ground. As they approach, it asks if they have come "to praise him", using thaumaturgy so that it is heard through the wax in their ears. The group try to press on slowly without disturbing it, but when it perceives that they are threatening it, the creature sinks down in to the soft earth beneath them and disappears.
The group turn south as per their directions, some at this point removing the wax. Those that do her heavy breathing, the odd metallic clank and barking noises not too far away. Regis alerts Vallo to this, who then removes his wax and identifies the creatures as orks. he casts pass without a trace on the group and they attempt to sneak onwards through the miasma towards their destination. As they press on, one of the near by orks hears a noise and heads towards them to investigate. Hearing it approach, Vallo prepares an arrow, letting fly just as the ork comes in to his vision. He attempts to move forwards and quietly guide the falling body to the ground, but is unable and the loud clank of the falling ork corpse alerts others nearby. Regis and Kythor work together with thaumaturgy and minor image to attempt to divert those seeking them in the miasma, however their distraction is unsuccessful. A huge 20ft tall ork steps towards them through the fog, shouting in common demanding to know who they are.



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Proceeding through the miasma, the group reach the cave entrance by following Tark's directions. They decide to take a brief rest. Riiver watches down the tunnel, hearing the faint noise of metal squeaking against metal. Heading down in to the tunnel, Vallo takes the lead, casting a torch down ahead to light the way. As they progress deeper in to the earth, they come across a skilfully overladen cart which seems to have a number of large bronze legs. Small iridescent spiders crawl over its surface.
Regis uses thaumaturgy to call the cart to a halt. As the cart slowly turns, it reveals its self as being a large spider-creature wearing a head covering, resting its thorax in the cart it pulls, laden with its impossibly well stacked goods. The creature offers forth some fruit and a crystal decanter containing a dark liquid, enticing the group towards it. Regis, Humphrey and Ulfgar approach. The creature briefly appears to consume the essence of an iridescent crystal before them and motions to suggest that it is willing to engage in trade for more of these crystals. As the three initiate trade with the creature, Kythor impresses on Vallo that they should not tarry, acting on this, Vallo reminds them of where they are and what they are doing before pushing on past. As Kythor and Vallo move past, Riiver uses the distraction of their movement to attempt to explore the wares in the back of the spider's cart.
Casting speak with animals, Ulfgar is able to converse with the spider. It appears that the spider comes down regularly to make deliveries to a "client", although it warns him that a greater creature makes the cave below its home and that they should attempt to avoid this creature, as the spider its self does.
As they press down in to the cavern beyond the tunnel, the bones of long dead creatures litter the floor and there is a permeating smell of rot, excrement and decay. An enormous nest of some sort has been formed on the right side of the cave out of leaves and sand. The rest of the cavern is broken up by stone columns. A mine shaft leads off to the left, an opening high up on the far right side of the cavern can be seen with ropes leading down the rock face to provide access. On the far side, the cavern narrows in to a paved corridor, clad in brickwork. A door is visible at the end of the corridor and torchlight is visible beyond. Moving in, the party examine the various features of the cavern. As they explore the cavern, the spider races in behind them, moving with the haste motivated by fear. While some are already heading down the corridor towards the door, Humphrey remains to see what is pursuing the spider. A hydra looms out of the darkness of the tunnel.
Rushing down the narrower corridor to evade the hydra, the spider, Ulfgar, Kythor and Humphrey bring up the rear as the others begin heading in through the door. Heading in first, Vallo steps in to the large room flanked by torches, a thick black substance covers the floor, making it hard to move. As Zanhorn, Riiver, Regis and Francesca also proceed in to the room, Ulfgar attempts to pull a magical hammer out of the back of the spider's cart without it noticing. Feeling the pull of its wares, the spider turns to confront him, but before either of them have time to respond Kythor casts fear on the spider, escalating the situation and sending all the smaller iridescent spiders fleeing in to the black substance in the room ahead.
As they begin to deal with the now hostile spider, Vallo backs up further in to the room, stepping on a trap below the black substance's surface. A bear trap springs closed around his ankle and the nearest torches along the wall fall down, igniting the substance that turns out to be pitch. Zanhorn races across the room towards the far door, and begins to try and open it to provide an avenue of escape. He deftly unlocks the far door, but struggles to pull it open due to its weight. Seeing the flames drop, Riiver leaps up on to the door through which they entered, holding himself against the ceiling to evade the flames and the spider. Having cast off its cart, the spider enlarges its self and engages with Kythor, Ulfgar and Humphrey, before it slowly backs in to the room away from them.
