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==[[The Myste-Hass Calender]]==
==[[The Myste-Hass Calender]]==
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Several new arrivals in [[Myste-Hass]] explore the town and meet with [[Remy]] at The [[Harbour View Guest House]] and she asks them to retrieve a necklace which her ex-husband has taken. On the journey out to find him at the [[Quarry of the People]], the group encounter someone who has fallen in the well. Whilst trying to rescue this individual, the new adventurers are attacked by a water creature within the cavern.
Several new arrivals in [[Myste-Hass]] explore the town and meet with [[Remy]] at The [[Harbour View Guest House]] and she asks them to retrieve a necklace which her ex-husband has taken. On the journey out to find him at the [[Quarry of the People]], the group encounter someone who has fallen in the well. Whilst trying to rescue this individual, the new adventurers are attacked by a water creature within the cavern.
:With the town in disarray following the liberation of [[Myste-Hass]], the remaining populace start to put their lives and what remains of the city, back together. In the [[Western Docks]], an old warehouse has been refitted in order to establish a new tavern, [[The Dregs]]. The new arrivals to town; [[Aerendyl]], [[Bria]], [[Crassus Hlaalu|Crassus]], [[Elril]], [[K'Resh]], [[Lucius]] and [[Zalphar]] meet over breakfast at this new establishment.
:While [[Bria]] attempts to buy breakfast for [[The Dregs]]' clientele from the proprietor, [[Stoney]], [[Crassus Hlaalu|Crassus]] is making the rounds, attempting to recruit a crew to retrieve the [[Dead Man's Raft]]. A former sailor, [[Gleson]] shares tales of sea-monsters in the docks and of a formidable siren in the river estuary waylaying any ships seeking to go inland. He cautions those new in town that the [[Southern Docks]] are now under the control of an individual called [[Dooraz]].
:A tiefling walks in to discuss business with [[Stoney]]. Overhearing a conversation regarding work, the group interject with their own enquiries, whether it is seeking work for themselves or looking to employ others. The tiefling introduces himself as [[Goraz]], explaining his current roll in the stabilisation of [[Myste-Hass]].
:The new group decide to head down through the [[Western Docks]] to the [[Myste-Hass Lighthouse|Lighthouse]] to investigate the stories of a sea-monster dragging ships to their doom on the rocks. With the recent damage to the [[Southern Docks]] during [[Operation Pincer]], the [[Western Docks]] have now heaving with activity. As [[Crassus Hlaalu|Crassus]] stops to put up a recruiting notice at the docks, he is approached by a sailor called [[Pellis]] who signs up to join the [[Dead Man's Raft]]'s crew and agrees to keep an eye out for other sailors who may be interested in such work. [[Bria]] stops at a shop selling "pig buns" and puts a deposit in with the owner to pay for food for passers buy until the money runs out.
:As they approach the [[Southern Docks]] and see that a barricade has been established to keep people out, [[Aerendyl]] and [[Lucius]] head over to talk to the guard on duty. The guard tells them that the barricade was authorised by the city council and pass off the rumour of a sea-monster as just drunken sailors getting in to trouble. The group heads across the beach towards the [[Myste-Hass Lighthouse|Lighthouse]] which appears to be on a tidal island. Everything seems quiet, the remnants of the stern end of a ship visible on the rocks, the tide coming in. As they walk across the beach, a wave crashes down on [[K'Resh]], knocking him to the ground. A second wave swiftly follows, crashing down on the rest of the group and revealing the presence of two water elementals.
:While [[Aerendyl]], [[Elril]], [[Lucius]] and [[Zalphar]] retreat up the beach and away from the rising water, [[Bria]], [[Crassus Hlaalu|Crassus]] and [[K'Resh]] struggle in the shallows against the elementals. One of the elementals peals away to surge up the beach towards those higher up, but both are successfully dissipated. They retreat swiftly up the shore towards the [[Myste-Hass Lighthouse|Lighthouse]]. Knocking on the door, the group are answered by a voice that insists they cannot enter. Insisting that it is important they enter to speak to the lighthouse keeper, they are told that they me only enter one at a time. During the conversation [[Elril]] overhears whispering on the other side of the door indicating that those inside intend to murder the lighthouse keeper and make their escape.
