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The Great Library of Kahzara

Work began on the Library in 596 and took 40 years to complete the building work, finally opening as a Library in 646. Commissioned by the Mortal God, the Library was exquisitely designed and a acted as a great tribute to God of Knowledge, Peridot. Kahzarans believe that the Great Library remains the largest, and most important structure within the civilised world.

Uniquely, the Great Library is accessible to anyone in the pursuit of knowledge and bars access to none. The Great Library is run by a plethora of scholars who are experts in both Arcane and Divine studies. Though the Library encourages those of all walks of life to study, there are a number of restricted sections within the Library. Rumors indicate that in the lower levels there is an entire floor devoted to the study of the Fallen Goddess, Tempress.
In 3397 the rebellion resulted in the massacre or disappearance of nearly all the scholars at the Great Library. When the Youths of Kahzara rose up and began killing everyone over the age of 30, a large proportion of the library scholars were targets. Ill-equipped for violence, a large number fled to nearby countries whilst they could - those that refused to leave were dragged out into the streets and massacred.
With the elders gone, the Library was left virtually un-staffed for years, the few younger scholars that remained lacked the knowledge to continue many of the research projects and the building began to fall into disrepair. However, over the past few years there has been a resurgence of interest in the Library and number of scholars have began to increase. Slowly the repair work has been funded through charity, information service and, supposedly, the sale of secrets thought lost with the elder scholars who had died within the rebellion. However, much of Library remains unexplored by the new scholars and no one knows what secrets could be read within the lower levels.