As the flames begin to spread, Regis, Riiver and Francesca dash towards Zanhorn at the far door. Vallo also attempts to run across, however is caught in two more traps and is caught by the spider as he tries to flee. Francesca casts bull's strength on Riiver so that he can get the door open, and the four of them help Vallo to escape the rapidly spreading fire before he is incinerated. As they haul him through the door, they close this behind them to escape the fire and fumes.
Still in the first corridor, Kythor, Ulfgar and Humphrey each take a moment to recover useful pieces of equipment from the cast off cart before attempting to taunt the spider back towards them to take the pressure off the others. As the spider approaches and the fire intensifies they too close their door. After a moment's though, Kythor convinces Ulfgar and Humphrey to open their door, allowing the spider to flee past them from the fire and directly in to the clutches of the hydra that is now waiting at the entrance of the corridor. The spider manages to escape past the hydra and disappears off in to the cave.
Once the fire subsides, the group reunite past the pitch trap room. Through the far door is a large room with a huge anvil at its centre, flanked by four stone columns. A large dwarven statue stands at each side of the room and a number of motionless figures can be seen standing there.


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Sat meditating on A Good Ship, Ranthor recalls his promise to Boreus. Determined to meet this commitment, he heads out to the east. Getting lost in the foggy miasma, he wonders on until he encounters the corpse of a large ork outside the mouth of a cave. Seeing marks of recent passage, he heads down in to the cave to investigate. Part way through the long descent in to the bowels of the earth, he hears a great clamour heading towards him. As he presses himself to one side, a large spider like creature rushes past, followed closely by a hydra. As he presses further in, he hears the sound of familiar voices. As Ranthor enters the chamber beyond the cavern, he is spotted by Francesca, who heads over to greet him. Humphrey also heads over to catch up with Ranthor, and Riiver goes over to introduce himself.
In the room ahead, an enormous, intricately carved, iron anvil stands on a dais of three concentric rings, flanked by four large pillars. On either side, two giant dwarven statues stand, looking down on the dais. In the clear cone of light bathing the anvil, Regis sees Ulfgar's second shadow seeming to be drawn towards one of the large soul-stones in the room. Single-mindedly, Humphrey heads straight for the anvil, the carvings on which tell him of great deeds of transmutation. Zanhorn sets to scouring the room for anything of value. Riiver makes note of a number of murals around the chamber's walls, heading over to examine the closest in the south east corner, he asks Ulfgar to translate the dwarvish script upon them. Vallo spots a stone tree on the far side of the chamber and circles round to investigate. Examining the tree, he finds it to possess feminine features, and suspects that this may be a member of Boreus' family. Also spotting another mural in this corner of the chamber, with Ulfgar's aid, Vallo examines the other murals. A number of other petrified creatures also stand around the room, and some conspicuous piles of stone which seem to resemble parts of bodies.
Innately drawn towards one of the soul-stones, Ulfgar reaches out towards the closest. As his hand makes contact, a rasping dwarven voice can be heard. The voice introduces its self as Margon. Margon tells them of Astral Forge in which they stand, of the history of the place, and how he would have them use the Astral Forge to create a shield to use in the fight against Gouros. Amongst other details divulged by Margon, they learn that the name of the island on which they tread is Oberon. Weary from their long and arduous day, the group decide to rest in the forge as it presents its self as a relative place of safety for the time being.
Having rested, Francesca uses her clerical abilities to restore the petrified tree. This tree is Ethil, a daughter of Boreus. She tells them that her mother, Oreanna was also here but has departed. She tells of how she attempted the trial of theAstral Forge in order to combat the miasma overtaking the island, but was unsuccessful. Ethil opts to wait outside the chamber while the group attempt to undergo the trial themselves.
Humphrey steps up to the anvil, Ulfgar by his side, to begin the trial. A force throws them down and away from the anvil and off the dais as the trial begins. Words form above the anvil in the cone of light. Ranthor misty steps up to the anvil, standing on the central ring of the dais. As his feet land on the dais, the glyph he stepped upon sinks down and glows red. As the glyph sinks down, a gout of flames shoots forth from the torches along the walls, scorching a number of the others around the chamber. Stepping around again, Ramthor triggers another glyph to sink down in to the dais, again glowing red, this time causing a number of creatures seeming to consist of clusters of eyes to appear on the plinths surrounding the Astral Forge. Riiver and Zanhorn take up positions ready to fire upon these creatures. Humphrey and Regis engage with the creatures next to them. Believing they understand the challenge Humphrey and Vallo begin to step on to a series of glyphs corresponding with the words above the altars that refer to the surrounding murals. The group continue to select glyphs based on the cryptic hints given, while fending off the creatures. A further mistake summons a metallic bull-gorgon to replace the eyes. More correct glyphs are selected, but a further mistake causes the gorgon to disappear and the large dwarven statues to animate and attack the group. Francesca falls victim to one of these, but is stabilised by Regis. Drawing towards the final glyphs, another mistake is made and the animated statues are replaced by three shambling creatures. As Ranthor steps on the final glyph, the hostile creatures disappear and a large magical hammer appears in Humphrey's hands.