:[[Crassus Hlaalu|Crassus]] blasts down the door, revealing three Aldani, followers of [[Verru]]. The group surge in, taking down the Aldani one by one. Once their foes are vanquished, a quick search of the lower level was made before heading up the tower to seek out the lighthouse keeper. While the Aldani had been below for a number of days, the keeper had been holed up in the upper levels, [[Aerendyl]] persuaded him to let the group in. He revealed to them that the Aldani had attacked the [[Myste-Hass Lighthouse|Lighthouse]] in order to gain possession of a magical heirloom passed down through the lighthouse keeper's family, a bowl that has the power to summon water elementals in order to help or hinder ships entering or leaving the docks. The Aldani took the bowl and are now residing in the caves below. They captured the ship now on the rocks in order to enslave its crew, using them to operate the magical heirloom to wreak havoc. The keeper asks the group if they will drive out the remaining followers of [[Verru]] and reclaim the bowl.
:[[Aerendyl]], [[Bria]], [[Crassus Hlaalu|Crassus]], [[Elril]] and [[K'Resh]] discuss their options with [[Lucien]] the lighthouse keeper on the ground level of the [[Myste-Hass Lighthouse]]. There are three routes that the group could take down in to the caverns below: a hatch in the main storeroom opens to a ladder that descends straight down to a jetty within the cave system where [[Lucien]] has a small boat moored; in a secondary lower storeroom there is also a hatch leading down, however the shaft has collapse inn upon its self after about 10ft; and finally, there is an entrance to the cave system from the sea however the entrance is somewhat concealed and the waters are treacherous.
:The group investigate both hatches. In the lower storeroom, voices can be heard discussing the sacrifice of prisoners to "the bowl". [[Lucien]] insists that no sacrifice is necessary for the usual ritual for its use. Taking a brief rest to restore their strength, the group decide to head below and attempt a rescue and the recovery of "the bowl" themselves. [[K'Resh]] apprehensively takes the lead down the ladder in to the caves below, slipping part way down, but managing to grab a firm hold on the ladder, makes it safely down to the bottom. The others follow him down with no incident.
:The chamber below is eerily quiet, other than the sound of the crashing waves around them. A crumbling jetty sticks out in to churning water within the cave, a small boat tied up against it. In the mouth of the cave, a ship, the [[Golden Cutlass]] is wedged against the rocks, its main mast snapped.
:Spotting a child moving on board the ship, [[Crassus Hlaalu|Crassus]] insists on rowing over to retrieve it before heading in to certain danger despite [[Bria]]'s attempts to dissuade him. [[Elril]] joins him in the small boat as they set out on this task.  As [[Crassus Hlaalu|Crassus]] and [[Elril]] row out, the boat violently tips over. [[Crassus Hlaalu|Crassus]] is able to scramble over on to the other side of the now up-turned boat, but [[Elril]] sinks below the surface as he struggles with his chain maille. Diving in to the water after [[Elril]], [[Crassus Hlaalu|Crassus]] leaps straight in to the jaws of a waiting shark. The two struggle in the water, helping each other fend off their watery predator as they aid each other in swimming back to the jetty and firm ground. As they near the land, [[K'Resh]] valiantly leaps at the shark, but misjudging the distance leaps straight over it. The three swiftly exit the water with aid from [[Bria]].
:Concurrently, [[Aerendyl]] tries to take a small peek through the door that leads deeper in to the cavern. Peering through the door, he can just about see a group of four captives bound hand and foot and all tied together. Taking another, bolder peek, [[Aerendyl]] sees a total of 16 captives, tied together in the same way as the first four. A sahuagin and two aldani confer in the far corner of the room. With their attention away from the  captives, [[Aerendyl]] tosses a dagger to a group of captive so that they may free themselves. The dagger clatters loudly on the floor as it falls short. As he swiftly ducks back through the door, and the other three exit the water, two aldani spring out of the water on the other side of the chamber and fall upon [[Aerendyl]] and [[Bria]], another barging through the door.
