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The Myste-Hass Calender


A group of Myste-Hass adventures are met at the docks by a sailor who rows the party out to a large ship. The group are informed that they are being employed by Gasrapoar to retrieve goods from a ship called the Titan. The huge boat has run-a-ground but appears to be an expensive off-shore prison for the extremely wealthy. Before the group arrives at the island, they check out a cove with a magical light glowing which releases many undead figures. On the island, the group is introduced to Gasrapoar. Suddenly, the group are informed that Gasrapoar’s cartographer is trapped in a dangerous situation on the beach, and the party head to intervene, facing several brutish creatures. They also discover a very large dwarven styled door before sailing back to Myste-Hass.


A group of heroes answer the call and get onboard the dwarf ship. Mystic makes sure to receive the toll fee before the journey is started because she has been short changed. The group set sail for the island. However, a bad bit of seamanship sends the ship off course, where they encounter a woman floating in the water amongst the flotsam and jetsam of a wrecked ship. The inevitable rescue goes wrong when the woman reveals herself as a sea hag. She summons water elementals who harass the group until Gold Standard surplexes her off the rafters. Upon making landfall, the experienced crew lead the way and receive orders to make contact with the orc tribes. C'anis attempts to pilot a dwarven Mech, with mixed results. Unfortunately, they do not make it to the orc tribes as they encounter a strange plant attacking an elephant herd. This sends the beasts into a rage and the heroes find themselves simultaneously fighting the elephants, whilst trying to save their lives against the plants. Two of the baby elephants begin to follow Datura and Mystic around. The day is saved by a strange druid called Fark, who befriends the elephants and heals the dying member of the herd. Mystic finds an unusual device amongst the corpses and, recognising the symbol, keeps the item for later.

05/03/20 – 07/03/20

A group sets sail and encounters sharks. As they arrive on the island, they continue scouting the orc tribes again. Getting closer, the party notices bugbear and goblin heads on spikes. Interaction with the orcs indicates that the orcs are interested in metal. Mystic attempts to make a trade but, on seeing Gold Standard, the orcs are amazed, thinking he is some form of dragon god. The adventurers agree to retrieve the orcs four sacks of crab meat for use as an offering in their ritual. Upon exiting the camp, one of the group idly takes a shot at a nearby monkey. This leads to the summoning of two enormous gorilla titans.


Mystic experiences a nightmare and notices the magical device she took get extremely hot. 'Til accidentally borrows Krug’s mug, leading him into swimming out from the ship to retrieve the item. The party sets out to the cave where Mystic first retrieved the mysterious symbol. Here they face a series of challenges. Firstly, shadow creatures attempt to drain their strength. Next is a challenge of trust, where the adventurers must throw themselves from a cliff. At the bottom, the figure from Mystic’s nightmare offers the group power at the cost of blood. She accepts and they defeat the monstrosities which form from the statues.