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The group take a brief moment to recover following the resolution of the previous trial. Seeing to their wounds, the sound of rocks falling can be heard, and a number of small iridescent spiders burst through the northern door of the chamber and scatter, while they would prefer a brief respite before continuing onward, it is clear that events are moving on around them, and that the other denizens of this place are stirring.
Paragraph missing here relating to the appearance of Thelmin...
They decide their course of action should be to follow Ethil directly and seek to rescue Boreus as soon as possible, slaying the Herald of Gouros and retaking the shards of Gouros's soul prison. Vallo creeps back out in to the Hydra's chamber to investigate if it is safe for them to re-emerge. Kythor uses a message spell to contact Vallo and see if it is safe for them to emerge. The sound of the creature's snoring eerily disappears as the group attempt to advance silently in to the cavern.
Eugene's voice thunders out of the darkness, calling them forth and to surrender Francesca to him, so that he may take her back to her husband, Harold. Vallo steps out from his hiding place and attempts to persuade Eugene not to take her back, to no avail. Seeing that no leeway is being made and that stealth is no longer an option, Humphrey steps forward to challenge Eugene, initiating the melee. Zanhorn spots a scroll at the edge of the Hydra's nest, grasped by a hand protruding out of the nest, he creeps forwards to retrieve it, passing through a shimmering barrier that cordons off the area. As he retrieves the scroll, he has a brief moment to inspect its content before the Hydra awakes. Scurrying away Zanhorn begins to ascend the ropes on the left side of the cavern, Vallo also heading over, beckoning Francesca to climb so that they can all escape from Eugene while he is distracted by the freshly disturbed Hydra.
Ulfgar and Humphrey hold off against Eugene and the Hydra while the other members of the group head towards the ropes to climb out of harms' way. Being the first and swiftest to climb, Zanhorn makes it to the top before the others begin to scale the ropes. He is met at the top by one of Eugene's smaller defenders, blocking the way ahead. The melee in the caver breaks out in to a mess of heads lashing at anything in reach. The Hydra engages both Eugene and the adventurers. Eugene succeeds in binding Francesca with a magical collar, forcing her to submit to his will. He attempts to withdraw, taking Francesca with him, however the combined efforts of the group and the Hydra hinder his efforts. Ulfgar is caught in the centre of the fray, striking savagely at anything in reach. He is eventually brought down, however the spirit of Margon residing within him possesses his damaged body and continues to fight.
Leaping down from the rock face in to the fray below, Zanhorn sneaks over to Francesca, taking a diamond from her as she tries to resist Eugene's commands, and runs it over to Regis in order for him to revivify Ulfgar and keep Margon's soul at bay for a while longer. The fight comes to a head as the Hydra and Eugene are brought down, having suffered much at each others' hands and the group once more have a moment to catch their breaths.


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As the group think they have a seconds respite, a tear in reality opens, a silent stalker emerges forth and begins to move towards Ulfgar. The stalker throws Kythor aside as he attempts to obstruct its path. As the stalker becomes more actively aggressive, Ulfgar and Kythor fight back against it. Only a few minutes after he left the chamber, Thelmin teleports back in to the cavern, dragging Broderic with him. Seeing the current predicament, Thelmin casts a spell on Ulfgar's weapon, enabling him to strike down the stalker with one final blow.
Thelmin demands to know if Broderic is of the blood of the Kings of Oberon, Margon's heir. Ulfgar attempts to dissemble, but Thelmin sees through the lies and begins to cast a spell. Kythor persuades him to stop and not pre-emptively kill Broderic. Thelmin instead decides to magically imprison him until the time where the crisis is resolved or the sacrifice must be made. Having decided this, he teleports away again, once more dragging Broderic with him. While this discourse occurs, Broderic casts a tankard on the ground, and keeps hinting towards it.