:[[Crassus Hlaalu|Crassus]] misty steps in to the room containing the prisoners, preventing the sahuagin from dispatching them; [[Aerendyl]], [[Bria]], [[Elril]] and [[K'Resh]] engage the aldani. The group are slowly taken down one by one, first [[Bria]] then [[Aerendyl]] and [[Elril]] who is carried off as a sacrifice. Seeing this, [[K'Resh]] attempts to flee, but is caught and downed himself by an aldani. Realising the situation, [[Crassus Hlaalu|Crassus]] retreats back towards the others, healing [[Elril]] and [[Aerendyl]]. [[Aerendyl]] attempts to bring [[Bria]] and [[K'Resh]] back round, but unfortunately it is too late for them despite his best efforts.
:As he comes back round in the claws of his captor, [[Elril]] breaks free, dashing back, slamming the door behind him and holding it against his pursuers. The aldani hammer against the door on the other side, [[Elril]] decides to fall back further, back to the first chamber. With the situation hopeless, he feels that his deity has ordained that it is these captives' time. Directing the tearfull [[Aerendyl]] back up to the [[Myste-Hass Lighthouse|Lighthouse]], [[Elril]] tries to drag [[Crassus Hlaalu|Crassus]] back towards the ladder.
:Refusing to give up on his fellow sailors, [[Crassus Hlaalu|Crassus]] pushes back in to the room full of captive sailors, attempting to hold the aldani and eel-folk in the room back with a gust of wind, shouting at them to try their best to free themselves with the various scattered weaponry in the room. A single man is able to break free of his bonds, but is instantly cut down. With great sadness, [[Crassus Hlaalu|Crassus]] heeds [[Elril]]'s council and begins to retreat before they become overrun.
:As [[Aerendyl]], [[Elril]] and [[Crassus Hlaalu|Crassus]] pour out of the hatch in to the [[Myste-Hass Lighthouse|Lighthouse]] storeroom, they pile crates on top of the hatch to prevent pursuit. Following a brief discussion with [[Lucien]], they decide to leave for the mainland, taking [[Lucien]] with them as it is clear the [[Myste-Hass Lighthouse|Lighthouse]] is no longer safe. The tide is still high, the water around the [[Myste-Hass Lighthouse|Lighthouse]] seeming to be rougher and wilder than before. [[Aerendyl]] leads a prayer to [[Alaie]] to still the waters for long enough for them to leave. As they pray, a water elemental rises before them, a face forming upon it. They are addressed by a voice coming from the elemental claiming to be [[Verru]]. The voice tells them that their souls are marked for death, that [[Alaie]] has become weak and that the old gods are rising once more. A wave rises as if to crash down upon the group, but pauses, as if [[Alaie]] is answering their prayers, allowing them to reach the mainland. As they look back, another boat has capsized in the harbour, [[Verru]] has claimed this part of the docks.
:[[Aerendyl]], [[Elril]], [[Crassus Hlaalu|Crassus]] and [[Lucien]] head for the barricade around the [[Southern Docks]]. After a brief conversation with the guards there, a messenger is dispatched to notify [[Dooraz]]. As [[Dooraz]] arrives and begins to discuss the recent events with the group, [[Goraz]] also appears, having heard of a potential "threat" to the City's commerce. An emergency council meeting is convened to discuss the arising issue in the [[Southern Docks]].

Latest revision as of 13:48, 10 January 2023

New In Town.jpg

The Myste-Hass Calender


New arrivals in town head to the arena for the first time, and several minor legends are born. The arena is electric with news of the Helvettian Champion, Klay, arriving for the fights. These newbies are tasked with retrieving some goods from the Southern Docks, but a fight breaks out and they are left explaining themselves to the militia guards.


Several new arrivals in Myste-Hass explore the town and meet with Remy at The Harbour View Guest House and she asks them to retrieve a necklace which her ex-husband has taken. On the journey out to find him at the Quarry of the People, the group encounter someone who has fallen in the well. Whilst trying to rescue this individual, the new adventurers are attacked by a water creature within the cavern.


With the town in disarray following the liberation of Myste-Hass, the remaining populace start to put their lives and what remains of the city, back together. In the Western Docks, an old warehouse has been refitted in order to establish a new tavern, The Dregs. The new arrivals to town; Aerendyl, Bria, Crassus, Elril, K'Resh, Lucius and Zalphar meet over breakfast at this new establishment.