Kythor retrieves the tankard containing Kade's soul. As silence returns, the noise of cracking can be heard, one of the hydra's four eggs begins to hatch. Of the four eggs, one is smaller and different, which Kythor decides to take. On Vallo's urging, they decide to leave the hydra's young alone. Ulfgar attempts to provide for their needs before they head on. Vallo retrieves the remaining iridium crystal inside the wreck of Eugene's body and asks Humphrey to mend the crack in it. The group decide to climb up the rockface out of the reach of the now hatching Hydra. Humphrey, Kythor, Regis and Ulfgar take this oportunity to have a breif rest after the previous encounter, while Riiver, Zanhorn and Vallo climb up ahead to scout out the way. Zanhorn stops on the next ledge up to study the scroll he found below in case it might help us on the path ahead. as Riiver and Vallo continue to climb, the voice of a man can be heard calling out from a crevice in the adjacent rock. He begs the group to help free him from the rocks he is trapped under, they promise to help if it be within their power to do so. As the two scouting up ahead press on upwards, they secure and drop down a trail of ropes behind them to aid the climb of the others behind them. Now a fair distance up, they are beset by a number of large spiders and smaller swarms that emerge from other chasms in the rockface. As those above and below begin to engage the spiders, the large crystalline spider that had previously fled makes its self known by hurling large rocks down upon those ascending. The first boulder strikes the ledge Zanhorn and Ulfgar are occupying, casting them down to the ground below. The second boulder traps Riiver beneath it, Kythor and Vallo attempting to free him. A third boulder cast traps Kythor beneath it.


Zanhorn and Humphrey pursue the sound of the voice calling out and find the trader Vihaan, freeing him from the rock he is trapped under and tending to his wounds. While Humphrey tends to the trader, Zanhorn investigates the crevice they are within, and out of sight of the trader, he finds a chest of potions, which he claims. Humphrey carries Vihaan out of the crevice attaching him to himself using a climbing harness and uses a potion of flight given to him by Zanhorn from the chest in order to exit and ascend with greater ease to where the other members of their group fight on above.
Concurrent, Kythor misty steps out from under the boulder trapping him, and moves to assist Riiver out from under the boulder trapping him. Once free, the group on the ledge move in to the cavern to shelter from any more falling rocks. With no more targets available to it, the crystalline spider enters the network of caves to gain access to its prey once more. Vallo, Regis, Kythor, Riiver and [Francesca Gassoport|Francesca]] press in to the cavern and do battle with the spider. This gives Ulfgar the opportunity to climb up unmolested and join the fray, lending his vital assistance to vanquishing the creature.
With the crystalline spider defeated, the group continue their ascent to the top of the cliff face. An argument about morals is had as various members of the group try to intimidate information from Vihaan about what might lie ahead, however with reasonable discourse, the trader is persuaded to inform them of the method of entry to the portal up ahead and what might await them beyond. As they approach the chamber ahead where the portal lies, a voice booms out demanding that they declare themselves. As they begin to respond, another voice can be heard debating with the other as to whether this group of adventurers could help them. The voices reveal themselves, dropping down from the cavern ceiling, showing themselves to be tentacled stalactites with giant toothy maws. They were once priests of Imogen, sent by the Gassoport Estate that were cursed by their goddess. Promises were made to attempt to restore them in exchange for the full details on how to use the portal, however they lay down the line that if no help is forthcoming, they will eat the group when they return through the portal after what they seek.


Having drank from the phials that Vihaan prepared from the barrel, Zanhorn dives straight through the portal. Ulfgar braces a rope thrown in after him as a safety line. As the group prepare to follow Zanhorn, Kythor's voice is heard echoing around the chamber. As the voice berates the group, they narrow down its source to the mirror at the end of the room. An armoured image of Kythor stands in the mirror, demanding he place his mace on the dais in front of the mirror and walk away, if he complies no one will be hurt. Kythor argues with the figure, who threatens to reveal his secrets to the rest of his companions if he does not take the figure's final offer. Kythor Places the mace on the dais. The figure reaches out of the mirror, taking the mace in its hand and stepping out of the mirror in to the chamber. The figure grows to a huge size, it wears a tall horned helmet and a cloak dripping in blood, its blackened armour covered in sigils of Garr. As the figure emerges, Kythor withers and ages, kneeling in deference to it.
Zanhorn is thrown through the portal, although slowing on the other side, the motion makes him immediately sick. The place on the other side of the portal is airless, although there is no air to breath, he is not suffocating. It is pitch black here, although he can see that there are writings on the walls adjacent to the portal and there seem to be some corpses on the floor of the chamber. As there is no sign of the others following, Zanhorn returns through the portal.