While Bria attempts to buy breakfast for The Dregs' clientele from the proprietor, Stoney, Crassus is making the rounds, attempting to recruit a crew to retrieve the Dead Man's Raft. A former sailor, Gleson shares tales of sea-monsters in the docks and of a formidable siren in the river estuary waylaying any ships seeking to go inland. He cautions those new in town that the Southern Docks are now under the control of an individual called Dooraz.
A tiefling walks in to discuss business with Stoney. Overhearing a conversation regarding work, the group interject with their own enquiries, whether it is seeking work for themselves or looking to employ others. The tiefling introduces himself as Goraz, explaining his current roll in the stabilisation of Myste-Hass.
The new group decide to head down through the Western Docks to the Lighthouse to investigate the stories of a sea-monster dragging ships to their doom on the rocks. With the recent damage to the Southern Docks during Operation Pincer, the Western Docks have now heaving with activity. As Crassus stops to put up a recruiting notice at the docks, he is approached by a sailor called Pellis who signs up to join the Dead Man's Raft's crew and agrees to keep an eye out for other sailors who may be interested in such work. Bria stops at a shop selling "pig buns" and puts a deposit in with the owner to pay for food for passers buy until the money runs out.
As they approach the Southern Docks and see that a barricade has been established to keep people out, Aerendyl and Lucius head over to talk to the guard on duty. The guard tells them that the barricade was authorised by the city council and pass off the rumour of a sea-monster as just drunken sailors getting in to trouble. The group heads across the beach towards the Lighthouse which appears to be on a tidal island. Everything seems quiet, the remnants of the stern end of a ship visible on the rocks, the tide coming in. As they walk across the beach, a wave crashes down on K'Resh, knocking him to the ground. A second wave swiftly follows, crashing down on the rest of the group and revealing the presence of two water elementals.
While Aerendyl, Elril, Lucius and Zalphar retreat up the beach and away from the rising water, Bria, Crassus and K'Resh struggle in the shallows against the elementals. One of the elementals peals away to surge up the beach towards those higher up, but both are successfully dissipated. They retreat swiftly up the shore towards the Lighthouse. Knocking on the door, the group are answered by a voice that insists they cannot enter. Insisting that it is important they enter to speak to the lighthouse keeper, they are told that they me only enter one at a time. During the conversation Elril overhears whispering on the other side of the door indicating that those inside intend to murder the lighthouse keeper and make their escape.
Crassus blasts down the door, revealing three Aldani, followers of Verru. The group surge in, taking down the Aldani one by one. Once their foes are vanquished, a quick search of the lower level was made before heading up the tower to seek out the lighthouse keeper. While the Aldani had been below for a number of days, the keeper had been holed up in the upper levels, Aerendyl persuaded him to let the group in. He revealed to them that the Aldani had attacked the Lighthouse in order to gain possession of a magical heirloom passed down through the lighthouse keeper's family, a bowl that has the power to summon water elementals in order to help or hinder ships entering or leaving the docks. The Aldani took the bowl and are now residing in the caves below. They captured the ship now on the rocks in order to enslave its crew, using them to operate the magical heirloom to wreak havoc. The keeper asks the group if they will drive out the remaining followers of Verru and reclaim the bowl.


Aerendyl, Bria, Crassus, Elril and K'Resh discuss their options with Lucien the lighthouse keeper on the ground level of the Myste-Hass Lighthouse. There are three routes that the group could take down in to the caverns below: a hatch in the main storeroom opens to a ladder that descends straight down to a jetty within the cave system where Lucien has a small boat moored; in a secondary lower storeroom there is also a hatch leading down, however the shaft has collapse inn upon its self after about 10ft; and finally, there is an entrance to the cave system from the sea however the entrance is somewhat concealed and the waters are treacherous.
The group investigate both hatches. In the lower storeroom, voices can be heard discussing the sacrifice of prisoners to "the bowl". Lucien insists that no sacrifice is necessary for the usual ritual for its use. Taking a brief rest to restore their strength, the group decide to head below and attempt a rescue and the recovery of "the bowl" themselves. K'Resh apprehensively takes the lead down the ladder in to the caves below, slipping part way down, but managing to grab a firm hold on the ladder, makes it safely down to the bottom. The others follow him down with no incident.
The chamber below is eerily quiet, other than the sound of the crashing waves around them. A crumbling jetty sticks out in to churning water within the cave, a small boat tied up against it. In the mouth of the cave, a ship, the Golden Cutlass is wedged against the rocks, its main mast snapped.
Spotting a child moving on board the ship, Crassus insists on rowing over to retrieve it before heading in to certain danger despite Bria's attempts to dissuade him. Elril joins him in the small boat as they set out on this task. As Crassus and Elril row out, the boat violently tips over. Crassus is able to scramble over on to the other side of the now up-turned boat, but Elril sinks below the surface as he struggles with his chain maille. Diving in to the water after Elril, Crassus leaps straight in to the jaws of a waiting shark. The two struggle in the water, helping each other fend off their watery predator as they aid each other in swimming back to the jetty and firm ground. As they near the land, K'Resh valiantly leaps at the shark, but misjudging the distance leaps straight over it. The three swiftly exit the water with aid from Bria.
Concurrently, Aerendyl tries to take a small peek through the door that leads deeper in to the cavern. Peering through the door, he can just about see a group of four captives bound hand and foot and all tied together. Taking another, bolder peek, Aerendyl sees a total of 16 captives, tied together in the same way as the first four. A sahuagin and two aldani confer in the far corner of the room. With their attention away from the captives, Aerendyl tosses a dagger to a group of captive so that they may free themselves. The dagger clatters loudly on the floor as it falls short. As he swiftly ducks back through the door, and the other three exit the water, two aldani spring out of the water on the other side of the chamber and fall upon Aerendyl and Bria, another barging through the door.
Crassus misty steps in to the room containing the prisoners, preventing the sahuagin from dispatching them; Aerendyl, Bria, Elril and K'Resh engage the aldani. The group are slowly taken down one by one, first Bria then Aerendyl and Elril who is carried off as a sacrifice. Seeing this, K'Resh attempts to flee, but is caught and downed himself by an aldani. Realising the situation, Crassus retreats back towards the others, healing Elril and Aerendyl. Aerendyl attempts to bring Bria and K'Resh back round, but unfortunately it is too late for them despite his best efforts.
As he comes back round in the claws of his captor, Elril breaks free, dashing back, slamming the door behind him and holding it against his pursuers. The aldani hammer against the door on the other side, Elril decides to fall back further, back to the first chamber. With the situation hopeless, he feels that his deity has ordained that it is these captives' time. Directing the tearfull Aerendyl back up to the Lighthouse, Elril tries to drag Crassus back towards the ladder.
Refusing to give up on his fellow sailors, Crassus pushes back in to the room full of captive sailors, attempting to hold the aldani and eel-folk in the room back with a gust of wind, shouting at them to try their best to free themselves with the various scattered weaponry in the room. A single man is able to break free of his bonds, but is instantly cut down. With great sadness, Crassus heeds Elril's council and begins to retreat before they become overrun.
As Aerendyl, Elril and Crassus pour out of the hatch in to the Lighthouse storeroom, they pile crates on top of the hatch to prevent pursuit. Following a brief discussion with Lucien, they decide to leave for the mainland, taking Lucien with them as it is clear the Lighthouse is no longer safe. The tide is still high, the water around the Lighthouse seeming to be rougher and wilder than before. Aerendyl leads a prayer to Alaie to still the waters for long enough for them to leave. As they pray, a water elemental rises before them, a face forming upon it. They are addressed by a voice coming from the elemental claiming to be Verru. The voice tells them that their souls are marked for death, that Alaie has become weak and that the old gods are rising once more. A wave rises as if to crash down upon the group, but pauses, as if Alaie is answering their prayers, allowing them to reach the mainland. As they look back, another boat has capsized in the harbour, Verru has claimed this part of the docks.
Aerendyl, Elril, Crassus and Lucien head for the barricade around the Southern Docks. After a brief conversation with the guards there, a messenger is dispatched to notify Dooraz. As Dooraz arrives and begins to discuss the recent events with the group, Goraz also appears, having heard of a potential "threat" to the City's commerce. An emergency council meeting is convened to discuss the arising issue in the Southern Docks.