The figure from the mirror demands that everyone should bow before him, hearing this Vallo declares that they should leave and head through the portal without delay. He heads to the barrel on the table to drink, however is ensorcelled by the magical cups. The cups compel him to sit and drink of them until he is rendered unconscious. Humphrey steps forward to confront the figure, who reveals that it's name is Axis. Regis also steps forward to confront Axis, enquiring of his purpose. Zanhorn and Kythor attempt to assist Vallo, who is healed by Francesca. Now conscious Vallo drinks of the barrel, and stays to offer assistance to others. Kythor, seeing the effect of the cups, moves in to grab the barrel, and misty steps with it away from the cups, removing the hazard for the others.
Axis' attention shifts to Regis as they banter. He reaches towards Regis and tears the flesh off part of his face. Humphrey steps forward to aid Regis, using magic to fuse the armour on Axis' legs. Standing firm, Regis calls upon Garr to reclaim the soul of his lost herald, channelling power in to the fallen herald. Kythor moves in to assist the other two in the melee, the other members of the group attempting to assist from a distance. As he sees this is an encounter he cannot win, Axis conjures an orb of Hellfire, hoping to take Regis, Humphrey and Kythor out with him. Regis is killed by the hellfire. He is brought back by Francesca's magic and much beseeching of Garr by Kythor. The group take a moment to recover before drinking of the barrel and heading through the portal.
In the dark, airless cave on the other side of the portal, the group feel the presence of the undead on all sides. Humphrey uses his sunblade to light their way and Vallo heads a little further ahead to scout the way having been made invisible by Regis. He proceeds onward until he encounters an orange glowing light, a magically lit torch, illuminating a dead dwarf slumped against a doorway. The dead dwarf converses with Kythor before being put to rest by Regis. Going through the doorway, the group emerge from the cave to starlight. Following direction from the dead dwarf, Kythor urges the group that they should run.
Heading towards the silhouette of hills in the distance, they approach a line where the terrain goes from dark to well lit. As they crest the hills and cross in to the light, they see a dark orb in the sky above, which they recognise to be Tempress.


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The group head towards the chasm in the moonscape. Kythor begins to suffer from the effects of his aging following his confrontation with Axis. Keeping a keen eye on their unfamiliar surroundings, Zanhorn catches a glimpse of movement off to one side as they proceed through the cratered landscape as Vallo leads the group onwards. As they press on a number of undead dwarves become visible in the distance. The movement in the adjacent crater also catches Vallo's eye, revealing some concealed orkish features. Erring on the side of caution he motions the group to a halt. Regis takes the opportunity to investigate one of the nearby undead now they have stopped moving; it lies on the floor, its legs missing, gazing vacantly in to the distance and reaching out as if grasping at something. Meanwhile Ulfgar, Humphrey, Kythor, Zanhorn and Vallo move in to investigate the hiding ork. As they approach, the ork reveals its self, and its three companions emerge from nearby, they are some of the Scorched. Humphrey salutes them, lightning arching from his hammer, and Vallo attempts to communicate with them in the absence of sound. The lightning from Humphrey's hammer attracts the attention of the undead dwarves, who begging to flock around him, grasping for the hammer.
A female human, thin and pale, appears from amongst the nearby craters, making herself known to the others nearby. The Scorched indicate to Vallo that they are hunting the woman and are at war with her people. Simultaneously Regis moves towards her to make contact. Zanhorn begins to feel unwell, feeling that his eyes begin to freeze and that the air is being sucked from his body in the vacuum. Ulfgar and Francesca move over to try and aid him. The mysterious woman approaches Regis, conjuring a bubble of air, enabling them to talk more freely. She calls herself "6" and informs him that Zanhorn is dying, prompting Regis to also dash over to Zanhorn. In the confusion, Vihaan slips away from the party, heading off towards the chasm to the north-east. As the group address Zanhorn's condition, the orks move in pursuit of the woman, but are struck down by an unseen force. Closer investigation by Kythor reveals that they were killed by a distant ballista.
6 beckons the group over in to her bubble of air, inquiring as to their origins and purpose. After much discussion, 6 decides to take the group back to her settlement, Harmony. The group are lead to the chasm in the distance, and as they approach they an see localised clouds hanging over it. As they approach closer, they are able to see a number of wooden towers, and as they head down stairs carved in to the chasm side, they see a thriving ecosystem containing farmland and woodland nestled within the rift on the moon's surface. As they descend, they find they are able to breathe normally. 6 escorts them to a tavern, the Golden Acre to await her senior, 4, who comes to meet them and ask further questions about their intentions. They are given bed and board at the Golden Acre until a decision can be made about them by Harmony's leaders, and are permitted access to the area of the chasm known as "Sow" which contains the farmland.


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